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Posts posted by Alibaba

  1. 2 hours ago, bstranger said:

    The expanded landmark albuns were promised too, why is it so hard to some fans understand that some other fans are expecting EXACTLY that release after almost long 3 years (myself included) and there is a no single word about that until now?

    If Warner/Rhino/Madonna were not interested to release the expanded albuns soon, why did they make a press release 3 years ago?

    At this point, we should get at least one or 2 expanded albuns.

    Considering this delay and also the many landmark albuns she produced during her career, probally we'll get all of them in 20 years from now.

    It doesn't make any sense. 

    I think that her decision to tour instead of focusing on the film of her life probably changed the commercial focus of this deal, either by changing or delaying the strategy. Further to this, she had a life-threatening illness that forced her to delay the start of her global tour, and perhaps (heard through the grapevine only) shorten an original plan for the tour to be extended throughout South America and Asia. I think there are a lot of changes and different choices that were made in general after her illness, and so expecting fantasy marketing strategies from 2 or 3 years ago to make sense now is probably not realistic. 

    Only time will tell, but I imagine Madonna has had enough of looking back for a moment or ten.

  2. This was real. I loved seeing Madonna get messy in sweat! I think there were a few missed opportunities with choices of wide shots vs close-ups, but they captured the show well! It was a monumental achievement considering where Madonna was at just ten months ago, and she has re-cemented her status as the global icon she deserves to be seen as.

    I can’t believe it’s all over! The Celebration Tour era started almost a year and a half ago, and once again I will see this as a very particular time in life. I hope you all feel this in your own special way! How lucky we are to be able to look back on our lives always having Madonna as a reference point. She’s quite extraordinary. This feels bittersweet! I will miss the frenzy of posts that the tour inspired. Who knows what’s next or when it will transpire, but it’s been a blast! 💛 

  3. 1 hour ago, Prayer said:

    I wouldn't read too much into them not being there, really. Shep Pettibone has been apart from music for decades now and Patrick Leonard maybe couldn't make it to one of the shows or whatever.

    Also, we don't know if Orbit, Mirwais and Dallas Austin were invited by her or they went by themselves - Niki and Donna did. I'd say Mirwais was invited, the rest... not so sure, really.

    Stuart is the musical director so that doesn't count.

    N + D had friends and family tickets. I think most of the major players in M’s career are extended that offer. In M’s case, you pay face value and get prime seating. If she personally invites someone I imagine it’s free! 😂

  4. My post was not to compare Madonna based upon who she might want to be compared to or who a part of her fanbase thinks she should be emulating, but to refocus or shift the narrative to comparing her with artists who are actually still producing new music, who still garner attention, and who have been around as long as her and are therefore her contemporaries whether she sees it that way or not. In my opinion it makes no sense to compare her to deceased artists who subsequently haven’t created anything in over a decade and who didn’t have a particularly interesting latter part of their careers anyway. Pet Shop Boys fit this description perfectly (in my opinion), and it is only personal opinion that dictates that someone else might think that their last four albums were all pandering to their audience. I think that’s absolutely untrue, and they are not acting like or perceived as legacy acts in my opinion and experience. They are also highly cultivated, intelligent people, and I prefer to think of Madonna as such, and I personally wouldn’t say that of any of the current crop of pop stars mentioned.  

    As for Madame X, I didn’t denigrate it. In fact, I wrote an entire review of it that can still be read in the Madame X section, and it was very detailed and complimentary. That said, I certainly don’t count it among my preferred Madonna albums as it is a bit dreary and bloated with hindsight. I wouldn’t want it to be her last pop album. It feels like something is still missing. I feel she has a late period pop masterpiece in her, and I think I’ll be proven right! She’s Madonna, after all.

  5. I think it makes more sense to compare Madonna to her contemporaries who are still recording instead of trying to figure out how she could compete with Taylor Swift, who is in her second imperial phase (I’d question if she has quite the cross-cultural appeal we are led to believe - she benefited from being celebrated in country and successfully crossed over to pop, but she probably doesn’t register in any other genre from what I’ve observed, and she really doesn’t have a hugely memorable back catalog - As Neil Tennant recently asked, “What’s her Billie Jean?”. When the journalist retorted “Shake It Off”, his response was a simple “but is it?”).

