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What Madonna Song am I Thinking Of? -- MeantToBeIconic's New Game!


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I'm gonna wait til someone guesses yours, peace I'm out, sore attitude over a game where you have to answer what is asked of you.You can't just give the VAGUEST answers. You're not directing, you're not answering.The answers to the questions are tooooo concise or all over the place and it's suuuper messy.

this is a yesno game.....
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I feel the title is pretty self-explanatory. I have a Madonna song in mind. You have to try to guess. You can ask me questions to try to narrow it down. The one who guesses gets to pick the next song, and so on.




That said, I have mine. Any questions?



Look at how it specifically specifies the types of specific answers and specific questions that specifically have to be asked specifically. Answer damn questions so people can figure yours out because you're a problem at this point.

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