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Posts posted by Starchild

  1. 6 hours ago, The First Citizen said:

     I dislike biopics in general, especially when they are being overseen by a living artist. I mean, can we really expect her to be objective about her life? I hated Bohemian Rhapsody also because it did not tell the true story and I don't expect this one to be any different. If you disagree with me that it perfectly fine but stop acting like every criticism is some personal attack on Madonna.

    I kind of agree. That film was cringey and compromised in many ways but, alas, it was commercially successful.

    As I was saying to a friend, fine, let her make her truth-bending film. It won't be the last one made about her life.

  2. 17 minutes ago, Andreo said:


    Still not a valid reason to act like a 12yo hating on someone by making fun of them, reposting their pics with ageist and misogynistic remarks 🤡 

    Before you quoted me, I'd updated my comment to refer to the ageist remark, btw.

    But can we please be real?

    He's saying (on a larger scale and in cruder terms) what some fans here and a lot of the general public say/think.

    Also, M even got blocked by Instagram recently for posting revealing pics, didn't she?

    Both she and 50 Cent are being defiant and controversial.

  3. I don't think she needs our protection. We're not the Beyhive.

    It's generally unsavoury for anyone to post a picture of the flesh between their legs on social media (unless you're an OnlyFans hoe).

    When I saw her face wearing those shades in this pic, I thought she resembled an alien too. Big deal?

    The mention of her age in a derogatory sense makes this ageist, but each to their own!

  4. 2 hours ago, Prayer said:

    We're entering dangerous and grey rumors zone here but I remember reading that Guy really didn't take care of her or care about her after the accident and during the recovery and that, plus the fact that it was something super serious (literally it could have been fatal), was the final "fuck it, back to me" for her. I don't think it's a coincidence she went from this:

    After the accident she starting coming back to her old usual sexual self persona - and we all loved it, of course, it was like seeing her LIVING again.

    Excuse me while I roll my eyes at another bogus theory... Yeh, sure, her COAD presentation was based on her retaliation towards Guy for not caring enough for her during her accident the month before, not because the music inspired it.

    Did you grow up on a diet of tabloids or something?

  5. 15 hours ago, Prayer said:

    It's funny that you talk about a documentary, "I'm Going To Tell You A Secret", that is painful to watch now but for other reasons: how subjected she was to a shitty husband that didn't seem to care about her, her work or anything that was important to her; how hard she was trying all the time to be the perfect wife, mother, woman, and how disconnected and lonely she seems all the time in it. But hey, it fit the perfect stylish woman we all wanted to see right? Then it's good.

    That's just your interpretation. Do you think it'd be easy to be the husband of Madonna, especially if you weren't that famous to begin with? Do you think it would be fun to watch the same show every night? Wasn't Guy's personal identity important too, for him to be able to be the best husband he could be? The world doesn't revolve around her.


    15 hours ago, Prayer said:

    It's funny too that you talk about ROL when it was just another image that developed over time, yes, if you watch the first album interviews recorded in January 1998 the whole "spiritual" narrative wasn't in full mode yet, she was more "normal", funny, sarcastic and even bored sometimes:

    They just saw as they went that it was catchy and the "Frozen" video was a hit and she went full Esther mode once the album was out. Not saying that wasn't a part of her, of course it was, she just amplified it cause she saw it was working. She played the game and she played it perfectly.

    Firstly, full Esther mode didn't kick in until circa AL, if we're going to be literal about it. Secondly, her strongest and most endearing PR aspects during the ROL promo were her new-found motherhood and a refreshing lightness to her overall energy - not her 'spirituality narrative' alone. She was pretty light on this, imo (it was nothing compared to the AL era, which was pretty fatiguing for the casual fan, I'm sure). Thirdly, she was still playful and even flirty during her Johnny Meets Madonna interview towards the end of the album campaign, so that quashes your theory right there.


    15 hours ago, Prayer said:

    I love ROL Madonna, it's the one that made a true fan, but Madonna Ritchie, all covered from head to toe and making a shadow of herself to fit into her husband idea of the perfect British wife? C'MOOOOON. Was that more real that the Madonna we see now? I don't think so. And I adore the "American Life" era work but also can see how f***d she was in her personal life now in perspective.

    She wasn't always covered from head-to-toe during the Ritchie years. That's an exxageration. During Music she was losing her baby weight, so naturally her costumes weren't as revealing as usual. During the DWT she had a sensual, androgynous moment with her all-female dancers, which was classic M. For the AL promo, she wore very little in the Hollywood video, and was still her cheeky self when she kissed Britney and Christina at the VMAs. Yes, she wore some long coats at events on cold London nights, or a subdued, appropriate wardrobe for her childrens books promotion, but she came back wearing figure-hugging leotards, showing ass cheek and throwing her legs over her dancers shoulders during the Hung Up choreo, so please don't fixate on one Vanity Fair cover and the like. And excuse me, if you think her personal life was 'fucked' during AL promo, what does that make it nowadays?


    15 hours ago, Prayer said:

    I get that some of you don't like this, that, whatever she's done to her face, body, etc. lately, but her body is her choice.

    Her wardrobe was her choice too, yet you're so ready to judge her personal life on such especially superficial things?

  6. 4 hours ago, me1981 said:
    I've come to realise that M during the Guy Ritchie years seems the least like herself. I have come to loathe that period. She is like a stepford wife. Conservative and diminished and his 'little woman'.
    Madonna prior to meeting him around 99 and the woman that is emerging again now seem more like the Madonna I grew up with than the woman she was during that period of time. 

    You mean that you prefer her single?

    You relationshipist, you!

  7. This comment displays such a monumental lack of understanding of spirituality. Firstly, who is anyone to tell someone else that they are spiritual or not? I mean, where is the doctrine that dictates this magic formula? Secondly, spirituality in the sense of the eternal force of life throughout the Universe would surely not expire because of a butt implant. Or maybe I’m wrong and this person just got a memo the Universe forgot to send Madonna’s way. It’s truly bizarre how self-assured people can be in their avatar dreams, and yet in real life they can hardly find a thread of commonality with anyone who isn’t exactly like them. 

    He makes several compelling points between the first ‘that’ and second ‘that’.
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