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fuck that was scary.my heart stopped. wow she is really something special. live forever M  :heart:

i hope she is not injured and great thing is that it was not playback so she was not embarrassed on top of it. falling is not embarrassing it is stressful to everyone watching. those horns are scary to me, she could have landed on one of those, and also dancing on grammies it felt scary seeing her around those horny dancers, she could have lose her eye or somehitng, fuck the horns or hopefully they are like not solid  hard . be careful with our hearts M :)


let's crack a stupid joke now:


I loved Ghost Town with explosions especially, that part was a highlight for me.

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The perf will be available on google play. Will she allow that, will it be cut, or will she perform again for it ?


No way she will cut that part, it will show the whole world how courageous and strong she is. No wonder she's still around after 33 years and the queen of pop after seeing that, really. All the haters in the medias have tried to bring her down for 30 years and she always survived, and what happened tonight is the visualization of that, no matter what shit happens, she's stronger and she get up on her feet and succeed. If she falls she'll get up again, over & over !

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Madonna Falls Hard, Drops Mic During Brit Awards Performance

Madonna returned to the Brit Awards for the first time in 20 years to perform her Rebel Heart single "Living for Love." But it wasn't an entirely seamless return to her one-time adopted home country.


At the beginning of her performance, she fell down a staircase when the lengthy cape she was wearing was tugged by a backup dancer/minotaur; it appeared that the cape was supposed to be easily removed but pulled Madonna along with it instead. Madge was yanked backward hard and fell down the stairs. (Yes, she fell during a song that features the line "watched me stumble".) Check it out below:


Yes, that looked like it hurt. Even worse, Madonna dropped her mic and missed singing several of the song's lyrics entirely. When she picked the mic back up, her voice still seemed shaky, like the fall had knocked the wind out of her. On the plus side: those who accuse her of lip-syncing (Elton John) can sod off.


Ever the pro, though, she recovered by the end of the number and looked triumphant, and maybe a little relieved, when she wrapped.


Note to Kanye: This would have been the perfect time to rush the stage. You coulda caught her if you'd been quick enough!

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No way she will cut that part, it will show the whole world how courageous and strong she is. No wonder she's still around after 33 years and the queen of pop after seeing that, really. All the haters in the medias have tried to bring her down for 30 years and she always survived, and what happened tonight is the visualization of that, no matter what shit happens, she's stronger and she get up on her feet and succeed. If she falls she'll get up again, over & over !


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You know what in every bad things that happen there is some good to take from it, and look at the first reviews, not only the performance was amazing but now medias talk about how strong and a pro she is for getting back up that quickly and going on as if nothing happened and also they talk about the fact that now it's the ultimate proof she is singing live. Of course i'd prefer if that has never happened (my heart almost stopped for her), and the most important thing is i hope she's hasn't injured her. I send her a lot of positive vibes right now. 

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yes that looked nasty, I had a feeling all day something was going to go wrong I just didn't want to tempt fate by posting it on here, just glad she didn't do the harness lift at the end like at the grammys. well she's more than earnt her column inches for that, and fingers crossed she'll nudge up to number one on the iTunes uk chart now.


same here actually. I was like "what if she falls". Something didn't feel right about today, but if she's truly ok, it might actually be a good thing for her.. this fall. Shows how human and super-human she is.

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