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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by Starchild

  1. 8 hours ago, Rory said:

    Her work seemed to rotate around stereotypes fetishized by straight men

    And yet it still does to this day, but in a more overt and profound way, despite her proclamations to the contrary.

    For example, the long blonde hair parted down the middle, the huge trendy ass, the skimpy and dominatrix clothing...

    She thinks the grillz 'fuck it up' a little but she's essentially pandering to a Straight Male Gaze... and/or her exe's.

  2. 21 hours ago, mikenmark said:
    Oh I've read it, re-read it and then a third time just to be extra sure.
    I'm asking what your thinking was. Your motivations, intent.
    Were you thinking "I'm going to start this thread and everyone is going to agree with me" or maybe "I'm going to post this and it will create a shitstorm and I'm in the mood for an online argument" or "I'm going to start this thread because it's simply my opinion"
    You see how those are quite different scenarios, and it's only fair to ask. 

    I don’t need your approval.

  3. 23 hours ago, Sultrysully said:
    This post is rough to read.  It seems to diminish someone who dares to age, grow, or stick around.  It also seems to place a human being into a cage where she can only leave if she accepts being a caricature.  These comments are ageist, sexist, misogynistic, and demeaning.  As if Madonna has lost both her nature and value because she evolved in a way that all humans do.  This is a sad road to travel.  

    Oh, my. Are you alright, mate?

    Thanks for the laugh, in any case.

  4. 5 minutes ago, thegoldencalf said:

    Oh that’s interesting. I find that period really drab. Of course musically it was just stunning. But the repetitive interviews about her family life and Kabbalah, the drab American Life promo tour, the lack of great videos (except AL and Hollywood), IGTTAS, the Gap promotion, the children books, the endless leotards and feathered hair during Confessions etc. I found it all pretty unexceptional.
    But the Ritchie tours are truly exceptional and so is the American Life album. 

    Fair enough! I enjoyed most of things you listed as unimpressive, particularly hearing about her philosophies at the time.

    She seemed content and grounded. And when you compare it all to now, it was pretty special - leotards and all.

  5. 11 minutes ago, New_Boy said:

    Oh, you've discovered how to scroll through someone's content? A round of applause!
    Of course I'd be happy to never again interact with buffoons like yourself, but this is still a place to find news and the occasional GOOD thread. I just never seem to learn to not click "Show Ignored Content".

    You know what's toxic? Mourning a woman who's still alive with pictures from 20 years ago. I might not agree with Madonna's choices or apparent lack of taste, but I wouldn't find myself entitled to judge her body or dislike that she's not a gracefully aged grandma and serious artiste just to feel better about myself, not to mention that I find this stage of her career much more authentic compared to when she was married to a raging homophobe and dedicated to a money-sucking cult. Bye!


    Taste is utterly subjective, and I believe that you have none. So long.

  6. 24 minutes ago, New_Boy said:

    You seem to think so highly of yourself!

    LMAO. You truly provoked my thoughts with a crybaby title, song lyric and three watermarked images in a row. Space brain material.

    New boy. Stale comebacks.

    And this coming from a supposed fan who has wanted Madonna to 'choke' for her creative choices.

    You come across as quite a toxic personality. It really jumps out in how you choose to express yourself.

    Besides, I don't get why you're active on this forum, having once said you were happy it was closing.

  7. 2 hours ago, TonyMontana said:

    Bad hair and bad make up on those pics (which was very rare a that time)... just a day of bad styling. 

    Or a realistic day?

    It's mostly uncontrolled lighting and a woman naturally ageing, despite the denial.

    Interestingly, there's an embargo on US tabloid media from using these photos:


  8. 1 hour ago, New_Boy said:

    This thread is... I don't even know where to start. Misogynistic, ageist, shaming plastic surgery... you've managed to do it all at once! Of course I know what you mean, but you didn't have to frame it in such a pathetic way. She's not dead under those cheeks, you know! 

    What in the virtue signalling?

    You know what I meant yet you felt compelled to post your belittling take anyway, hey?

    She now looks and acts remarkably different to the woman in these photos, so I remarked.

    Or are we only allowed to remark in ways that are not layered and thought-provoking?

  9. On 5/22/2022 at 6:58 AM, proxy said:

    It's great disco track so it's kind of fit in this category

    Is it? I don't know how anyone could feel motivated to dance to the subject matter of this song. Never have.

    I think it functions well in that style in the context of the album, Madame X, but not in the context of a dance floor.

    Maybe that's why M never released any remixes for it.

  10. On 5/21/2022 at 7:53 AM, Shoful said:

    Maybe it’s for a new remix version that seems to have been worked on. There are rumors she’s been remixing other songs and having features. We know there’s a Jozzy feat Swae Lee version 

    As long as it's not yet another Frozen remix...

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