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Rebel Heart - Album Thread [Happy 1st Birthday!]


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I have to wait until tomorrow to get mine, but unfortunately it's only the string cover we get here, not the other two, since they're total idiots here! Maybe they're worried about cost, that it would cost too much to produce all of them. So I'm waiting for the other two to be sent, plus my Japanese one....

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None of my US copies have even shipped yet.  It's so annoying.  Watch all of my international editions arrive first, or I'll have to go to the store anyway.  :speakno:


Also, how do I cancel my iTunes pre-order?  I can't find the pre-orders link anywhere.  And will it then cost more to "complete my album" than the $3.88 it currently is?  I'm looking at complete my album options for some random songs I have and they seem to be round numbers.  It's so hard to help M.

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None of my US copies have even shipped yet.  It's so annoying.  Watch all of my international editions arrive first, or I'll have to go to the store anyway.  :speakno:

Also, how do I cancel my iTunes pre-order?  I can't find the pre-orders link anywhere.  And will it then cost more to "complete my album" than the $3.88 it currently is?  I'm looking at complete my album options for some random songs I have and they seem to be round numbers.  It's so hard to help M.


Same. I'm debating on going to the store for a deluxe edition, but I have a few from international releases.

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Not Amazon Canada. Mine still has not shipped and has no estimated shipping date.


I ordered from Amazon Japan and it was actually cheaper than Canada at one point. I just have the Wow HD and Japan edition.


Also, HMV DM'ed me on Twitter and confirmed that Universal Music Canada isn't manufacturing a Super Deluxe Edition so that might be why it has no date. They'll also have the vinyl in stock on Tuesday for $35.99

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isn't that normal? the released date isn't until march 10th here. i've never heard of things shipping pre-release - is that a thing i've been missing out on?!

Almost every cd I buy I order off of Amazon because they ship it on the Thursday before its release so you get it on Tuesday when it comes out (and often the day before release too) but they must not have received any super deluxe editions to do this.
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