    Pet Shop Boys have released four albums since 2013, have a very loyal fanbase, and the media in the UK always give them a lot of attention when they release anything new. They seem to love making music, and they still follow traditional promotional strategy successfully. They don’t sell anything close to what they did 30 years ago, but they are beloved. No one writes them off as a failed legacy act. If Madonna wants to continue being a pop star/artist,  she can do similarly and still guarantee at least double the interest and sales that they garner. That’s still winning, but it seems the only person who isn’t onboard with this path is Madonna herself! I hope she gives us at least one more season of pop to add to her illustrious career. As the most fascinating popular artist remaining, it would be hard to imagine her going out on Madame X. 

  6. 13 hours ago, I am madonna said:

    What's really funny is that you're saying exactly the same thing as the other people who put their opinions here. You're just putting it in a different way.


    So Just tell us your thought. When was the last time She was really contemporary phenomenon in general public?


    Perhaps, but I expressed it with far more effective and exploratory language. Take note.

  7. I think this is all absurd. Madonna is still very relevant in 2024. How many billions of people are there on the planet? How many have Madonna’s stature, level of recognizability, visibility, accomplishment, and influence? Even if you are looking at it from a point of view of commercialism, she is on the verge of finishing a sold out 81-date tour of Europe, America, Mexico and Brazil. She’s about to perform for the largest audience of her entire career, an event that will garner more press than nearly any other artist’s single concert would. When she was near death last year it made the news globally. Everything Madonna does gets attention. She has influenced practically every popular artist, visual and musical, out there. Her name comes up all the time. The right wing conservatives and MAGAs always have something to say about her…That she’s a has-been or pathetic and desperate, or the devil incarnate. They’re still talking about her! Her music is ubiquitous. She is the 80th most streamed artist in the world on Spotify, 40 years into her recording career.

    Madonna IS RELEVANT. She just isn’t a contemporary phenomenon any longer. She isn’t young. She’s not interested in participating in the modern fame game. She could literally be on the cover of any magazine of her choosing, appear on any talk show, the cover of newspapers. Everyone would kill to interview her; even Piers Morgan. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Future Lover said:

    Her American fans also treat her like royalty.

    Really don’t understand why the millions of people who love her, defend her, and show up constantly for her have to get lumped in with the people who don’t. There’s people in every country in the world who hate her and she’s taken a bashing in media from many, many countries that aren’t the US and yet we’re the only ones anyone ever talks about treating her poorly. 

    Hardly fair when we all just showed up and showed out for an entire leg full of great shows where she was shown a ton of love and devotion. 

    I suppose it would be fair to point out that often in Mexico, Southern Europe and Latin America she does receive a particular verbal enthusiasm that American audiences are less likely to engage in; not because they are less interested, less invested or disrespectful, but because there is a fundamental cultural difference that perhaps leans towards a more measured approach. As fans in America we go all out, but the more casual audience member is less likely to show the type of reverence that was seen at last night’s show in Mexico City. I’d also say that Madonna is a uniquely global superstar in that her influence spans decades and has never really lost its intensity internationally. When she shows up overseas, people pay attention. Whether or not she has been as commercially relevant on the charts in the last decade is insignificant when she has the type of immediate recognizability of her image and her incomparable back catalog of hits. It hasn’t been celebrated by the media and the masses in America in the way that she deserves for many years, but I do believe all of that is changing. I think there’s a conscious awareness that today’s very prolific major stars of the music industry simply don’t have the type of broad spectrum connection to the zeitgeist in a way that will last with the type of endurance that music from a pre-streaming era did. Madonna is so exceptional in so many ways, and everyone kind of knows it, even if they hate on her. 

  9. Her voice has good nights and bad nights. This has been the case throughout the tour, including in LA where she even had a night when she lost her entire upper register during Mother and Father, stating it herself for the record onstage. I highly doubt she is thinking of canceling her Mexico dates. Sounds like the usual dramatic fantasies people come up with on that absurd platform of bile. She has four nights off after tomorrow’s show, and then another five nights off between Austin and Mexico City. She then has a week to prepare for Rio. She’s gonna be fine. 

  10. It is hard to show up for yourself and to learn to parent your inner child when you come from a background of trauma. If she suffers from claustrophobia and panic attacks, clearly her trauma is considerable and she’s been on a long journey toward mental wellness. I can relate, and I am moved by her extreme honesty. She’s clearly been going through some trauma activation since her illness and this speech serves as a reminder that she deserves kindness and compassion. It’s obviously hard for her to be vulnerable, and so for her to be that honest in front of 20,000 is significant.

