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The most absurd Madonna rumors you heard?

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What's the most absurd, funny, ridiculous, unbelievable Madonna rumor you heard? Let's focus on her music/tours/movies/videos and work in general, and keep the gossip and private life rumors out of it, because that's just a whole other can of worms..

For me it's the new song/single Sex Makes The World Go Round released with GHV2, and the accompanying video shot (if I remember correctly..) with Australian coal mine workers :laughing:

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27 minutes ago, Blue Jean said:

I remember the rumour of pregnant dancing women for PDP in Re-invention. It kind of sounded cool to me though :laughing:

oh, yes, I remember that!

Also, before DWT premiered, there was quite a believable setlist floating around, except it had Flashdance - What a Feeling as the finale song :confused: Made absolutely no sense, but I could totally imagine Madonna's version in 2001 :fire:

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32 minutes ago, Blue Jean said:

I remember the rumour of pregnant dancing women for PDP in Re-invention. It kind of sounded cool to me though :laughing:

oh, and there was a rumor Re-Invention would start in a museum setting, with Madonna all the dancers posing as statues, and each night Madonna would be a different statue, appearing in a different part of the stage. Not really absurd, but not too believable either.

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I remember around the time she had given birth to Lourdes, i was in a shop with my parents while on holiday in south of France, and i read an article in a magazine that said she had videos and pics taken during the childbirth/delivery in the hospital room and that she would make a sex book part 2 with it called "Baby".

Totally chocking lol. 

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5 hours ago, Honey Little said:

I still believe that she had something to do with Lies In Your Eyes:

Perhaps she ghost wrote it or something. It’s really mysterious.



Wouldn't it be cool if the song appeared as a hidden track on a future deluxe edition of Like A Virgin, and after the song she says: Yup, that WAS me! :)

(But no. I've listened to it so many times and I don't think it's her voice on the record...)

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