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Posts posted by tajybajyboo


    35 minutes ago, madgefan said:

    And I did. Someone who compares implicitly Madonna's current work to Dua Lipa or Lady Gaga's and praising 'their energy' and then suggesting Madonna 'could' get inspired in a gay club to replicate that... Give me a break. Not funny.


    You’re being very defensive and I’m not sure why?

    Please re-read my last few posts again. I was fantasizing about what kind of music I’d love her to release next, given all the craziness going on in the world right now. I wrote and I’ll repeat that I like Medellin, but at the moment I‘d love to hear a song that has the urgency to rush to the dance floor. Medellin had a much more laid back vibe. Madame X was a bit more introspective. Nothing wrong with. It’s just right now I’m in the mood to dance , having been on lockdown for 2 weeks.

    I was clearly joking about her moving into a gay club. I even put a smiley face next to it. I’m not sure if you think comparing Madonna to Dua Lipa and Lady Gaga is some kind of insult. It really isn’t - they’re all great artists in their own right and right now they have some great dance tracks out. That’s all I was saying.

    Do you really think I’m stuck in 2005 if I’m writing on this forum in 2020? Of course not. I’m here because I’m a huge fan, trying to connect with other fans. I saw Madame X 3 times spending thousands of pounds in the process. We all have different opinions and that’s fine. We don’t need to attack each other just because we don’t always agree. Please think more carefully before you post. You’ve misunderstood and misjudged me. This is supposed to be a place to bring fans together, not to tear each other down. x

  2. 1 hour ago, madgefan said:

    To get the inspiration you need to feel you can still enjoy her? How basic is that. What about doing another Confessions Tour? :bubblebitch:


    Madonna's done dance-pop music since the year 0 and already created everlasting hits that the whole world will still remember even after her death. The fact she's not doing these so called gay anthems that attract the masses doesn't mean she's lost it or she's less of an artist herself.

    Seriously, people if you don't feel happy with the current Madonna you might as well move on with your lives and start appreciating other artists if you feel like it. It's the healthiest you can do. Same for those that are longing for a stadium/arena tour. Not.gonna.happen.soon. Maybe never again.


    Umm... what? Why the aggression? Re-read my post. I actually said I like Medellin. I never said she’s lost it or she less of an artist? What are you even talking about?

  3. 3 minutes ago, Mister_Pop said:

    Medellin was and still is for me uplifting energetic and fun. It seems I will never grow tired of that song, purely magical... But maybe only for me, the general public and many fans wants Hung Up again, because it was a magical + year-end era. You know that will never happen, it would be uplifting energetic and fun, but certainly not Hung Up again.

    And when you thing about it, if you compare to other pop artists, it's incredible how Madonna never repeats herself. Each single seems to be unique in her catalogue. That is also the kind of respect she has for herself, her art and her fans too. Always evolving to keep a real interest and be upgrading pop.

    I agree! I loved Medellin too. It was not  what I was expecting at all, and guess it was a bit 'marmite' for some. It's not so much a song that sounds exactly like Hung Up, but something that evokes that sense of urgency to rush to the dance floor! Going a bit off topic, but I'm loving Dua Lipa's Physical at the moment and even Stupid Love has that energy. Maybe Madonna could move in to gay club for the next 4 years to get some inspiration! Ha ha! :laughing:   

  4. Oh the irony of people criticizing Madonna for having a point of view, saying she’s out of touch, when just a few, short weeks ago they were complaining about their show being cancelled! Boo hoo you. A concert that many of us paid hundreds, if not thousands of dollars/euros/pounds for - but that’s okay because all the terrible things going on in the world didn’t matter back then, as long we got to see our show!

    Now this virus is on our doorstep, and she, like everyone one else is scared and vulnerable, and yet people seem to forgot everything she did during the AIDS epidemic, and all the things she’s been doing quietly raising money, building schools, orphanages and hospitals for an impoverished and long-forgotten, African nation, ravaged by AIDS, over the last 2 decades! Was she out of touch with reality then, or maybe people just didn’t give a shit, because that wasn’t their problem?

