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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by Betuncba

  1. 21 hours ago, Shoful said:

    When she gets back from this never-ending trip, can she please drop a hint about this

    I bet you it's gonna be that way!, whne she return from her trip, she's gonna be obsesive thinking about all the money lose on that epic journey, so the solution will be a release of some audio or film or show to try to obtain all the money back!

  2. Personally i think M's ideas and projects works like this... if you say all the time: god why she's making such a crap edition or album, She makes that way! i supposed we need to apply an inverse method: ohhhh i wish all the video album in that way! is so great! fantastic! so as we know Madonna dont want our approval.. things may change! just my thougth :)

  3. 8 hours ago, musicinferno said:

    I just want to know what the hell she does backstage before the show. I refuse to believe she's actually back there warming up her vocals and rehearsing dance steps for hours before the show. We get it-she's a night owl but her 30-50 year old fans are not. 


    I know she has said countless times that she promises to not a minute goes to waste and she's not just doing her nails and eating chocolates. But c'mon - if there's really that many difficulties with technical issues or even personal issues, just rearrange your damn schedule. Get up 2 hours earlier and be ready by 10pm. You know, like she did before MDNA. 

    What she does at backstage? just look on the IG stories... those love prayers, meeting with famous people etc etc etc, there nothing more than that! and the answer is simple, there's no technicals problems or perfeccionism details to fix! just wasting time making her ego keeps on the pedestal!

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