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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by DJ N A

  1. Bob might be on stage between "acts" so that she can catch her breath. She's literally a senior citizen. And that's not shade. It's fact. She's the same age as my mother and I can't imagine her doing this.

    I'm also very much open to her completely re imagining  the way her concerts have been structured for the last 30 years: 3-5 acts with specific themes, concepts, costumes. That structural expectation is stale to me. I want something new.

    The reason I love Madonna is because of her reinvention. Because of her creativity and point of view. I don't need the same thing I've seen since 1990.

  2. 4 hours ago, Brendanlovesu1 said:

    will she still have a stand in like in previous tours so M can view the concert and see how it looks from the audience perspective??

    That's pretty standard on any pop tour with choreography. The stand-in is usually the dance captain.

  3. 1 hour ago, Thiago Ciola said:

    It would be interesting for you to check the performance of her tickets/revenue to Brazil in 2008 and 2012 before you conjecture. Furthermore, with all due respect, I don't owe you any explanations about my decisions on what to watch or not, what records to buy or not (without offending you: my money, not yours). Probably Madonna didn't learn from the past: Australia 2016 (Brisbane, two dates: 13,886). Her fans will remember the neglect shown.

    Check that.

    I've worked in touring entertainment for over a decade. I don't need you to lecture me. I guarantee I know more than you.

    Any touring "revenue" the public can access does not account for: labor, shipping, travel/work visas, etc. Taking a huge show like hers to a country for only two or three dates - despite it selling out - cuts into the average show profit in a major way. That's the reality. It's a cost vs. gain question for the promoter. And that's what they ultimately look at when routing a tour and deciding what stops they make.

    Having said that - as a fan - I hope you get to see her on this tour.

  4. 2 hours ago, Jackie said:

    Of course it does - but South America is a guarantee sell out - multiple days - so don't think it's a risky market vs coming somewhere like Australia again - which I very much doubt would be financially viable.

    Sell out - absolutely. But markets that 1) don't have secondary/tertiary cities to perform in and 2) need extensive travel and shipping of equipment/sets make those markets less desirable and the profit margin slimmer. That's just a reality.

    I hope as many fans get to see her as possible. I'm just being realistic from a touring/profit standpoint. And I'm sure she is too.

  5. 3 hours ago, Thiago Ciola said:

    If this is indeed true, and I believe it is, I will not see her autobiographical film. If her world boils down to only certain parts of the world, I close the door on her from now on.

    It probably boils down to what makes FINANCIAL SENSE to the tour. Make no mistake - she's looking to make money. You thinking "she must visit my corner of the world" is probably your ego at play. Check that.

  6. On 5/6/2023 at 11:19 PM, Jackie said:

    I don't think we got much info for Madame X either? The days of set list leaks are over - post the RH gate lol

    We got tons of rehearsal footage on Instagram for Madame X. Which is why it was disappointing when we didn't get the full Rescue Me, Easy Ride, etc in the final show. Sometimes its better not to know what was considered/rehearsed I think.


  7. 9 minutes ago, eXtremeOccident said:

    ....she *really* doesn't need to mess with her tried and true template of a normal arena pop show ....

    She may have invented the recipe for modern pop concerts with Blonde Ambition but, after 30 years, the "tried and true" four-part theatrical concert formula has now become "stale, conventional, and uninspired" to some of us.

    None of us became fans because she did what everyone else did. And everyone else does this concert template now - thanks to her.

    I don't want a Bob the Drag Queen show but, if she has new ideas that work, I'm happy for something fresh and inspired.

  8. 21 hours ago, adirondak said:

    Well then why shouldn’t children getting tattoos be up to them....

    Or deciding to have sex with adults be between children and their parents? Or hardcore drugs? Some things we have to agree as a society are detrimental. 

    I don’t know how many children have had the surgery. But I do know there are trans people who had it as children who have regretted it and have tried as best they can to detransition, which shows that children aren’t necessarily ready to make such a decision...

    I think we should get back to discussing Madonna and not this issue - BUT - I would implore you to educate yourself. You're asking a lot of questions that are answerable or don't stand up to simple scrutiny if examined further.