    Just because she has hard-earned wealth and privilege, doesn’t mean she can’t be worried for her friends and family. It’s not just about her. I’m sure she has elderly relatives and that was the point she was making - coronavirus doesn’t care how wealthy, famous or celebrated you are. There are no barriers and there is no cure. No one is immune and being treated in a clean, private hospital or a dirty, public hospital won’t make any difference. Where you live and how many staff you have is utterly irrelevant. If you get it and you’re a certain age or have underlying health problems, then you’re at a higher risk of dying. That’s it. People should stop denouncing celebrities for their wealth and privilege because it’s utterly irrelevant.

    Saving the world is not Madonna’s problem, but fans on this forum should know far better than most, how much she has already done to help it.

  5. At the end of the day, what she said is true - this virus doesn't care who you are - how rich, how famous, or celebrated. That's a simple truth. I don't think she's complaining about it, she's just stating a fact. Let's be honest though - we'd all rather be in a 'safe' mansion, surrounded by assistants, and rose petal bathwater. People complaining about celebrities complaining, is just the politics of envy at it's worst. It's petty virtue-signalling and does nothing to help the situation. She may live in her own protected little bubble, but its a bubble she created through her own hard work; and it's a bubble we were all willing to pay for. It's not a crime to be rich and successful; and we'd all much rather be where she is, than in whatever shit situation we find ourselves in.

    The way some people are talking on social media, you'd think the world's problems began with the Coronavirus. In reality, there were and will continue to be so many other catastrophes happening all around the world, that many people will never pay attention to. The only reason we all suddenly care now, is because this catastrophe is happening to all us. Ask yourself - did you really give a shit about all the dispossessed people around the world when you paid hundreds, if not thousands for your Madame X tour tickets, less than a year ago? No, of course not! My point is, all humans are inherently selfish. We care about what affect us, and turned a blind eye when it doesn't. Meanwhile, she's being trying to raise an impoverished nation over the last 2 decades, but does anyone ever talk about that?

    Assuming all this gets resolved, we'll all go back to worrying about the same petty shit we did before, like when's the Madame X DVD coming out, and how many filters the editor will use! Nothing changes.

  6. I saw the show three times in London, including the rescheduled first night, moved to the last show, and the February 5th show, with I Rise performed a capella in front of the iron curtain. That was the full show (minus Crave, Sodade, & Papa Don't Preach), and it was prefaced with a good couple of anxiety-filled hours waiting for it to start, uncertain whether it would be the full show, or forced to finish early due to the curfew. I actually enjoyed the 2 other shows far more, even though they were the shortened, probably because there was less anxiety going in, knowing it would be edited down.

    I thought the show itself was a solid 3 stars, but it definitely falls short of M's career best. Her singing was actually really good and that's often her detractors' main criticism. But the set looked cheap, and with exception to the Fado section, the costumes were forgettable. THAT BIB?! 

    For me, the best part of the show was surprisingly Batuka and the Fado club third act. Overall the Madame X songs were excellent, but being fair, it's not my favourite album, which also impacts my 3 star review. However, the older songs were too few and far in between. Human Nature was okay. I enjoyed Vogue mostly because it was sung live. American Life was a welcome return. Frozen was excellent but Like a Prayer was in my humble view, the worst version she's ever performed on tour - that lazy trap beat sucked all the energy out if it - although it was better than Eurovision and the MET Gala performances. 

    My least favourite part of the show were the many long, long monologues, which were so scripted or just plain awkward. Mostly though, it was all the nonsense outside the show that impaired my enjoyment. Madonna and controversy usually walk hand-in-hand, but not this time. In hindsight, If I'm really honest, I regret spending so much money on this tour, but I would trade a kidney to see the Confessions, Sticky & Sweet or even Rebel Heart again in a theatre setting.

    All said and done, I would definitely buy the DVD/Blu-ray. If anything, all of the above is failure of my expectations, not her intentions, and in time, I'm sure I'll be able to appreciate this tour for everything it was, as opposed to decrying all the things it was never meant to be. Ultimately, that's why I love her music so much - you never know what you're going to get and that's exciting. I'm glad she's interested and trying new and different things. There are so many artists who just hit repeat and that's fine if you're only interest in nostalgia, but Madonna always offers so much more. I guess this one wasn't for me, but that's okay. I'm glad other fans enjoyed it and hopefully, I'll enjoy the next tour more!

