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Kylie Minogue talks possible Madonna collab


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4 hours ago, Celebration said:

There were comparasons between Prince and Micheal Jackson back in the 80s, and in school I had to choose between Kiss and Twisted Sister.

The fact that I liked all four was met with a collective sneer. "He's just weird. He likes Dolly Parton too". :lol:

The ultimate choice now… Twisted Sister or Dolly Parton. We can’t have both.


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15 hours ago, mazzona said:

Hopefully, it does happen some time soon. Both are having another peak lately. Kylie's revival is so so so good (Album demos are promising, like the lead single.)

I was thinking... I think Kylie and many other women artists should continue to fangirl her (forever) cos Madonna continues paving the way for them (Recall the narrow-minded hateful and sexist dialogues about M's music, dancing, shows, songs, costumes etc after she turned 50.) Today, there seems to be no discussion concerning  'how Kylie is 50 and still trying (hard) to produce hits, how she is desperate to stay relevant and appeal to tictock and young generation, how she is not dressing appropriately, how she does not age gracefully etc.

Of course, things change over time and it is not solely Madonna's doing. Yet, I think she plays a significant role in such changes in a way no artist has previously done or will ever be able to do in future. 

Today, she have been taking tons of shit again and paving another alternative way to being 60 in the music business and in life.



It's true. I hadn't seen it that way. Madonna is faced with the world once again and this time the reason for the confrontation is age discrimination.

Although it is a battle that Madonna is fighting alone at the moment, since there is no other artist who is being so mistreated by the media regarding her age as she is, this whole situation will serve as a reference and inspiration so that these young artists can also face these attacks and ridicule from society when they reach a certain age and thus, little by little, some changes can be achieved regarding this controversial issue such as age discrimination.

A type of discrimination of so many that abounds in the world, such as discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation, economic level, the religion we profess or the lack thereof, our place of origin, our way of behaving and many others that sometimes make me wonder if discrimination is not part of human nature and that while many express or criticize certain types of discrimination at the same time express or keep within themselves other forms of these, evidencing in this way, that affirmation that says that the human being is, certainly, contradictory by nature.

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22 hours ago, RUADJAI said:

How freeing it is to like all of these artists. (Except Taylor Swift) A little Kylie here. A little Gaga there. Alot of Madonna all the time, and many many more. 

It's just strange because no is comparing Nick Jonas and Harry Styles and Bruno Mars to each other so we have to question... why? Why is it only females? Why isn't there enough room for all of them but there is for the males? Like I legit don't even get where it comes from. And I'm not talking about specific feuds... I know those exist sometimes... 

That's because the male artists have mostly straight people fandoms and they are not doing any stupid competitions about "who sings better?", "who’s more attractive?", "who dances better?", "who has more Grammys?", "who sells more records?", "who’s original?" and the "biggest" competition: "who did it first?", they simply enjoy their music without any problem and they don't have the time to bashing any other male artist beacause they have more important things to do than wasting their times on those craps, this peace is something that the toxic pop diva fans must to learn if they really want real peace and more love between the divas and their fandoms. 🤷🏻‍♂️

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1 hour ago, Rebel Hugo said:

That's because the male artists have mostly straight people fandoms and they are not doing any stupid competitions about "who sings better?", "who’s more attractive?", "who dances better?", "who has more Grammys?", "who sells more records?", "who’s original?" and the "biggest" competition: "who did it first?", they simply enjoy their music without any problem and they don't have the time to bashing any other male artist beacause they have more important things to do than wasting their times on those craps, this peace is something that the toxic pop diva fans must to learn if they really want real peace and more love between the divas and their fandoms. 🤷🏻‍♂️

I guess is deeper, inherent to humans, unconsciously (or not) we love to be part of a "tribe", each and one of the human beings on this earth loves something, and naturally, they (we) think their thing is the best.

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18 hours ago, mazzona said:


I was thinking... I think Kylie and many other women artists should continue to fangirl her (forever) cos Madonna continues paving the way for them (Recall the narrow-minded hateful and sexist dialogues about M's music, dancing, shows, songs, costumes etc after she turned 50.) T




but why not mention Mae West? She was even arrested for producing a play called "SEX"... Talk about paving the way

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