  11. Okay…I think we are veering a little off course by turning this into an indictment of her entire personality! That’s just too much…Surely she deserves more respect from her fans than that! 

    She probably needs a rest, and it’s understandable after 71 performances. She knows she’s getting overwhelmed and frustrated…She’s literally spelling it out in her pre-Express Yourself speech. That said, venting it all publicly in the way she did isn’t particularly artistically-minded as it takes away from the narrative of her show, which is counterintuitive. I hope she finds some calm in the coming days. It is also the New Moon in Aries Total Solar Eclipse tomorrow, and so maybe she’s feeling it! Her voice does sound strained, and I’m sure that she gets affected by the dryness. No singer welcomes air-conditioning…It’s like kryptonite to the voice, and you don’t have to be doing Mariah acrobatics to feel the pain of it. 

  12. How strange that she would express herself that way onstage in front of her audience. I guess it’s not a big deal, but personally I find it really off-puttingly uncharacteristic and unprofessional. She must be feeling under the weather, or maybe her hip or knee are hurting. I’m guessing she isn’t talking about the a/c in the open arena because it’s been hotter than hell at most shows on the floor…she must feel the chill of it coming into her dressing area or under the stage? I’m guessing she’s just over it all and is finding herself feeling exhausted in the last stretch knowing that she still has to ten shows to go. She’s probably angry at herself and it’s her way of getting herself energized. 

  13. It’s incredibly unfair to rob Sandra of her own accomplishments. As already stated, she has had a very storied life and she is a talented comedienne and actress. She carved out a very unique style for herself as a performer. Her shows are autobiographical and comical with feisty social commentary, but always served with a touch of emotional tenderness underlined with music. I think she has been mostly gracious considering how much everyone always brings up Madonna when interviewing her. For many years I think she resented it and it may have led to some occasional overt hostility, but imagine being tethered to someone who hurt you (is it really that hard to imagine that Madonna lacked sensitivity in the early 90s?) for the rest of your career despite all of your other achievements! I think that would get under anyone’s skin, and she handled this ning nong’s prying with aplomb in my eyes. Madonna’s star shines so bright that it burns most people who have been in her orbit. It’s like a brand; permanent and unavoidable. I have empathy for how challenging that might be for some. 

  14. As far as I can remember, Sticky and Sweet Part 2 was added because she got hammered with an astronomical divorce settlement and wasn’t about to lose that amount of net worth for anyone. 

    Regarding Brazil and the possibility of more shows being added, it was also announced on February 6th that a final date had been added to the tour itinerary in Miami. Clearly that wasn’t true, therefore nothing can be ruled out. 

    As an addendum, I would like to reinforce the sentiment that this forum has become an absolute shambles. It remained one of the last places for fans to have intelligent discussions about Madonna’s body of work, her influence and impact, and her achievements. Then the culture shifted and being a Madonna fan seemed to become increasingly difficult as a collective experience. We went from the pseudo-woke brigade in full force 24/7 being offended by every idea they didn’t agree with to a cacophony of what seemed like bots insidiously telling us how much they loved everything. Critical thinking left the building.

    Once the tour started it seemed to level out into a healthy discussion centered around the almost daily reports on the corresponding tour dates, but we have once again descended into a chaos of either dual accounts trolling non-stop, or generally unstable, extremely immature individuals posting like they’re back in the sandbox expressing all of their unconscious feelings, personal issues and a need to have someone tell them that it’s all gonna be okay, and that they’re right for being intolerant of someone else they know nothing about having a different perspective or experience. Well here’s the bottom line…It’s all gonna be okay with or without the validation of a moderator, but don’t expect to have much of an audience to participate in your nonsense. I can hardly be bothered sharing anything on here at this stage. Half the people who once contributed actual thoughts to this place have left because of the absurdity of a small but loud minority spouting absolute bile that contributes nothing to the Madonna community and culture, and many others have withdrawn into the rafters, skimming through all the petty squabbling and rambling for some relevant information about the extraordinary woman we came here to discuss. It’s always been a challenge to navigate certain personality types online in relative anonymity, but at least it seemed we used to respect that on a Madonna forum we could invest in Madonna talk that provoked thought and intelligent discussion. Is it because of social media that this has faded out? Is it because we are getting older as a fanbase?  

    Whatever it is, it is both sad and embarrassing. If we can’t muster the courage and determination to show up and actually give value to Madonna’s legacy within the fanbase, it doesn’t bode well for that legacy elsewhere.