  7. 21 hours ago, Nobody Knows Me said:

    I still don’t get what happened with RIT. Sure, the Lisbon footage wasn’t the best, but Jonas Åkerlund filmed the Paris concert for IGTTYAS and that footage was amazing so I never understood why we didn’t get the DVD. 

    It’s time for a box set of all the tours now, including The Virgin Tour, Blond Ambition World Tour and Re-Invention World Tour. 

    And on Blu-Ray too! I recently bought a 65 inch LG TV and the Rebel Heart Tour looks amazing! There’s a feature called Trumotion which increases the frame rate by adding in ‘extra’ frames to smooth the picture. Essentially, the image appears cleaner, sharper and more realistic, like a TV broadcast, but it’s rubbish for watching most movies because the image looks hyper-real and you lose the cinematic quality the filmmakers intended.

  8. 23 hours ago, Nobody Knows Me said:

    I’d love if they had filmed the rehearsal for a DVD and got a few close-up shots almost like a music video as opposed to just a recording of a show with all the unnecessary audience participation. Something like Janet’s “You” video. 


    It’s been years since I saw this! I loved the Velvet Rope Tour! 

  9. So sad for everyone who didn't get to see the show, but I'm glad the anxiety is over. From the stupid and unnecessary ticket lottery, insane ticket prices, rescheduled dates, cancellations, injuries, late starts, curfews, coronavirus... the enjoyment of this tour has been severely tempered by all the mess surrounding it. She wanted to perform a 'simpler' show, but for her fans, it's been anything but that. In the months to come I hope to replace these memories with a far superior DVD experience... but I'm sure we'll be bitching about that too!

  10. This is all so sad, and it's giving me tragic Evita vibes. If she makes it to Saturday maybe she should skip the beer bitch and sing the Lament and You Must Love Me instead:

    The choice was mine, and mine completely
    I could have any prize that cancelled the tour if I desired
    I could burn with the splendor of the brightest fire
    Or else, or else I could choose time

    Remember I was very young then
    And a year was forever and a day
    So what use could fifty, sixty, seventy be?
    I saw the lights, and I was on my way

    And how I lived, how they shone
    But how soon the lights were gone...

    Deep in my heart, I'm concealing
    Things that I'm longing to say
    Scared to confess, what I'm feeling
    Frightened you'll slip away
    You must love me, you must love me
    You must. love. me.

  11. 1 minute ago, Enrico said:

    I have to say that for many years I've said that I missed the talking on her tours. M wouldn't even say "Hello" in first act. I missed the Ciao Italia communication, you know what I mean? That's why I enjoyed the banter on RHT- the surprise songs, the bouquet moment, the UB. This time it didn't feel intimate nor spontaneous at all - not the polaroid. The Mozart speech was terrible. I probably would have loved the beer talk had I been chosen as the bitch! I was lucky enough to witness two nights when this was substituted by DCFMA and Sound of silence. The talk with Graham Norton and Alan Cumming were really boring. I agree it would have been nice to hear her talk about the songs, instead of soccer mum, god is a woman, not everyone is coming to the future every night.

    You may criticize Cher greatest hits tour, but her opening speeches, different every night, and her way of telling stories is so much better!


    Agreed! Cher’s delivery feels more... hmm, what’s the word... organic? Spontaneous? I’m sure it’s still scripted but she’s very charming. Dolly Parton still tells the same joke from the 70s about how ‘it costs a lot of money to look this cheap’, but somehow the story preceding it and the delivery is still engaging even when you know the punchline. 

  12. 2 hours ago, slowdownpapi said:

    In response to the above and fellow posters who's say she should "revist the 80's" or put on a greatest hits show I really struggle to understand how you're still fans 'cos you really don't get what she's about and why she's still here after 30+ years. Critique the show, the lateness, the shorter shows, whatever but to still be complaining she looks forward not back?  As she says, "Not everyone is coming to the future"

    "I'm not your bitch, don't hang your shit on me" + "This is who I am, You can like it or not"

    Feel like these lyrics could've been written for fans who project what they want onto her.  You're in for constant disappointment, maybe go stan Cher with her endless hits tours?

