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Posts posted by Raio_05

  1. 13 minutes ago, RUADJAI said:

    It seems like a harsh comeback... but if you truly analyze what this person said... He wasn't really asking her a question. 

    "Remember playing the piano at Sticky & Sweet Tour?"

    It's a lame attempt to force someone to engage. OF COURSE she remembers playing the piano on stage in front of thousands of people. Is she to be expected to meet every one of these asinine "questions" with a pure sense of joy? Is she to be expected to instantly travel back to that special time 40 thousand times a day. The person asking isn't looking for the answer to the question, they are looking for ANY SORT of engagement to be closer to their queen. It isn't genuine. I have no doubt that M had to have discussions with all of her kids about the types of people they will encounter being the child of someone like her. People who will literally say or ask or do anything to get ANY sort of acknowledgement from anyone remotely close to Madonna.  


    I would also say... Just because she treated this guy like that doesn't mean she hates all Madonna fans. So it's unfair to take this disingenuous engagement and apply it to all of us. As most of us ARE NOT asking her stupid questions just to get something out of her. 

    I agree that fans were being cynical and asking purely out of interest, but she also didn't have to reply like that. Both parties are wrong, imo.

    Why couldn't she just ignore or say "don't ask me questions about my mother, I don't know anything" instead of "does your mother know you don't wash your ass"

  2. 1 hour ago, steady75 said:

    I don't think any of us can imagine the pressure of being the most famous woman in the worlds child, (except for maybe me I'm certainly not honest with her all the time), so let's not with the character assassinations. Some of these people are just kids and some are just messing about with zero pucks of our opinions so maybe let's just move on. Madonna is fair game..her kids...nah. 

    But the fact that she is Madonna's daughter does not give her the right to basically bully fans like she was doing on Instagram. Some were just kind-heartily mentioning times they saw her and she was one step away from saying basically "kill yourselves"...

    It's because of fans Madonna has a career in the first place, and Lola should acknowledge that her extremely privileged life came from that. So she should at least be nice or just ignore, although yes at the same time the fans shouldn't storm her with questions and whatever about her mother.

    And she's already 24, an adult.

  3. 2 hours ago, madfan13_86 said:

    I realised how much of an upper/middle-class chauvinistic bully he was. I was only a uni student then and it was quite heartbreaking, as I only realised afterwards how clever and sophisticated his bullying had been towards me and some of my friends.

    And yet, some fans absolutely swear he was the best thing to ever happen to her and aren't able to see that (as the majority of us do). I think it's the daddy effect.

    PS: and we are all "somebody"s and "nobody"s. Even Madonna is a nobody to a lot of people I know. Let's not go down that path...

  4. Man, I just feel sorry for Lola... imagine growing up and being CONSTANTLY attached to your mother's name, almost like living in her shadow 24/7, always being compared... you are not "Lola", you are "Madonna's daughter"... must get old realllyyy quick. Especially in the age of social media. 

    Either way she doesn't need to interact so aggressively, lol. 


  5. 3 hours ago, Blue Prince said:

    I kinda see her as a motherly figure. I do have a mother very much present in my life and M reminds me of her, both being blonde and strong women, but in the more accepting version, the more understanding one of who I am deep down.

    Oh man, you touched such a sensitive subject with that hahah *cue life story that nobody asked for*

    My mother was born with polio and in a society that was extremely discriminatory towards disabled people - even though she was soooo smart and beautiful, she couldn't get a job and just settled with my father who was, like a lot of the men at the time, a controlling sexist macho-man b*stard. My mother ended up having 3 kids and I was the youngest of them all, and from a young age I fought my own father so my mother could be able to do basic things like going out alone or even getting a driver's license (yes, it was THAT bad...).

    Enter Madonna in my life at 13 years old and now I have two mother figures who are the total  opposite of each other. I felt like Madonna was my "spiritual" mother, strong and fearless, guiding me through a difficult adolescence. On the other side my mother, a woman broken down by society and marriage, devalued, discriminated. This dichotomy was very hard for me. There were a few years when whenever I had a problem I genuinely would think "What would Madonna do?" instead of asking my mother for advice.

    15 years later I no longer think like this of course, and my mother fortunately has become much more independent (and Madonna much more cringy... how the tables have turned :eyes:), but I'll always see M as my spiritual mother, the one who shaped and molded me, giving me advice through her lyrics and raising my self-esteem during troubled times. My mother as the type of woman Madonna was fighting for.

