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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by Starchild

  1. This is exciting and my Spotify gym playlist will be all the better for it!

    I don't buy physical releases anymore so I'm shocked that a person would buy the same release multiple times over just because the vinyl is a different colour. I get the concept of collecting but where does that decision-making stem from?

    I really like the abridged version's more minimal and modern artwork. I wish the 50-track version's releases were in the same vein, but with a different angle of her face and a different colour than red. Wierd disconnect there, at first glance.

  2. The point of this thread is to celebrate an example of Madonna still having the ability to own the moment with an effective performance. We’ve all had our chance to critique her in recent days. Please try not to turn this into another opportunity to let everyone know that you don’t think she’s any good. It really isn’t worth the effort and it just kills the vibe. I mean no disrespect, and you’re entitled to you’re opinion. I just think it would be nice to have a moment of appreciation. 

    I believe I have freedom of speech on my side here, despite your orders?
    In my opinion, this wasn’t Madonna at her best, as your title suggests.
  3. Can‘t you just accept and respect that she is also a human being and not a perfect robot. She set the standard very very high in the 80‘s, 90‘s and Millenium. She is 63, soon 64, does anyone have an idea what sacrifices and efforts someone has to do or go through to be constantly on top (whatever that means). Of course she is no longer the same as she was 10 years ago even 2 years ago, we all change, we all get older, we all do good and bad decisions. We all grow. It‘s not up to us to make her decisions. She makes her decisions. She may have a problem getting older, so what? Everyone has issues. She may drink too much wine or whatever, so what? Life is not always easy, especially when the world is getting crazier every day. Who does not need an escape from time to time. Maybe she has some other issues too, so what as I said at the beginning, she is a human being. 
    by the way I have to get used to a couple of things as well since a couple of months. Not so much a big fan of constant filters since months and her ageing complex (my opinion) but I respect and admire her and I am grateful she is still alive. Let‘s get used to another Madonna, less „perfect“, „older“ „crazier“ „less in perfect shape“ (no judgments)……

    Madonna is a world-class performer who, especially these days, ought to be more selective and considered about how and when she uses her performance energy, so as to always build upon or elevate her legacy, not reduce it.
  4. For people here being so “concerned” about M, go to Instagram and write message to Guy Oseary with all your worries, instead bitching here. I can’t do that because he blocked me some time ago, when I wrote to him after Eurovision.  But you all can do that, so go spam his Insta, I dare you, let him know what you think. Because bitching here won’t change nothing. 

  5. 4 hours ago, realityisalways said:

    The one that ruined her face has already passed away and is probably paying for his sins


    How could she trust her face to this? 

    Dr. Fredric Brandt died in 2015, so he's not responsible for whatever Madonna has done to her visage since then.

    Also, he had personal issues and went over-the-top with his own appearance yet still did great work on his clients.


  6. Lol, I'm surprised she even care? Like she suppose to be prepared for this day... 35 years differences!!! He's a kid who just started his life... Apparently he took what he want & now it's time to fly.
    Lol I'm actually only sad coz she did her ass for him but it didnt work. Hopefully she will get rid of the implants as she no longer need them.

    I’m deceased lol!
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