    Ha ha! Well I guess I had this coming! Oops - did I have a point of view? I became a fan in 1994, my favourite albums are Erotica, Ray of Light, Confessions and Rebel Heart. I’ve seen all her tours since 2001, each one at least twice, 4 of them, 4 times each. I’m definitely not looking for a return to the 80s, but having seen her perform so many time before, I recognise this tour is far from her best work. It’s not because the Madame X songs aren’t good, but mostly due to the choppy, stop/start nature of the show. Enlighten me - are there really any fans on this forum who loved the talking parts of this show?!

  13. 17 hours ago, Lucky90210 said:

    Ugh I Can't wait for this self indulgent tour to be over with. What started out as an intimate moment for fans has been anything but.

    Madonna go back to arenas YOU ARE NOT A THEATER KIND OF GIRL! Being at a distance from your fans is the allure, the fantasy.

    Bye Bye Baby Bye Bye.......

    Ditch this era and come back with some funky Madonna.

    I agree! Thank you. This tour really has been self-indulgent. That's the exact word to describe it, and not least because of the late starts. 

    The set list, even the longer version of the show, only includes 5 older songs compared to 11 and half in Rebel Heart (Vogue being the half), and 10 and a half in MDNA (Papa Don't Preach being the half). I'm definitely not suggesting she should always sing the same hits. Like A Prayer, Vogue, Human Nature have all been performed so many times now, but the intimacy of this show could've been a great opportunity to perform some of the ballads she's rarely (or never) performed in her arena and stadium tours. Plus it would've taken the strain off her injury - although I appreciate she couldn't have known how bad it was going to become during the rehearsal period. I'm thinking songs like Crazy for you, Take A Bow, This Used To Be My Playground, The Power of Good-Bye, Bad Girl, What It Feels like For A Girl, You'll see, Oh Father, Rain, Live To Tell... Take your pick! It would have been amazing to hear the stories behind the songs, which would've made it an intimate experience. 

    If there was story arc, it was very incoherent. In her own words, apparently Madam X is anything you want her to be, which is another way of saying she's nothing in particular at all.

    And then there are the monologues... at least a quarter, perhaps even a third of the show is taken up by her talking, talking, talking... The move to Lisbon/meeting Celeste Rodrigues story takes longer to explain than the brief snippet of Fado Pechincha performed! Then there's the 'jokes' about scat, dicks, her pussy etc. which are certainly not shocking and in no way 'intimate' or revealing. The only thing intimate about this tour is the size of the venue and her proximity to the crowd.

    And I absolutely agree (although I appreciate this may be a personal thing), that Madonna is best appreciated from a far. I would never want to meet her. What would I possibly say to her? She's that old-fashioned (and increasingly rare) kind of tough, uncompromising, and untouchable superstar. She's best admired her from a distance and doesn't do warm and fuzzy well. With the exception of the celebrities she's already met, most of the beer bitches tend to freeze in awe, and you get this awkward, uncomfortable waste of 5 minutes attempting to talk to someone who doesn't know what to say! Is that intimacy? Hardly! I'd rather trade it for another song please.

    Look, I get it - some fans have really loved this tour and I'm not trying to ruin anyone's day here. If you like it, that's great. These are just my criticisms and I certainly didn't hate it, but given her age and the very real probability that she may not be able to do this much longer, I really hope she'll take the next opportunity to reflect on her career, and put on a show that's indicative of 40 years experience being one of the most celebrated entertainers of all time. It's not about how much money it makes or the box attendance figures. This tour has been an interesting, if not slightly odd and a questionably successful diversion, but can we just get back to the business of being a great popstar once again?

  14. 1 hour ago, Enrico said:

    Apparently someone on first night heard Marvin saying on his way out after I rise: "People are dead, we started too late".


    Yup. That's so sad to read, but entirely expected and fair enough. It's odd that she cares so much about what's on stage but has become so detached from the brutal reality outside the 'bubble'. If I were that famous, I'd never dare google my name. God knows what awful things you'd read, but... if you don't have honest people around you, how can you understand the criticism and severity of genuine concerns? I don't suppose anyone would dare raise it in the prayer circle!

  15. 44 minutes ago, Voguerista said:

    She has made me feel good way more than bad. She's been there in the sad and happy times. So like you, I won't ever leave her.