    For instance: gender surgery for children is extremely rare. What is much more common are hormone blockers so that a child who is struggling with gender dysphoria can (as you suggest) wait until they are "of legal age" to make transition decisions. That gender-affirming care is being outlawed state-by-state in the US right now. The conservative party in this country is using trans people as a boogeyman and fanning the "culture war" flames. They are using trans rights as a wedge issue leading up to the 2024 elections. They did the same thing with gay marriage in 2004 with Bush's reelection.

    Here's some science-backed, fact-based literature on hormone blockers that includes a study over many years with data from 27,000+ trans people: https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2022/01/mental-health-hormone-treatment-transgender-people.html

    And if you don't want to read the whole thing, here is the major point:

    "The new study found that transgender people who began hormone treatment in adolescence had fewer thoughts of suicide, were less likely to experience major mental health disorders and had fewer problems with substance abuse than those who started hormones in adulthood. The study also documented better mental health among those who received hormones at any age than those who desired but never received the treatment...."

  9. 4 hours ago, teammadonna said:

    This is the reason I TREMENDOUSLY hate misogyny media and paparazzi. They manipulated the picture to make Madonna look old with TREMENDOUSLY malicious intent. But this time, the TREMENDOUSLY manipulation went too far, making even that young actress sitting next to Madonna look like a grandmother. Madonna TREMENDOUSLY should ban all cameras from her new tour. Only her team has to control taking pictures and videos. Just like Madame X tour. 


    This is rich coming from someone who has a HEAVILY edited/filtered/Photoshopped/Facetuned photo of Madonna as their profile pic. It's not misogyny. She's 60+. She doesn't look like that anymore. And that's okay. Pretending she does is the actual misogyny. She's older and is human. She's aged. That's TRULY okay.

  10. Yondr cases are used in almost all comedians arena tours. Chris Rock. Amy Shumer. Dave Chapelle. They all used Yondr. The reason is because they usually have streaming deals with Netflix/Hulu/Amazon and they don't want their show fully available by some bootleg video on Youtube months before it debuts on their platform. It's possible to use Yondr cases in large spaces like arenas and do it efficiently. I've seen it first-hand with the examples above. Having said that, I've never seen it done in an arena for a musical act. If she was doing it for this tour she would have disclosed it up front I'm guessing.

  11. 18 hours ago, andifeel said:

    Codes only work for 4 tickets. Codes used across multiple ticketmaster accounts were also cancelled for some US dates. 

    Also shared codes which are reported to Madonna’s team via Icon are also being cancelled. 

    Do you have proof of this? I've not heard of anyone's tickets being cancelled. And why would they? It's money in the bag. I work in touring entertainment with Ticketmaster. No one is policing a pre-sale code. I guarantee you.

  12. 16 minutes ago, SecretProject said:

    Never labeled anyone a racist. At all. But Madonna fans are of a certain age and demographic and aren’t able to see past their own prejudice and biases.


    This was your quote babe. Where you brought race into the discussion. And age as a matter of fact. You said some fans would prefer a white drag queen over a black drag queen. And claimed that the reason some fans would prefer that is because they're older. You called people "prejudice" with "biases."

    That's on you.

    Can we shake hands and just agree that a fraction of the fans just want Madonna and no one else? And move on from this discussion?

  13. 1 hour ago, SecretProject said:

    Never labeled anyone a racist. At all. But Madonna fans are of a certain age and demographic and aren’t able to see past their own prejudice and biases. No one had an issue with any other artists she brought on the road but Bob is getting a lot of hate for no reason. 

    Madonna has been bringing black and brown dancers on tour since Blonde Ambition. No one batted an eyelash at that.

    Read my comment again - it's the "host" that is the new part babe. Not their skin color.

    And again - I'm here for it. I think it could be really fresh. But I can also understand other people who have reservations for a new type of show format. Those reservations have nothing to do with race.

  14. Just like film preservation - audio preservation - is in the hands of human beings who often lose, misplace, delete, and/or inadvertently destroy elements after years and years of storage.

    If you are a blu-ray/4K collector you know that a lot of films are now being re-released with the best elements found at the time because those were the only elements the studio had access to. Even the most recent Friday the 13th box set used VHS footage to fill in the gaps on some of the unrated cuts. Because that's all that exists of those pieces of film anymore.

    Total speculation: but I would not be surprised to learn that some of Madonna's original multitracks, masters, remixes etc. don't exist in pristine quality any longer. We are talking about a 40 year old career and 40 years of media storage afterall.

    Here's a quick read on some major films that are missing or so damaged they can't be released today:



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