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Posts posted by Raio_05

  1. 12 hours ago, Brandon Clark said:

    Awe sooooooooooooo freakin cute!!!! What a great picture :) :) :) And here I thought you were going to be all alone for Christmas & I was sad to hear that but it looks like you're doing just fine :) Merry Christmas my friend! So happy you are getting to see family for the holidays!!! 

    Thank you, my dear! Unfortunately I did actually spent it alone, that pic is from last year :cryin: I just didn't want to post a pic all alone in my pyjamas stuffing my face with pizza... :eyes: (thanks for exposing me, lmao - but I managed to have a pleasant evening last night so it was all ok hahah)

    Wishing everyone a nice Christmas day! :fantasy:

  2. 6 hours ago, Ashley said:

    No. Hasbro who holds the copyright for Monopoly is known to pursue copyright infringements rigorously and also Madonna's team may pursue you for copyright as well. A Madonna themed Monopoly game would be lucrative and something Madonna and Hasbro would want creative control over.

    Thank you for bringing me back to reality :lol: it's true, I've read some horror stories about copyrights, unfortunately...

    What I CAN do, though, is to print a copy every year and just make a contest on a forum or something for the fan to win one, free of charge! I've read that if it's a gift and there's no profit from it, then it's okay to make a personalized one.

    2 hours ago, Semtex1 said:

    Well you could still make your own board game. I would definitely play a Truth or Dare version / snakes and ladders style which could involve performing with a bottle or downing shots, completing lyrics and every other square you land on you should be forced to sing 'Candy shop'

     Oh my God... you just gave another idea :drama:

  3. 5 minutes ago, deathproof said:

    You just reminded me of those Hard Candy gyms.... :lol:

    You should do a Guess Who of Madonna's looks!

    OMG you just gave me an idea for a gift! :scary:

    1 minute ago, professormouse said:

    Unfortunately no, Monopoly™ has never made one Madonna related. A crime, I know... especially when there's so many versions with musicians that aren't even half as iconic as her. I don't understand it. I also had to make an Harry Potter themed-one last year, also for a gift, for that same reason...

  4. Just wanted to let you all know that she had at least 2 personal trainers in her house in Lisbon, one even made the news when he was public with her at a Benfica game: https://www.vidas.pt/a-ferver/detalhe/madonna-na-luz-com-amigo-misterioso

    The other one, Nicole Winhoffer, also gave an interview to Architectural Digest speaking about how her 18th-century palace had a room remodeled just for their workout routines: https://www.architecturaldigest.com/story/madonna-home-gym-lisbon

    So she still works out, just maybe not as hard, of course.

  5. 1 hour ago, Shoful said:

    Would be amazing if this came true. Not getting my hopes up though. 
    The thing I don’t understand is why she couldn’t keep 2 houses? She’s a multimillionaire. Maybe she see’s maintaining both as a waste? I will miss her being in Lisbon though. Madame X is such an amazing album!

    Honestly, and I'm gonna say this as a native, Lisbon is just out of hand and isolative for her and doesn't offer much in the long run. It's a small city with a lot of development yet to happen. She first came here because David wanted to play soccer, she chose Lisbon out of 3 choices and David went into Benfica. Now, apparently, David left Benfica but the question is: is she leaving because she doesn't want to stay anymore after the Madame X era, or because David wants to leave?...

    If it's the latter (which I think it is, David is a teen anyway and must have gotten bored or something, I don't see Madonna taking that away from his as a mother if he chose to continue soccer), then she had a reason to wanting to keep the house but not keeping it in the end as per the rumour, because when would she come here, really?... :stare:

  6. 30 minutes ago, Ashley said:

    It's clear she doesn't have a good P.R. team helping her with social media. Probably no one is assisting her at all. 

    I honestly don't understand how one of the biggest, most influential, iconic legacy-act musicians of the past 40 years doesn't have a proper PR team. Does she not have a contract where her Instagram posts are mentioned? Does she have that much power in her business decisions? Or is she just surrounded by "yes" people? Maybe they think she's so iconic already, they just cash in on that and don't care about the rest?...

    Even random C-list pseudo-celebrities from my country's reality shows have better PR than Madonna, the Queen of Pop. WTF

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