  15. Why are people interpreting that he’d be saying this about his employer? He is literally saying that Madonna is an artist and puts her money, fame, artistry and power where her mouth is. I could speculate he means any number of people, none of whom need to be named because it will just incur the wrath of weirdo sheeple…the vast majority of current pop stars are nowhere near Madonna’s level of consistent engagement to her causes. I don’t know why anyone would question Ricardo’s dedication, admiration and devotion to Madonna, nor has he ever given any reason for us to think he isn’t grateful for his position. Clearly Madonna likes him very much (just go back to that French Madame X interview in which the journalist said he was snapping shots of her in the distance and M thought he was a paparazzo to see how much his relationship with her has solidified over the subsequent five years), and if he facetunes her until there’s nothing more than a hint of realism it is because she wants it that way. It’s fame, an inherently deceptive, illusory concept with no substance. I’ve always felt his style was meant to capture the essence of our time! AI, VR…Whatever it is, Madonna is an intelligent, intellectual, mature woman who has her reasons for everything she does. We may not understand them all the time, and she certainly doesn’t explain herself much, but if she’s willing to go on a world tour and be photographed as she truly looks every night she takes to the stage we can at least be assured that she doesn’t have a problem with how she looks in real life or on IG, and neither should anyone else. Now that it’s been confirmed for us all to see that she is still a stunning beauty in the flesh at 65, I’d say it’s even more obvious just how conceptual the IG filters are intended to be in a world obsessed with youth. Whether or not they are necessary is like asking whether or not Where’s The Party should have been a global single. It wasn’t, and so it is! And yes, I think we are all a bit jealous of Ricardo. How could we not be?! What a life he gets to experience! 

  16. 54 minutes ago, MikeyK said:

    I agree w/the last statement for sure. Fwiw house is what came out of Chicago in the early 80s, though it was still sort of in its infancy and regional in 84. M would make some house records a few years later as we all know.

    The techno you’re thinking of came out of Detroit a little later, but the term techno in the very early 80s was first applied to (mostly) UK synth pop. I can hear that vibe (guitars and synths new wave) on a lot of the LAV album. It’s primarily live musicians. There’s some r&b and Motown throwback too. Similar combo as Bowie‘s Let’s Dance (obviously). Overall it was an attempt to move away from the post-disco of her debut.

    To me ITG is very much a mid 80s NYC club record. I think she took some inspiration from Shannon’s Let The Music Play, which had blown up around the same time as Holiday. That 5 note synth line in the chorus of ITG is very similar to LTMP. She definitely took that vibe in her own direction though. And don’t forget when she initially worked on it she thought it was going to Mark Kamins. She was writing a club record for a dj/producer as a thank you, like Sidewalk Talk. It just ended up taking on a whole different life than she’d planned on.

    You’re right. It was a poor choice of genre to use techno. I meant house music. 🙏🏼

  17. I’m not sure I’d agree with that. If you listen to a lot of r n’b, soul and boogie from 1978-1982, all of Madonna’s earliest material is inspired by and derivative of those genres. Reggie Lucas is literally one of the architects of that sound, and Madonna was a regular at clubs where Larry Levan, Jellybean and champions of the genre DJ’d. It’s mostly a case of that music not making it to the pop mainstream because the genre was considered black, and neither radio nor burgeoning video channels and programming like MTV would play it. Where Into The Groove and much of Nile’s electronic influence on Like A Virgin differs is in the slow infusion of techno, which was also already big in black clubs in Chicago and NY. In this sense, Into The Groove is a blueprint for the future of mainstream dance pop. 

    Also, I posted this literally three hours before this post by Chihuahua with the video embedded. It helps to take the time to check if something has already been shared. 😎

  18. I initially thought it was well-researched, but there was a great deal of information left out, and it became tedious beyond the Girlie Show. There was too much of a tendency to stick to a bird’s eye view of her career, with little actual deeper research. I understand that she wanted to make it a historical account of Madonna’s life, and while it is lengthy and I am sure it took a great deal of work, there’s something lacking in the end. In the second half of Madonna’s career there is practically no insight beyond a basic timeline of publicly seen performances and interviews. The author spends far too much time recounting the details of each tour (with occasional glaring errors), barely making any effort to contextualize beyond her own personal discovery of Madonna’s work and dryly conveying what she sees, which is of no interest to fans as we have all seen the shows. 
    The early years are where the book succeeds…It’s a noble effort, but lacks any real depth or style, and the little attention paid to the latter part of Madonna’s career was almost insulting. 

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