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The next tour...


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Okay so this is WAY to early to start thinking/talking about the next Madonna tour, but what would you like to see? What do you expect her to present us?


I mean, it's hard to say now, cause it depends on how the upcoming album will be. She will probably do another arena tour, cause tbh I can't see her selling out stadiums anymore (at least not in Europe or America, it might work in South America or Asia tho). If she releases another COADF, she could be doing another stadium tour (or do at least some stadiums shows). I also think Madonna won't ever do a greatest hits tour, that's just not her thing.



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Of course our dream sets which are always packed with deep cuts and never happen, Rescue Me is like something we will never grasp or will we? Like I want the RHT stuff but doesn't she know that the TOAC was amazing, just doing songs off the cuff, also why are the tours packed with the hits? If your paying a mortgage no casual (or well in my case I was poor) and you don't want the hits unless you do? and we can't be friends lol. So put more of them in the set or just do the what Kylie did and make it the tour.


Oh and team drum thing!  :heart:

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Girl, all these songs are horrible. It would kind of be amazing to see her perform them jokingly though. Or better yet, as a challenge to see how great of a show she could make with this setlist. 




Also not a gang up but WTF lol. and Spanish Lesson like I"m Going Bananas I always say are thematic and like so bad it hurts my soul.


I just realizing this was a gag set so why Superstar, I Love New York, and S.E.X. and LMTWGR. 

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To be honest, I could totally do WITHOUT obscures and so-called "fan favorites" as some of them are also "fan-loathed" ones, depends on one's taste.


I would love to see her either pull a full-blown tour again with all the gadgets but really aimed at reinforcing her status as a true pop icon with the greatest hits out there. I think that's what the general public always will appreciate.


an acoustic set, truly acoustic. NOT HER on the guitar...let the musicians come up with truly great arrangements, no rushed crap.

and then give us heartfelt, well-rehearsed stuff.


and I so wish she wouldn't ask Guy Oseary or her kids when it comes to artistic decisions.

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