  6. Her reinventions, that's what drew me the most and kept me as a fan. I've always loved different versions of the same thing (weird mania I have, don't ask why), and in 2021 she STILL is the only artist to have successfully reinvented yourself to the point of creating different personas (Dita, Madame X, etc).

    It's like every era had a concept, a theme, an aesthetic - and I'm a sucker for that. She did it soooo much better than any other artist. Some other artists have tried (Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, etc) but they feel a bit forced sometimes, whereas with Madonna it was very natural.

  7. 4 hours ago, NowRadiate said:

    When I was a teenager I dreamt she showed up at my school and forced all homophobes to vogue.

    This is hilarious to imagine :lol:

    I know I've dreamt many, many times throughout the years, but I can only remember my latest ones which were in 2019 before we knew what the tour was like. I remember one where I was in a house and it was just a couple of people, she came down the stairs from the first floor singing and I was really into it. lol

    I know I've had weirder/funnier dreams but I really can't remember them... ugh

  8. 33 minutes ago, discohub said:

    Yuck, I probably hate everything Mart & Mercus. They hide her behind anything that comes, put way too much make up on her, and dress her with ridiculously horrible clothes. For a very long time, M was able to be tacky and edgy at the same time. With M&M, she's just another overdressed celebrity with no sense of style.

    I also don't usually like their photoshoots, but for some reason I find that one amazing haha probably because it has the whole Joan of Arc, saint aesthetic...

  9. 10 hours ago, Johno said:

    I have been a super fan of Madonna since her first single in 1982 & I have been to 10 of her 11 Tours the only tour I missed was her 1985 The Virgin Tour other than that I’ve been to them all & I must say The Madame X Tour was by far the worst & most unorganized tour I have been to. I saw The MX Tour in Brooklyn NY on Sept 24, 2019 I was her 6th show & @ my tour & all the Brooklyn shows she had no tour books available & they said it was due to the shows being pushed back & they didn’t have the right info in them but there was plenty of time to get the tour books out because I have every tour book from my 1st Tour The Who’s that girl tour 1987 to current & the prices of the merchandise was outrageous.

    A concert T-Shirt started @ $65 & up & it made it so expensive to buy anything. The show said an 8:00pm start & @ my show she finally came on at 10:45pm. We waited almost 3 hours & ppl were so angry including myself & I saw at least 100 ppl leave if not more & when Madonna did take the stage she said I have been told you guys are complaining about how late I am, I am a diva I can be as late as I want and if you don’t like it pretty much told all of us in the audience who paid $450 or more per ticket to go Fuc* Off & if we don’t like it we can leave so at that point even more people got up and left. The show overall was ok & the setlist was decent but me along with many others were extremely disappointed that she used her song rescue me as an interlude instead of performing it. 

    She’s NEVER performed it in concert B4 so everyone was screaming because we thought she was going to finally perform Rescue Me, just like in the Setlist it shows “Express Yourself” but she did it an a cappella version & didn’t do the whole song & the same with “Papa Don’t Preach” she performed may 1 verse & she was behind this screen acting like she was at the gynecologist  & it was such an odd performance & she changed the words promoting abortion &  the opening to the show “God Control” her 1st song was extremely long b4 she even came on stage. 1 of the most standout performances of that night was when she performed frozen, her daughter Lourdes was on this huge screen black screen that was mesh dancing & we thought it was another interlude but then all of a sudden you could see Madonna behind the screen singing frozen. That was probably the best moment of the show along with Medellin but on a 5 Star rating I would give it 3 stars & for me to give a Madonna Tour 3 Stars that says a lot because again with this being my 10th Tour in a row it wasn’t great.

    If I were to rate WTGT 1987, BAM 1990, TGS 1993, DWT 2001, RIT 2004, CONFESSIONS 2006, S&S 2008, MDNA 2012, RHT 2015 all 9 Tours would Be 5 Stars plus because all 9 tours were truly amazing & unfortunately The Madame X Tour was a huge let down & also back to the The Madame X Tour book I had to end up buying it on her website & again I saw her in September 2019 & the tour book didn’t become available until January 2020 but I was happy to be able to get it to go with all my other Madonna tour books. 

    I feel like you're putting a theater show in the same category as a stadium/arena tour and you can't really compare them like that because then, by default, MXT is obviously "worse".

    But it's not worse - it's an amazing theater show. She couldn't have her own stage with platforms and runways and screens, so she adapted and incorporated all the elements available on a theater, and very well I may add - lighting, video projections, moving props, etc. Frozen isn't the only highlight: Human Nature with the projections interacting with her on stage and the amazing instrumental, I Don't Search I Find with the vintage theme and a chase coreography, Medellín with the projections and gorgeous Lisbon set, Extreme Occident with the light pathways on the floor and moving stairs... etc. Her voice was also the best I'd ever heard as well as her mood.

