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Posts posted by Fontainebleau

  1. I hope Madonna won't give in to the TikTok generation too much by releasing short edits that hardly breach the 3-minute mark. I know short can be sweet, but I want these remixes to linger and I want to revel in their sound. There might be a direct correlation between a song going viral on TikTok and it gaining in popularity on music streaming platforms, but personally I have always prefered songs that clock in at around 5 minutes.

  2. Most celebrity kids don't have any ambition besides spending their parent's money and trying to make it as a model. At least Rocco is really trying to do something. If he continues, who knows how great he will become. The fact that he lives a privileged life and that it may be easier for him to find success because of his famous parents doesn't mean he shouldn't try.

  3. I think leaving Warner Bros wasn't the best career decision. But let's not forget Warner Bros invited the Pet Shop Boys to collaborate on the Hard Candy album and then later withdrew that invitation. I have always wondered what a Madonna album produced by the Pet Shop Boys would sound like. Unfortunately we ended up with a hybrid of the Future Sex/Love Sounds and Loose albums by Justin Timberlake and Nelly Furtado, which wasn't bad, it just wasn't new or fresh. And we were so used to Madonna working with unknown producers who gave her albums a new sound like Orbit, Price and Mirwais. For the first time Madonna was following the trend instead of dictating it.

    Then that Live Nation deal. It was just too much. But who would have said no to the money? I can't blame Madonna. The only thing missing was someone who would have dared say no to some decisions. It's not without reason MDNA and Rebel Heart are considered subpar Madonna albums. Better editing, better concepts and direction all would have made a difference and yes, maybe Guy Oseary had something to do with this (or perhaps the problem is that he didn't do nearly enough). The 2010s have been rather joyless, missing a steady direction.

    And yes, @Brendanlovesu1, I agree with you. The mystique is gone. The discussion and focus seem to have shifted away from the music and artistry to image and looks.

  4. I actually quite like this photoshoot, including the outtakes. It's a shame much of the discussion is about the so called quality of photoshop, but can't photography be used as an instrument to present an image? And I do like the image that is presented to us. If painters are allowed to distort reality and are being applauded for it, then why can't photographers? Considering we are surrounded by (and influenced by) distorted reality and digital enhancement all the time, our idea of truth is constantly exposed to manipulation. Art doesn't necessarily have to imitate life, it can distort it.

  5. What is going on with all this scrutinizing of the one minute Madonna was on the MTV stage? While we are still debating her looks, outfits and antics Madonna herself is probably already busy with something else. Why make it more than it is? Why give so much meaning to something that very likely wasn't  meant as meaningful? If the one minute suprise appearance was intended to have people talking then mission accomplished. Why make it more than it is? If Madonna didn't want to do it, then she wouldn't have done it. If she wants to have butt implants and wear a leather outfit, then let the woman do her thing. But all of a sudden it's a sign of insecurity and we feel sorry for her? It's Madonna we're talking about, not some new and inexperienced starlet. The talk of filters, plastic surgery, her clothing, it's all so trivial and it devaluates her forty years in the business. She's a survivor and she will continue. But she will do it on her terms, not ours.

  6. Songs that always deserve to be in the spotlight:


    Express Yourself

    Justify My Love


    Open Your Heart


    Other songs that deserve to be (more) in the spotlight:

    Beautiful Stranger

    Don't Tell Me

    Nothing Really Matters

    Rescue Me

    Love Profusion

    Get Together

    Future Lovers

    Take A Bow

    I Deserve It


    I Don't Search I Find


    Songs to be retired:

    Like A Virgin

    Like A Prayer


    Candy Shop

    Human Nature

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