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Posts posted by Raio_05

  1. My biggest problem with Reinvention is that it's such an obvious damage control tour without any originality. They basically made a greatest hits tour where the first section was a copy of the 1990 Vogue VMAs concept (to attract the public, I guess), the Cabaret was a recreation of the Blond Ambition section and the acoustic was... well, acoustic. No concept there.

    Only the Military and Scottish section were a bit original but military was just her dressed up and the scottish section was sooo bland, especially the outfit. Not to mention the stage was smaller than DWT, the lighting was weird too??

    I think some fans idolize it so much because it had a lot of similarities to Blond Ambition (which is undeniably iconic), so they make the link - A) tour from a controversial album; B) documentary, C) no DVD. This last part in particular left the fans forever in need and thus, the RIT myth was born... :Madonna007:

  2. 3 hours ago, Ashley said:

    Reinvention tour felt like she was asked to perform a charity concert at her kids school for the parents.

    Oh my God, thank you so much for this LOL my group of Madonna fans absolutely IDOLIZE this tour and I'm literally the only one who thinks it's WAY overrated and without much meaning (and that acoustic section is soo boring... and their favorite, of course :cryin:)!

  3. 1 hour ago, TonyMontana said:

    Unpopular opinion but some people, including me, think she was actually more blooming between 1999 and 2006 than she is since 2008. I repeat and i don't care if 99% of her fans jump at my throat, Guy is one of the best things that happened to her, and the fact that her gay fan base doesn't like him won't change my opinion.

    I would agree with you if they hadn't ended up in a long, bitter, vengeful, nasty divorce.

    Truly good couples don't end up that way, and that alone should be your indication that they were not good for each other.

    EDIT: and all of his name-calling, homophobia, sexism and golddigging too, of course. One can't just turn a blind eye to that...

  4. 29 minutes ago, NowRadiate said:

      “aka the most deep-rooted karmic lessons you're learning on the long-run of reincarnations“

    Confused Thinking GIF

    LOL love that gif :lol:

    Let me rephrase: your sun sign is a representation of your soul's current karmic balances in the grand cycle of reencarnations. 

    For example, if you're a Scorpio sun sign in Vedic, it means your soul is currently exploring the themes of death/(re)birth/trauma/transformation/sex in this reincarnation through wordly experiences. That can mean anything from having lots of loved ones die before you, to simply having to deal with more difficult traumas than most people.

  5. 9 minutes ago, NowRadiate said:

    I seem to be much more like my rising and moon. But the back-shift sun: nah-ah. Thank you for the link. It does feel super off for me but it’s interesting; the ways each culture attempts to make sense of it all. 

    The sun sign in Vedic is basically worthless haha it means the spiritual stage where your soul is at, aka the most deep-rooted karmic lessons you're learning on the long-run of reincarnations. It doesn't translate into behavioural patterns in this world per se.

    And fun historical fact: Vedic Astrology is actually the most ancient one and the true descendant of the original Babylonian/Mesopotamia astrology. Then over the millennia it transformed into several systems (including those horrible modern newspaper "horoscopes" :poo:).

  6. 3 minutes ago, NowRadiate said:

    Thank you. I‘ve read a little into it; the back-shift and all. I could not really find myself or my story in there but it’s an intriguing concept for sure. I think anything can be read into horoscopes really. ?

    I forgot to mention that in Vedic Astrology, the most important sign is first the Ascendant (which is how you portray yourself in this world) and then the Moon (your emotions), au contraire to Western where the sun sign if the main one. This explains why people born on the same day can be so different, as ascendants change every 2 hours basically. Maybe you just read about your "new" shifted sun sign?

    Also, try looking up the definitions of the signs in vedic websites, like http://www.barbarapijan.com. Western Astrology sometimes has very reductive (pun intended) and cliché views of the signs, like walking stereotypes. Vedic definitions are way more about what your karma is like and your psycho-emotional tendencies in this reincarnation.

  7. 2 hours ago, novistarter said:

    The change was somewhere after Bedtime Stories and before Ray of Light...1996, 1997...

    Funny coincidence again, that the Navamsa timing matches the period in her career/life when she became a mother, had singing lessons that reshaped her voice, became spiritual and reached body maturity (her face even changed so much in just those 3 years!).