    The thing is.... no one is perfect and we all have journeys that can be bumpy etc. This is one of those periods for her. 

    Yup, I hope so, I really do. I can accept this journey is nearer the end than the beginning, and it’s been incredible. It truly has. When it finally ends, I hope it’s on a genuine high. As difficult as this tour has been for us, it can’t feel great for her to see audience members asleep, claiming refunds, writing negative things on her instagram... I doubt she reads even half of it, but she must know it’s going on.

    Then there’s the injuries, the literal physical pain she’s putting herself through every night to get through this tour. She acts like she doesn’t care, but why go through all of this this unless she’s seeking approval on some level? I believe she needs our validation, even if she pretends not to.

    Gosh, I remember after the Confessions tour thinking, ‘it just doesn’t get any better than this’ - Hung Up had become her most successful single to date. The album was a huge success and the Confessions show was the highest grossing tour by a female artist. Great! I genuinely felt at 48 that was the pinnacle of her career and anything else would just be the cherry on top.

    But she really did go on to exceed my expectations, and the last 14 years have been brilliant. It would be amazing if she had another number 1 single, but I can accept she probably won’t. Madame X is a decent record, and this show is still enjoyable even if it’s not my favourite. But I feel sad to think our expectations have lowered so much, that we’re just grateful for her turning up, even if it is 3 hours late. How did we get here? I want to grab her by the shoulders, sit her down, stare her right in the eyes and say: 

    ‘look, if you’re going to do this, do it properly or not at all. Stop taking the piss, pretending you’re better than all of us and acting like you don’t give a shit. You’re ruining everything you’ve worked so hard for, through your own conceited, selfish arrogance. Learn some humility. Show some respect. Be grateful for your success and never forget we are the ones who put you where you are.’

    I’m not sure if our unfaltering loyalty is admirable or just foolish at this point, but things have got to change.

  16. 40 minutes ago, EM said:

    Leave her and use your energy to make a change 

    Ha! I wish I could. It’s like a drug. Sometimes she makes me feel so good and I truly hope she’ll do it again. When she’s great, there’s nothing better. No one comes even close, but maybe I’m just setting myself up for a long road of disappointments ahead. Ugh... I just want her to win so badly. 

  17. 18 minutes ago, TonyMontana said:

    Here we go, when you search for "Madonna" on french Google all the headline news are about her starting her show 3:30 hours late with people waiting outside in the cold....


    Yup - expected and deserved. There’s no defence and no excuses. There are 11 more opportunities now to put this right, but does anyone really believe it will get any better? Please, please, prove me wrong M. We’re willing you to succeed but our patience is waning.

  18. 4 minutes ago, EM said:

    A LONGEVE ARTIST is NEVER her audience 

    I’m not sure what longeve means? Do you mean an artist with longevity?

    I don’t doubt she’s been a great artist. She’s already proven that, but her ability to continue being great is seriously in question, because her audience is dwindling. Her albums don’t sell well beyond week 1. She struggles to get her music played on the radio and her concert attendance figures over the last decade have declined. There are many reasons why that might be and so much of it is out her control. I appreciate her decline in popularity is not necessarily tied to the quality of her art.

    I also realize it was never her attention for this tour to outgrows Sticky & Sweet. By design it was always going to be smaller, be seen by fewer people, and make less money, but that does negate the anger, frustration and disappointment many fans have felt during this era, and these are her most ardent supporters, people willing to pay hundreds, in some cases thousands of dollars/pounds/euros to see a show that is quite literally putting people to sleep.

    Perhaps she doesn’t care. Perhaps some fans don’t care either. They’ll forgive and applaud her no matter what she does, but tolerating this behaviour only encourage it, and she needs to understand how damaging it is in order to change it. Otherwise she’ll be performing her ‘great’ art to an ever shrinking audience. Any aspirations to ‘disturb the peace’ will have long since past, because the rest of the world will have moved on, won’t know about it and won’t care. Simply put, she can’t continue being a great artist without people acknowledging the greatness of her art. I love her but in her own words, she needs to ‘wake up’. 



