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Top 10 Worst Songs

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What are you people saying about Where Life Begins?

There's so much poetry in there! Who else could have been creative enough to write about oral sex with such melodic and melancholic harmonies? One only person: Madonna  :)


I cherish Erotica but I can't even say the last time I williingly put on that song or In this Life or sorry guys Rain but does good erotic melodies. She rhymed Testies with STDs, lyric brilliance. :thumbsup:

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Not liking certain songs and calling them the worst doesn't make sense.


At least we can try to be a little bit objective and analyze Madonna's effort, lyrics, production...



Holy Water, for example, has horrible, but fun and interesting lyrics. Besides that, it has great production.


Holy Water is not very good musically nor lirically but I do appreciate the production, vibe, the fun in it, I think my list was pretty fair. There are songs that maybe I dont like that much like Jimmy Jimmy or whatever but I didnt include them on my list

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@@shakeyerdix Yep, I don´t like most of Erotica era songs.Messiah and Masterpiece are two lost pearls in Madonna discography, they should be released as a single, with epics videos!

I've grown to like Masterpiece more (even tho it could be more polished productionally), but I find the lyrics on Messiah to be a little forced, the metaphores are not that inventive. I think direct to-the-point lyrics are much more her strong suit (think the ballads on Music or AL for example)Musically and vocally Messiah is beautiful tho
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I'm reading most of your lists and thinking WTF I love that song, some girls, holy water, BIM, the list goes on, even the otto von wernherr (sp) stuff has a fun early 80s underground feel to me, so I'm guessing I'm about to get slaughtered for this list.

1 Who's that girl

2 Rescue Me

3 Take a bow

4 Jimmy Jimmy

5 Dear Jessie

6 Jump

7 Has to be

8 Nobody's perfect

9 Masterpiece

10 Devil Pray


I'd forgotten Hey You even existed so didn't make the list, it's not bad per se, Just forgettable.

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Not including demos because they weren't released.


Autotune Baby


La Isla Bonita


Hey You

Spanish Lesson

Body Shop

It's So Cool

Love Song

Ring My Bell


I really dislike True Blue but the acoustic version on RHT was nice.

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Isnt it true the "Love Makes the World Go Round" was initially intended to be the first single from True Blue?  I think I read that somewhere....


Ok here's my worst - not including demos and also not including "Im Breathless"


  • [*]Bday Song [*]Best Friend - she has demos with better production. [*]I Dont Give A - This song is dead to me - wont even add it to my spotify saved list. [*]Love Profusion [*]Holy Water [*]Body Shop [*]Dont Stop [*]I Know It [*]Hey You [*]One More Chance

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Isnt it true the "Love Makes the World Go Round" was initially intended to be the first single from True Blue?  I think I read that somewhere....


Ok here's my worst - not including demos and also not including "Im Breathless"


    [*]Bday Song

    [*]Best Friend - she has demos with better production.

    [*]I Dont Give A - This song is dead to me - wont even add it to my spotify saved list.

    [*]Love Profusion

    [*]Holy Water

    [*]Body Shop

    [*]Dont Stop

    [*]I Know It

    [*]Hey You

    [*]One More Chance



I was like YESS about your list but LOVE PROFUSION??  :suffer:  :suffer:  :suffer:

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Body ShopI'm Going BananasAuto-Tune Baby (the baby sound destroys my ears :suffer: )Some Girls (you can barely hear her voice)B-Day Song

So far, so good...

+ most of Erotica

Doh! You were going so well.... Lol. Only kidding. I think Erotica's genius but I'm not gonna hate on people who think differently. 😀😇
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