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Just now, Anapausis said:

I've already clicked on that link but ofc I didn't give any data of mine, only by clicking on it my Android smartphone will likely get a virus???

If you didn't give any data then you're fine! These kind of scam links are all over Twitter sadly... (thanks elon for taking care of the bots like you said you would)

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1 minute ago, danbekim said:

There must be a technical difficulty or something? If that's the case then I'm happy this is the last show at the O2 until Dec...

I'm deeply worried that out of 4 shows 3 of them had technical difficulties. From a logistic standpoint these 4 shows should be the easiest to do without issues because the set has been in the place for over a week and they had many days before the first show to sort everything out. When they move the stage and screens to new country they have to build it all over again to a new place with new couplings because the venues are different, so there's less time to sort these kinds of issues out and the probability for them to happen is bigger due to the new venue...

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2 minutes ago, danbekim said:

There must be a technical difficulty or something? If that's the case then I'm happy this is the last show at the O2 until Dec...

I wouldn't like to be at O2 Arena at this moment... Maybe if they last too long to begin, show may be POSTPONED or even CANCELLED with some excuse à la Sam Smith in Manchester... Damn!!!

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2 minutes ago, danbekim said:

There must be a technical difficulty or something? If that's the case then I'm happy this is the last show at the O2 until Dec...

At this point I think the only reason is that. Yesterday was only free minutes late I hope she is fine and ready.

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1 minute ago, frozenonadancefloor said:

I'm deeply worried that out of 4 shows 3 of them had technical difficulties. From a logistic standpoint these 4 shows should be the easiest to do without issues because the set has been in the place for over a week and they had many days before the first show to sort everything out. When they move the stage and screens to new country they have to build it all over again to a new place with new couplings because the venues are different, so there's less time to sort these kinds of issues out and the probability for them to happen is bigger due to the new venue...

I'm sure they're still figuring out how to bring the show to life. It's a very complicated show technically, but yeah it's really annoying that they have to cut a bunch of songs when these problems come up..

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