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Posts posted by Starchild

  1. I'll be forever grateful to M and her team for having the good sense to include the following two remixes on the R&R EP.

    While I'm cool with them not being included on FEL as they're not dance remixes, these are the superior ones of each, imo.

    Headcleanr would go on to produce a few remixes for other artists, like Depeche Mode, but very little is known about him.

    Incidentally, does anybody have a copy of the remix he did for Miles Away?



  2. I think 2008 was Madonna's "Annus Horribilis",and it showed.
    Everything went great professionally. The new record sold like hotcakes, the stadium tour was a success and the world was her oyster.
    But privately she suffered. Her marriage with Guy, whom she was crazy about,  was over, and she saw her world fall to pieces.  There's footage of her from concerts that year. Some nights she smiles when she first enters the stage, other nights there's not a hint of a smile on her face.
    I think she cried herself to sleep many nights that year, and when you're that sad you lose your appetite. So she didn't eat that much. She also turned 50, and maybe she was unhappy about that too. It reminds you of your mortality...
    She later said that she thanked God that she had so much work that year. It was a welcomed distraction.
    So yes, she was too skinny.

    It wasn’t necessarily that dramatic from top to bottom.
    She had also been reading a book about female bodybuilders and sought out a new trainer to get her looking as ripped as possible in preparation for the S&S tour, probably to prove to the public and herself that 50 wasn’t an expiry date (and maybe live up to the ‘hard’ in Hard Candy - both album and gym franchise). The chiseled cheek implants at the time also gave her face a more gaunt, hollowed look.
  3. Yes lol I expect hard bashing for this, but on the other hand, I was shocked by this and why not discuss it here, as Madonna has always been very supported by her image and it´s a very visual artist, with a lot of atention payed to her own spectacular body and physical shape. So I thought I would discuss it as it´s my freedom of speech. I don´t think I´m being disrespectful towards her in any way. I´m just saying she looks healthier and prettier not so extremely thin.

    I agree
  4. Madonna isn't the perfectly virtuous heroine some fans want to believe she is.

    Alas, she is an imperfect human and likely rubs shoulders with some other imperfect humans.

    She sold out a long time ago, people. Hollywood is cut-throat and she wants/needs those connections. She's no hermit.

    "The Queen Of Cut-Through In A Cut-Throat World", as I've been known to call her.

  5. 2 hours ago, steady75 said:
    What I find a little bit curious is that they think that the general public would be open to a three disc 6 vinyl remix collection ...but wouldn't issue a standard 3 disc greatest hits of the versions the general public would actually know. Like...all those ballads and midtempo's that were just ditched. 

    My take is that the abridged version is for the general public and the deluxe is for the devotees (and both are for the hardcore obsessives).

    Besides, do casual fans of any artist buy CDs or vinyl these days? I think not when streaming is so popular.

    Finally, why release a standard greatest hits when streaming playlists take care of that these days?

    Fifty dance number ones is a milestone worth capitalizing on (even if the chart was lame, easy to dominate, and probably corrupt like the rest of Billboard), especially for Madonna who has given a lot to the genre.

  6. I wish everyone would stop referring to the sunglasses sleeve as a cover.
    That’s just the box that holds everything together. The book and the records have their own covers. 
    Granted, they never showed us the covers for the 6 records

    In the deluxe render, the records have plain black covers?
    I don’t know how you can’t consider the box art the cover when it’s what’s used to represent the package?
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