  8. 10 hours ago, NowRadiate said:

    I didn’t read it all... the postulation of „we are facing dark times“ as a fact threw me off a bit, but still.
    Where can we look up our own vedic chart?


    haha vedic astrology has the reputation for being very dark and depressive, although realistic. I'll clarify since some it may give the impression that it's kinda like those Christians that scream "The end is near!!", but it's not like that:

    Basically, Vedic Astrology stems from Hinduism, and in Hinduism time is cyclical, like a wheel, with "phases". There are 4 major cycles and currently we are still on Kali Yuga, which is the last of the 4 cycles and represents a time where Humanity is spiritually bankrupt, mindlessly hedonistic, there's breakdown of all social structures, greed and materialism, unrestricted egotism, etc. Meaning, we still have a looong way to go, and by long it's literally hundreds of years until we reach the supposed "golden age".

    You can view your vedic chart in sites like http://www.mykundali.com, but usually you can just grab your western chart and retroactively shift the signs by 1 house, so for instance if you were born with your Sun in Aries, it's actually in Pisces and so forth. This is because Vedic astrology takes into account the precession of the equinoxes into its calculations, aka they consider the slight natural shift/wobble of the earth in relation to how the stars are positioned in the sky, whereas typical Western Astrology doesn't. And that's why some say it gives way more accurate results.

    If you're still interested in seeing your Vedic chart and can't manage to do it online, just drop me a DM and I'll help you. :)

  9. Loved the analysis!

    First of all, I'm glad you analyzed her Vedic chart - I myself have studied mainly Vedic Astrology throughout the years as I find it much more accurate than Western/Tropical. I'm still a bit skeptical on Astrology tho, as I think of myself more of a spiritualist than an occultist, but it's oddly fascinating and even scary accurate at times. :eyes:

    Second, I remember studying her charts a few years ago during one of my astrology phases and was astonished at how the planet house positions + conjunctions were so obvious for someone like her. You know? Like "of course her Sun is strong lol obviouslyy"

    I became a fan when she was already waaaay into Kabbalah (which by the way is basically a mystic, esoteric version of Judaism), and she always seemd like an esoteric instead of a spiritualist - but as I mentioned in the other thread, around Rebel Heart I started noticing she was waaay more into Astrology and the Occult in her Instagram posts and such, it was a bit odd as some of it goes against Kabbalah actually. She started getting more vocal about it as well.

    But this latest post just confirmed that privately she has evolved into something of a practicing occultist, I'd say? It was so out uncommon. The femur head/hip socket picture, the Frida Kahlo as her "angel", the Friday 13th timing... that's not a coincidence and I was shocked to see so many fans dismissing it as just a random post! lol

    I'm gonna DM you btw because I don't have her Navamsa chart anymore and now you just reignited the astrology nerd in me hahaha

  10. 5 hours ago, deathproof said:

    Does that mean the bonus feature will be a 5 minute montage?

    Oh man, you're gonna kill me but... I literally just found out because of your comment (that I didn't understand, so I googled it) that Tears of a Clown is a montage on the Rebel Heart Tour DVD :dead:

    I never bought the DVD and I didn't care at all for TOAC so all these years I literally thought it was the full show when it's a messy black & white 15 min montage :cryin:

  11. 2 hours ago, novistarter said:

    Thoughts on the last photo of the Magick ritual she performed? With that hip socket ball thing on the third photo? Since occultism is often the subject of my studies and I practice it myself, Ive long thought Madonna was a priestess...many hints point towards it and the last instagram photos confirm it. 

    Frida Kahlo is the her Angel, one she invokes often and has put as her guide. It is usual in the occult world to establish close connections with your guides.

    Also I have studied her vedic charts and have learned a lot about her, her karma and her behaviour why she does what she does...if you are interested I can share my findings?

    OMG finally someone that also recognized that! She's literally almost doing an incantation on her Instagram for a cure to her hip/knee, I guess? :eyes: posting it on a Friday 13th also...

    I would love for you to share what you've gathered on her, I myself don't do Magick or anything alike but I've also studied it in the past and known Madonna has always had an "esoteric" side to her... that in later years seemed to transform into much more than just esoterism.

    Is that photo of her hip socket? She did have surgery after MXT...

  12. 33 minutes ago, thelioncourtheart_ said:

    Not sure about Ghosttown.
    Bitch I'm Madonna
    The original Rebel Heart Tour DVD/BR before it was switch
    The Tears of a Clown poster/tour program book

    Oh wow, wait. That's a lot of new information for me as I didn't pay much attention during the Rebel Heart era. lol

    So the first DVD cover was actually considered?? I thought it was just a joke :eyes:

    Tears of a Clown had a program?? Oh lord

    I think the cover of Ghosttown was by him as well, at least it follows the same horrible graphicdesignismypassion.jpeg vibe...



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