  19. This sounds awful, and if it were a one off it might be excusable, but how are these crazy late start times still a thing, especially after starting 12 shows on time in London? What possible excuse is there now? It’s so unprofessional. She’s becoming increasingly hard to love these days. Sometimes you need to lose everything before you appreciate what you had, so I hope the French press rip her to shreds. I’m glad she’s losing money from this tour. I encourage fans not to waste money on these ridiculously expensive tickets, and maybe then, and only then, will she finally realise the value of her fans and work harder to maintain their commitment. Aye-aye-aye...

  20. The Madame X Tour is almost over... so what happens next? Hopefully some rest and recovery (and possibly an operation on that knee). I know M has aspirations to direct more movies, but what will happen in her music career now her contracts with Interscope and Live Nation have been fulfilled?

    If she does want to release new music it will have to be killer. Madame X was an interesting album, but she needs an unequivocal hit, if she wants to go on a tour promoting new material. I have no idea how she would achieve that, given how she's ignored by the Spotify generation.

    Perhaps she could make a duets album - I'm thinking something on the lines of Tom Jones' Reload album, recording new songs but with younger performers to introduce her to a new generation of fans? But then again, that's not really her style, although I think this could work well for Mariah Carey. 

    She could do a covers album, but again, that's not her either.

    A Christmas album? God, I hope not!

    Personally, I'd love her to explore the rock guitar genre more. It conveys the same kind of raw energy as dance music, but without the dancing, and I've loved most of the songs she's reinvented with rock guitar on her previous tours (with exception to Hung up, Sticky & Sweet!).

    Maybe she doesn't release any new music and just goes on tour instead? I'm sure a greatest hits show would be very well received. She could call it The Immaculate Celebration Tour - but perhaps that's too premature at this point.

    Or she could do what Bruce Springsteen and U2 have done recently by resurrecting an older tour? It's been 30 years since Blond Ambition, so it might be quite interesting to take the same set list and reinvent it for the modern age.  


  21. 4 hours ago, Blue Jean said:

    I loved it but it gets a lot of shit from long term fans.

    I guess it wasn’t as epic as mdna but I think it was a very consistent show. No real dull moments.

    I agree! It thought Rebel Heart imbued so many facets of Madonna abilities as a performer. It was spectacular, theatrical, provocative, and thrilling; but also quiet, sweet, romantic and intimate, with a decent mix of songs old and news.

    How I judge any Madonna tour will depend largely on the set list, which is an obvious thing to say, but compared to most artists, she tends to focus each tour on her current album, and there's never really a guaranteed selection of hits you can be sure she'll perform. If you weren't into Madame X, there's only really 5 older songs for this show to fall back on, and 3 of those (Human Nature, Vogue, and Like A Prayer) have been performed with frequency on previous tours. 

    Comparatively, even if you weren't a fan of the Rebel Heart, MDNA or Hard Candy albums, at least their accompanying tours played a decent number of older songs, often reinvented in imaginative ways, so they offered more than just the newer songs to enjoy. I loved the Drowned World Tour because it basically ignored the first half of her career and concentrated on Ray of Light, Music, and Bedtime Stories. I remember fans being very critical of the set list at the time, but I think it made sense to focus on those albums given how critically and commercially acclaimed they were. Conversely, Madame X has been quite polarising among fans, despite generally positive critical reviews. I'm not saying she shouldn't focus on the Madame X songs, but given how expensive the tickets were, it would have been nice to acknowledge the incredible career she's had, and play a decent number of songs spanning the entirety of her career, so there was more for everyone to enjoy - and I don't mean just the obvious hits. 

    Alternatively, she could've charged less for tickets if she wanted this tour to be so Madame X-specific; then at least fans wouldn't have felt short-changed. It seems paradoxical to think tickets for this tour have been the most expensive of her career, even though it has the cheapest production values, and so few hit songs on the set list. That's not to say I didn't enjoy it, but to point out she's offered so much more, for far less in her previous tours, and that's why Madame X is my least favourite.

  22. Worst/best is a relative thing. On the one hand her voice (despite the ridiculous auto-tuning on some songs) hasn't sounded this good since the Drowned World Tour; but the sets and costumes and general production values of this show look really cheap compared to her other arena/stadium tours over the last 2 decades. 

    When she sang I really enjoyed it, but the show is very choppy - it stops/starts, stops/starts more than an American football game - and I personally don't care for her sardonic and sometimes puerile sense of humour in the (many) monologues.