    I saw every tour from S&S+ and I must say it was the most enjoyable tour experience for me, even though it's not my favourite tour. Yes she was late, yes she cancelled one of my shows, yes the setlist wasn't perfect (they never are, it's subjective), yes it was too monologue-y... but I went there without expectations and comparisons because I knew I wasn't in a stadium with 50,000 other people and a massive stage. And I left loving the show and can't wait for the DVD to come out.

    On a side note, and don't take this personally as I don't know your relationship with her work, but I think some fans really got hang up on her success over the years and some even project that onto themselves. When she scaled down - it was like a personal offense, a blow to the self-esteem, like "it's MADONNA, she has the BIGGEST tours and STAGES and beats RECORDS" - and then all of a sudden she's doing a 2k-show with only lights and stairs. Some fans had a maaaaassive meltdown when they realized that (not saying you're one of them). It's like she's not allowed to try anything different that isn't grandiose, or otherwise it's "her worst".

  10. I LOVE when she goes all mythological and symbolical.

    Even though I find the whole Rebel Heart album a bit boring, the aesthetic of the era was on point, specifically the Rebel Heart album shoot by Mert & Marcus, and gladiatrix Vanity Fair 2015 by Terry Richardson:



    Photoshoots I dislike most: anything from the True Blue period, 86-88. It's just too 80s for me... 

  11. For me, most of her cheesiness/cringiness comes from her social media Instagram, but social media invites that anyway with positive reinforcement of any stupid thing one posts + total availability at all times.

    As for the tours, she's an old lady now so of course she wants to monologue to hell (everytime I get on a bus I get monologued to death by a random lady who tells me all her life story), so I just dismiss it as being an age-related thing. With Rebel Heart she also wasn't really feeling it and had that Rocco thing going on... I think she was hurting inside.

  12. As much as I'd like her to stop performing all those songs that have already been mentioned here, we need to step out of our roles as hardcore fans (who are only, like, 10% of her shows attendance?), and realize 90% of the public go to her shows *for* those songs. They're the ones who listen to her casually.

    I'm not a Beyoncé hardcore fan but you bet I'd wanna hear Single Ladies and Crazy In Love on every show I'd go to.

    EDIT: this being said, I hope Madame X killed the Candy Shop curse, yes.

  13. Just now, artlover said:

    I did not mean to harm or shade Madonna either, but I think one wouldn't need to read much into what I said, the sentence itself to get my point.

    Oh I completely understood what you meant tho, I've seen people on Twitter "cancelling" people for way less.

    I can completely imagine some fake-woke, radical-leftist saying "Is she saying men don't need PERMISSION or CONSENT for their PLEASURES or otherwise they're poor??!1 She's normalizing rapists!!"

    Thank God I left Twitter.

  14. To me it means that a man who allows his pleasures to be permitted by another, is poor in spirit; aka, letting the personal views and judgment of someone else forbid you from doing what you want and like.

    Of all the Madonna quotes and citations, this is actually one of my favourites, along with "don't let a stranger give me a social disease" (Nobody Knows Me) and "only the one that hurts you can make you feel better" (Erotica). Such simples sentences but filled with power and truth.

  15. 16 minutes ago, ScottyX said:

    Not Catholic. Other end of the Christian spectrum.  Probably it is my faith and love for Jesus Christ that makes me cringe at that Madonna aspect.  I won't preach though.

    I get what you mean tho, I have buddhist tendencies and I absolutely loathe how the Buddha figure is often reduced in Western society to a "new-age, weed-legalizing, yoga mat" symbol (it even goes against the principles of Buddhism... lol)

  16. 18 hours ago, ScottyX said:

    Only thing i've ever found weird is her need to drag God into sexual music. Some like it. Some don't. I don't. My opinion is valid.

    Well, let's be honest here: she has roman catholic roots and that branch of Christianity is sexual af.

    I should know, I'm Southern-European too and everytime I enter a church or see a catholic event it's: 1) naked hairy daddy blond blue-eyed hunk Jesus everywhere, 2) putting his "flesh" in your mouth, 3) wine-time becomes "drinking his holy bodifly fluids", 4) the immaculate collection conception being basically a virginity cult, and last but not least - 5) sex is extremely stigmatized and used as a means to appease God. So, sex and God are intertwined. Also, priest robes to hide the body because, you know, sexual feelings.

    No disrespect if you're Catholic, tho. I do like seeing hunk Jesus.

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