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iHeartRadio's "The Box" lav story

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That's the difference to living a busy active life and never looking back to fan's who have watched everything 100 times.

Memories get skewed over the years. Maybe initially they rehearsed it that way with Martin in it and that's the memory she holds on to.

But this is the first time she has mentioned him in regards to that performance.

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The iHeart Radio interview is great in full, thanks for reminding me about it. 

As @ITG mentioned, I don't think she ever really intends to mis-represent her past. Expecting her to recount every minuscule detail of her life to perfection is (A) Unrealistic and (B) Not how the majority of us describe our pasts. I see people around me recount things from last week inaccurately, so I'm willing to cut her some slack. She has been one of the busiest people in showbiz for decades, details are bound to be blurry (or fuzzy) once the dust settles in the rearview mirror.

Also, there's no doubt Martin was with her that day and was probably involved in the performance in some way at some point. All her mates were closely involved in those early days. Whether we witnessed him walking down the stairs or not, it's how she remembers him.

That said, I'm not suggesting we shouldn't correct her errors by reminding her of the evidence-based detail available to us which might then open her memory box to further nuances and information which sometimes can't be expressed in soundbites or in the flow of a short interview. But labelling it as a "bogus story" makes it sound like she's malicious. There's enough Dai*y M*il journos in the world already painting her like that without fans doing the same. 

I look forward to a time when the nitty-gritty is explored in full by way of her ten part biography.

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1 hour ago, Bjonkers said:

The iHeart Radio interview is great in full, thanks for reminding me about it. 

As @ITG mentioned, I don't think she ever really intends to mis-represent her past. Expecting her to recount every minuscule detail of her life to perfection is (A) Unrealistic and (B) Not how the majority of us describe our pasts. I see people around me recount things from last week inaccurately, so I'm willing to cut her some slack. She has been one of the busiest people in showbiz for decades, details are bound to be blurry (or fuzzy) once the dust settles in the rearview mirror.

Also, there's no doubt Martin was with her that day and was probably involved in the performance in some way at some point. All her mates were closely involved in those early days. Whether we witnessed him walking down the stairs or not, it's how she remembers him.

That said, I'm not suggesting we shouldn't correct her errors by reminding her of the evidence-based detail available to us which might then open her memory box to further nuances and information which sometimes can't be expressed in soundbites or in the flow of a short interview. But labelling it as a "bogus story" makes it sound like she's malicious. There's enough Dai*y M*il journos in the world already painting her like that without fans doing the same. 

I look forward to a time when the nitty-gritty is explored in full by way of her ten part biography.

no, i don't think so. It is scary how she lies in cold blood about something that can be seen. Her groom was a mannequin. It isn't the first time, thought.

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I was thinking about it and I guess when she says "I lost my shoe" she's not talking about the moment she take them off. I think she throw the shoes and when she was down on stage she didn't find one of them and, in that moment she saw, it and when for it rolling on the floor... but with Madonna, who knows?

I think is more strange when she talks about Martin being on stage with her... 

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She throws them to walk the cake and then wears them to walk the stage and goes down on the floor with both shoes on.

It sounds more interesting the way she tell the story thou.

Maybe Martin was the manikin that lived with her.

I wouldn't be surprised if in reality Martin was helping her with the idea/choreography so her memory refers to that

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On 6/20/2021 at 6:24 PM, EgoRod said:

She throws them to walk down the cake and then wears them to walk the stage and goes down on the floor with both shoes on.

It sounds more interesting the way she tell the story thou.

Maybe Martin was the manikin that lived with her.

I wouldn't be surprised if in reality Martin was helping her with the idea/choreography so her memory refers to that


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18 hours ago, diegolcl said:

Madame X likes to re-invent her stories since the NY/Cab/35 Dollars... The biopic will be fun.

black and white wink GIF

Can't wait to see her get thrown out of the cab in the middle of nowhere and walk on foot the rest of the way with only a dollar. Madame X will be taking some "artistic liberties" with her life story to make it dramatic. 


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11 hours ago, nodoman said:

i remember her first telling this story in 2012 on jay leno, but i wouldn’t accuse her of lying. that would be bold.


Of course she's purposely lying, duh.  And strangely lacking balls on this. Instead of saying "Yes, I knew that me rolling around in lingerie like a bitch in heat would be scandalous and would make everyone talk, you can't buy such publicity, so I did it and it made me a star", she's coy and makes up excuses. And there's nothing to make excuses for.

Same thing about the Tatu-like bullshit performance with the Britney kiss on the 2003 VMAS   "Britney came at me with her mouth open, what else could I do, I'm a showgirl after all so I kissed her back" sounds MUCH better than "of course it was my idea, and we also did it during the rehearsals. I thought that exploiting faked lesbianism as a insensitive PR move and validating people's homophobia and bigotry to my own benefit was a great idea". 

"Lost my shoe' , tsssss


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1 hour ago, DanK said:

Of course she's purposely lying, duh.  And strangely lacking balls on this. Instead of saying "Yes, I knew that me rolling around in lingerie like a bitch in heat would be scandalous and would make everyone talk, you can't buy such publicity, so I did it and it made me a star", she's coy and makes up excuses. And there's nothing to make excuses for.

Same thing about the Tatu-like bullshit performance with the Britney kiss on the 2003 VMAS   "Britney came at me with her mouth open, what else could I do, I'm a showgirl after all so I kissed her back" sounds MUCH better than "of course it was my idea, and we also did it during the rehearsals. I thought that exploiting faked lesbianism as a insensitive PR move and validating people's homophobia and bigotry to my own benefit was a great idea". 

"Lost my shoe' , tsssss


of course her memory doesn’t reflect what is on tape, but perhaps that has become the way she’s been remembering her first live performance.

knowing she isn’t able to remember the words for half of her most popular songs on the spot, i wouldn’t want to call her a liar, because that would include intent – and what would it be after all these years that have passed?

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It seems like a mixture of remembering rehearsals possibly, mixed with fantasy, mixed with the need to “perform” a good interview, mixed with intentional lying for a better story like @DanK said , and also… she seems kinda tipsy. 


No matter what happened with the shoe… we all saw her riding an invisible dick on stage… it wasn’t just her skirt flew up… Thats not how you find a shoe Madonna. :Madonna026:

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Damn people must have been so bored back then to make a huge deal out of that performance. Little did they know she was only getting started, poor them.

I lowkey need her to do a third shocking performance of the song on an awards show and have moms shut the TV again and fans pulling out their hair.

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