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Shanghai Surprise or Swept Away?


Shanghai Suprise or Swept Away?   

68 members voted

  1. 1. Which movie do you prefer?

    • Shanghai Surprise
    • Swept Away
    • I rather eat shards of glass than watch either again!
    • Where's the popcorn? I love those movies!

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I found some joy out of both, but both are awful but in different ways.  Shanghai Surprise is just a horrible movie.  It had nothing to do with Madonna's acting.  If anything, she was the best part of the film and while I wouldn't say her acting is Oscar worthy, it's not bad compared to other films she was in. I really loved the chemistry between her and Madonna.  She looked very beautiful in the film.  But the story was just dumb and the score to the film was just awful. 

As for Swept Away, the first half was Madonna being over the top and a lot of horrible acting.  It's was just so ridiculous that it wasn't even funny where it was supposed to be. Once stranded, Madonna was tolerable.  I feel the best scene was Madonna dancing and miming to Come On A My House.

I prefer Shanghai over Swept Away, but I could still watch those films again every few years.


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12 hours ago, Robertthenurse said:

Shanghai Surprise (yes I watched the full movie) was a train wreck. I still to this day have no fking idea what the movie is about. M's acting...not bad but not good either lol

Swept Away...not a Guy Ritchie fan...never liked any of his movies...including Aladdin...M's acting in that was bad until they got to the beach. That being said, I love the plot of Swept Away. I felt a little chemistry between M and whatever his name is...but I'm being generous when I say "a little chemistry". Perhaps if Guy did not direct the movie it would have been better. Ultimately I blame the director overall if the movie is bad.

Prefer Swept Away.

When I think about it Swept Away was the only Guy Ritchie movie I watched.


I've heard people say Snatch and Locking Stock and Barrels were good but the subject matter of the films bore no interest in me to watch.  They just seemed on the over macho side or something 

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7 minutes ago, Blue Skies said:

When I think about it Swept Away was the only Guy Ritchie movie I watched.


I've heard people say Snatch and Locking Stock and Barrels were good but the subject matter of the films bore no interest in me to watch.  They just seemed on the over macho side or something 

I've seen a few of his other films.  I actually enjoyed them.  Swept Away is unlike his other films. Obviously it was just a pet project for him and the Missus!   His unique style of film-making combines elements of crime dramas, comedy, and action. His movies feature strong characters, fast-paced and cleaver dialogue, dark humor, and intricate plot twists. Ritchie's writing is also characterized by its use of non-linear storytelling and multiple perspectives, which creates a sense of unpredictability and keeps the audience engaged.

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15 hours ago, androiduser said:

I think she always wanted to be a dramatic/romantic lead, I think that was her goal. She would have been much better as Sarah Connor. I think she wanted the prestige of a "serious" career.

The thing is, she is actually (IMO) a really great supporting actress.  She was great in Dick Tracy, A League of Their Own, Four Rooms, Desperately Seeking Susan.  It's when she's the lead that there tend to be issues, although I really do enjoy her performances in Who's That Girl and Dangerous Game.

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7 hours ago, momosfantasy said:

The thing is, she is actually (IMO) a really great supporting actress.  She was great in Dick Tracy, A League of Their Own, Four Rooms, Desperately Seeking Susan.  It's when she's the lead that there tend to be issues, although I really do enjoy her performances in Who's That Girl and Dangerous Game.

I question Dick Tracy and ALOTO.  In the latter, while I felt she was playing a version of her persona, she still delivered lines quite sloppily.  The time where she is mentioning about her "bosoms come flying out" comes to mind.  In fact, I felt like she flubbed up the line, but they kept it because people can fumble over their words like that in real life.  Still, it just seemed a bit awkward. 

Then there was many times in Dick Tracy she seemed to be quite stiff in delivering her lines. For some reason it doesn't sound very natural. 

I do feel most of her lines in Shanghai Surprise sounded more genuine than in the said two films I mentioned.  

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Shanghai was just a boring movie I really didnt get what it was supposed to be it wasnt a rom com it wasnt serious it was Meh. She looked beautiful and of course (even she said Sean was drunk through it all they were having problems). Its like someones high expectations of a 2nd album after a smash usually they are let downs. This was, but I dont blame her. 

Swept Away oh Guy. I mean, was he trying to degrade her? make her look old? include the bad acting parts to doing a retake? Hes got issues im sure of it. 

I actually find this movie quite enjoyable. I might be one of the very few but it was just great to see her in a movie again, I even enjoyed the fun of her bitch in the first third. The ending was great. Id like to say guy did the same 'shes a cunt' in the BMW advert. (which she was amazing in).  Again... im so wary of him. 

But Swept away for me for all its faults.   Oh WTG BOE are so good. Dangerous game proves she can be a fucking amazing actress!!!!! She needs the write people to work with (even though she kicked off about the director making a mess, he got the best out of her for sure!) 

SHE CAN ACT Dangerous game proves it, Evita proved it.    Remember a lot of actors have usually done 10 cheap shit films before they get good and we get to know them when they are famous. She was famous being the biggest star in the world growing with being an untrained actress. 



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On 9/11/2023 at 4:45 AM, cosmic_system said:

Well she was playing a comic book persona in Dick Tracy, it was very Jessica Rabbit and it works. 

Maybe some of the sexual antics of the character, but Madonna seemed a bit too stiff and serious while playing Breathless.  Jessica had more zing... energy and fun. 

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Both films are not great. But I do love Madonna's beauty in Shanghai Surprise. The problem with Swept Away is that the set up until they end of the island is too choppy (no pun intended) and badly edited. Its just a bunch of 30 sec clips edited together and has no fluidity. It's a shame, because the second half redeemed itself.

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1 hour ago, Garry Howieson said:

Both films are not great. But I do love Madonna's beauty in Shanghai Surprise. The problem with Swept Away is that the set up until they end of the island is too choppy (no pun intended) and badly edited. Its just a bunch of 30 sec clips edited together and has no fluidity. It's a shame, because the second half redeemed itself.

That's a good way to put it.  Besides her acting is over the top and the whole first part before being stranded is just ridiculous.  Her character was so annoying that I was rooting for her to be mistreated.  LOL!

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I watched Shanghai at the cinema when it came out and then maybe once again in TV (or I had it on tape?) She looks amazing in it.

It's obvious that they were trying to cash out on the trend of 'loser adventurer and damsel in distress romance': Raiders of the Lost Ark , Romancing the stone.

And the acting is on the same line of 80s movies trend. Overacting, loud, phony and bad humour.

I never watched Swept Away,  it came out when I was traveling around , not having TV or carrying much with me. And never bother to catch up after. In general Madonna being in a movie is not something that creates interest for me. Saying that I did enjoyed her in Susan, League, 4 Rooms and Evita.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Definitely Swept away. I think it's not on top 5 of worst Madonna's movies....

But I absolutely don't miss Madonna at cinema and I really hope her biopic movie will never happen because there is 90% of chance it will be a disaster and who wants to see an actress playing Madonna. I'd rather watch archives videos with her... There's only... and that's...

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