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You get a time machine but only get to go to two Madonna concerts from the past. Which concerts are you picking?


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The Virgin Tour- where it all started.  Would be something to see Madonna wannabes from that era in person.


Drowned World- just to go back in time. It’s the first tour I remember her being on.  I saw Madonna more as this beautiful goddess of a woman only.  I could appreciate the performances and what not more now.  

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2 hours ago, Blue Skies said:

The Virgin Tour- where it all started.  Would be something to see Madonna wannabes from that era in person.

I never thought of it, but that’s a great idea! I’d also choose The Virgin Tour for that reason.

And of course, the Confessions Tour. Everything about it is perfect: the set, the visuals, the choreography, her performance, and even how it was edited for the DVD version. Pure art!

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19 minutes ago, Blue Jean said:

Why would we go back in time to see the tour most of us just saw?

Because they liked it lol. Same reason why many others including me picked tours we had already been to. Not even one person picked those two tours..

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1 hour ago, Tudors said:

Because they liked it lol. Same reason why many others including me picked tours we had already been to. Not even one person picked those two tours..

I know but it’s so fresh it would seem like a wasted opportunity going back to something that was less than a year ago vs something that was years ago. For me personally I’d rather see something I didn’t get to see.

As for Madame X I think it’s obvious why nobody picked that one :laughing: For starters, you’d probably get out of your Time Machine to discover the show was cancelled.

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