    For obvious reasons her dancing and energy levels were not great in the 2 shows I saw (compared to other tours); and yes, I know everyone's fed up of talking about it, but her giant ass, whatever she'd had done or is wearing, looks weirdly distracting and her face did look very puffy. Personally, I don't think there's anything wrong talking bout her face or body, because her image has been so intrinsic to her career over the last 38 years. She's been selling it, and we've been buying it. It's a transactional relationship and it served both our interests well.

    The organisation of this tour has been awful, beginning with the registration code fiasco, too many dates announced, exorbitant ticket prices, late start times, rescheduled shows, cancelled shows, shortened set lists... being a Madonna fan in 2020 has become a very challenging and elitist experience. What's bites the most, is the tickets prices for this tour, were more expensive than any other, even though it's my least favourite show.

    There were flashes of brilliance here and there, but I really hope this is just an experiment and not the promise of things to come. To be clear, I'm a huge Madonna fan. I've seen her more than 20 times over the last 2 decades, travelled from Moscow to Madison Square Garden, spending thousands of pounds in the process; but this show felt like a step backwards and I left feeling disappointed. No one does spectacle like Madonna. No one. But the very nature of this show and the venues chosen, made it feel undeniably small - intimate, yes; but Madonna is a queen, an ice-cold Goddess in fact! I don't want to hear about her kids and injuries. I want her to be larger than life, and impossibly infallible. This tour has only reminded me of how human she really is, and that scares me. She can't get old. That's something other people do, not Madonna.

    This does makes me wonder though - where do we go from here? I know she planted the seed, saying she  had wanted to do this kind of show sometime ago, but I also wonder if it came from necessity, rather than by design. Unless she's going to be more generous with her back catalogue, I suspect her fan base will continue to dwindle with any future tours, and I'm not expecting she'll ever fully recover from these injuries.

    I also think this tour was a missed opportunity. The Madame X songs were genuinely great, especially Batuka, Killers Who Are Partying, Crazy, Medellin, and Extreme Occident - basically the third act, but why oh why did she include Human Nature, Vogue and Like A Prayer for the umpteenth time, when those songs have been done and done to death? I would have swapped Human Nature for an amped-up rock guitar version of Sorry. It would still convey the same message, but with more raw energy, whilst allowing her to stand still and not exacerbate any injuries. What It Feels Like For A Girl also would also fit the themes of this show (I know it was rehearsed). Even though Like A Prayer was a crowd-pleasing finale, it could have easily been replaced by Crazy For You, which would have been an equally rousing sing-along and fit so well within the intimacy of a theatre show setting, whilst acting as coda to the Virgin tour, where it all began. What about other number 1 singles such as Take A Bow (her longest running number 1 in the US) or This Used to Be MY Playground, so far, never performed on tour.

    Don't get me wrong - it's not that I didn't enjoy the show, but I've come away feeling painfully aware that Madonna's touring career may have peaked both in terms of creativity and commercial-ability now. Instead of offering something totally new, unique and unexpected, Madame X ended up being a scaled-down of her usual arena tour, but with fewer hits and more talking in between songs. I'm reminded of the You Must Love Me lyrics:

    Where do we go from here?
    This isn't where we intended to be
    We had it all
    You believed in me, I believed in you
    Certainties disappear
    What do we do for our dream to survive?
    How do we keep all our passions alive
    As we used to do?

    So what's next Madame X?


  23. I was in row B of the Royal Circle. My pre-show highlight was the poor guy a few seats over, who got absolutely soaked when someone accidentally tipped a pint over the upper balcony! He was drenched, but the manager very kindly moved him and his companion to the centre block. 

    Another guy near me wanted to sing-along to every song (even though he didn't know any of the lyrics), and yell random stuff like 'queen!', 'credit card!', and 'cheers', every time Madonna addressed the crowd. 

    Someone behind me was asked to hand in his digital watch when it lit up. I assume the venue staff thought it was some kind of recording device (it wasn't), but he flipped out! He was having none of it, started yelling about how much his ticket cost, and how he'd paid for it using a government grant for his autism! I thought 'really? The government gives grants for Madonna concert tickets? Where do I sign up?!'



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