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Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Replies posted by Winn

  1. The Power of Beauty


    1. Winn


      That's a great pic, thnx for sharing.

  2. I’ve got a problem with the fact that there is no air in here, I’m gonna die! Open the door… NOW! I‘m suffocating…

    Caresse, you have NO idea, I can‘t take it… Please give me a faaan! It’s unbelievable… I mean, I can‘t even think to answer a question…

    1. Winn


      Love it! I believe the title of the video on YouTube was, "Madonna being a bitch," lol

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Tonight it's been ten years since I quit smoking! :hearteyes::thumbsup:

  4. Am I the only one who listens to Madame X everyday :drama:

    1. Winn


      Up until 2 months ago i was listening to a remix of God Control everyday. I should go back to it now.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  5. Is it worth sharing all that one has of material? Yes, but as several told me, they only like the comment to get the link but the vast majority never say thank you. And then they share the links without giving credits, not even to those who make certain edits. :confused:

    1. Winn


      Ok, I always kinda thought ppl never really read the remarks on those threads but you're right, ppl should say thank you. I honestly do appreciate ppl that share. Some of my all time favorite M remixes are from this site. Thank you!:kiss::heart:

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. Is it worth sharing all that one has of material? Yes, but as several told me, they only like the comment to get the link but the vast majority never say thank you. And then they share the links without giving credits, not even to those who make certain edits. :confused:

    1. Winn


      Hi. Are you talking about the media sharing on this site?? Because I usually say thank you but have kinda stopped doing it because it seems pointless to have an entire thread of ppl just posting thank you.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  7. I'm about to start buying all M tours on DVD and was wondering if anyone knows if this is a good website to buy from: https://www.musicvideoresource.com/product/madonna-the-virgin-tour-live-1985-remastered-from-laserdisc-to-dvd/

    Any advice would be appreciated. Thnx

    1. Winn


      @Brandon Clarkthe WTG Tour on DVD seemed hardest to find, then I found one that sells for $30 that comes with 6 other Madonna DVDs, including Girlie Show & DWT, but I dont trust it cuz it seems too cheap haha this is kinda stressful. The website I posted on my status has BAT from Nice youre looking for, but it says it comes right from laserdisc. Well, the laserdisc she has the ponytail, if I remember correctly, and Nice she had the curls (I have the laserdisc but no player). I might go ahead and order Virgin Tour. It is only 17 bucks. If I get shafted it's no major loss.

      If I do end up ordering from that website I'll let you know about reliability/quality. Thanx for the reply. Oh, that website also has Madonna's entire video collection on DVD set for 48 bucks. If the site is good I'm buying that for sure. It says it comes with remix vids, etc. Looks good.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. I'm scared. Living right now is só surreal... everybody has a different opinion of it; scared and tired. Its like every second is the last one, and Im afraid of losing or being Lost. I wish i could live in bubble With my loved ones, where nothing bad had no chance to Touch us. Sorry about this dark mood. 

    1. Winn


      The entire planet sucks right now. I blame Twitter! :laughing: Joke... kind of.. :silly:

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  9. My hubby has run into more complications after his heart procedures. If you could keep praying, I would so appreciate it. I hope you are all keeping well. Miss and Love you all so much. Xxxxx

  10. Another one gone. Rest peacefully Cloris Leachman you funny gal ?

    1. Winn


      RIP. Who'd of thought Ed Asner would be the last one left alive from Mary Tyler Moore Show.

      Well, wait, Betty White is alive too, but still...

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  11. Thinkin about starting a crowdfund to help with some bills.

    1. Winn


      No don't do that! I sold my copy of Bedtime Stories on pink vinyl years ago to pay a bill and regret it to this day. It haunts you. 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. My Vice President is a Black Woman

    1. Winn


      By the way, to our non-American friends here, distrust of Jews is more of a leftist thing these days. A few Democratic leaders in Congress (Biden supporters) are well known anti-Semites: Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar.

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  13. My Vice President is a Black Woman

    1. Winn


      Wow. I bet if someone posted something you didnt agree with, suddenly everyone and their brother would have every right to question a status update on someone's profile (I had no idea that was such sacred territory, btw, as opposed to a regular thread). And whats up with someone bringing up "deep state" and right away you bring up FBI. Personally I believe there's a deep state, at least its something ppl could discuss,  but I dont have a problem with Jews. Fighter, I like you, but if youre this worried about politics on YOUR website, maybe dont bring it up, which you do... a lot. We all know you love Joey, mmmkay??

      JoeInfinity.com lol

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  14. coming here to escape the crazy little monsters :Madonna051:

    i cannot stand ga anymore so annoyed with her and the mess that is chromatica

    1. Winn


      What is this Chromatica?? Isnt that a web browser??

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  15. coming here to escape the crazy little monsters :Madonna051:

    i cannot stand ga anymore so annoyed with her and the mess that is chromatica

    1. Winn


      Little monsters are still around lmao Ive honestly forgotten all about her

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  16. My Vice President is a Black Woman

    1. Winn


      It was the main factor. Without her checking that box first and foremost, she wasn't going anywhere (in the campaign). But believe what you want.

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  17. My Vice President is a Black Woman

    1. Winn


      @FighterThe old guy who hired her straight up said he was only interested in picking a black woman

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  18. My Vice President is a Black Woman

    1. Winn


      Yes, we know. That's why she got the job.

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  19. 1984 is here. ?️Don't think different because it's bad, think the same. War is peace, freedom is slavery. ?️

  20. A friend went to the Comporta stables where M used to go riding here in Portugal. The staff there shared some stories about her & David and they're not very nice...

  21. New Videomix:  I Don't Search I Find (DJ Paulo's Private Runway Mix - PNP Videomix)

    Madonna - Celebration: The Remixes (**Upcoming Later this Summer)



  22. Omg Madonna has posted new footage from Truth or Dare on her Instagram and the quality is amazing ????

  23. I've never understood the hate for American Pie! It's so damn good and her vocals are out of this world!

    1. Winn


      The original song is bad imo, it didnt need a cover. Madonna does covers really well though. I like the remixes.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  24. Hoping all are staying safe, productive and healthy through these tough times.  Remember a positive mind is a healthy mind! Peace and Love to all! :heart:

    1. Winn


      You too! :heart:

  25. For any potential remixers out there, the world needs an updated club remix of Express Yourself. Just sayin'

    1. Winn


      2 hours ago, Can-We-Get-Together said:

      Thank you!!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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