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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by heartcore

  1. 2 minutes ago, anton5000 said:

    I'm so excitedddddd!!! I just hope she doesn't get in the way of releasing demos and unreleased stuff...

    I don't want to get my hopes up, but I think it's possible that we will get some unreleased songs, demos, or rare tracks. We got Supernatural very recently and Pat was happy to share Angels With Dirty Faces. 

  2. Quote

    2022 will mark the  40th anniversary of Madonna’s recording debut. This new deal heralds the launch next year of an extensive, multi-year series of catalog releases that will revisit the groundbreaking music that made her an international icon. For the first time, Madonna will personally curate expansive deluxe editions for many of her landmark albums, as well as introduce unique releases for special events, and much more. The series of releases will be overseen by Warner Music’s catalog team, led by Kevin Gore, President of Global Catalog, Recorded Music, with the first release to be announced soon.

    This is honestly so exciting. It feels like her legacy is going to start being handled properly!

  3. 7 hours ago, Jackie said:

    What I find is odd, is that all this fanfare, giving a speech for 30 minutes about not wanting it, and then at the end the Judge asked if they want to file a petition to overturn it, to which the lawyer said, we'll think about it.





    Her lawyer, Sam Ingham, was not hired by her. She has not been allowed to choose her own counsel. Her lawyer is very much part of the same game as Jamie and the rest of them. He has no desire to see the c-ship end because it brings him a lot of money, too. He never told Britney she could petition to file it and she had no access to any resources to do research about the c-ship until very recently.

  4. 51 minutes ago, stancherry said:

    I'm a Britney fan myself.. I didn't state that as a fact, but i guess there are people around not believing it's all true. I'm confuesed myself, sinse she didn't seem to have a bad relationship with her father.

    We've known she has had issues with her father since the inception of a c-ship. She has been against her father being in charge ever since then. Even before that, she had issues growing up with him. Just because it's not always been publicised doesn't mean it isn't happening behind closed doors. Numerous people have come out in support of Britney and talked about the things they've seen happen to her because of her father, or some of the things her father made her do.


    And i have friends who work in the PR sector (Universal Music), which is why i'm very sceptical.

    Oh, sure. Let me claim to have friends who work with Jamie Spears who have told me that he is actually a giant lizard mutant. We can all play that game!


    I'm not familiar with the US American laws and don't know if it's possible to insert that "vaginal thing" against your will, even if you're consuming drugs / facing mental heath issues.

    She didn't specify that they put it in her, but more that they refuse to let her take it out. She could have easily chosen to get an IUD herself pre C-SHIP and they refused to let her remove it since. Either way, it's very easy to do it. Disabled women are frequently sterilized in the States.

    You claim this is a publicity stunt...for what exactly? How is this at all beneficial for any party in the situation? Stop being so dense.

  5. It's not her best, but it's definitely up there. It was absolutely a return to form after two middling albums (MDNA & Rebel Heart). I think it really showed that M's fire and passion for creativity was back. I completely disagree with the idea that she's trying to appeal to a younger audience, the album is very much in its own bubble aside from Future. My only real complaints are that she didn't follow through with the whole alter-ego of Madame X aside from the mantra, and that some of tracklist could've done with some slight rejigging (I would've put swapped out Future, Looking for Mercy, and I Rise for Funana and Ciao Bella).

  6. I don't think it's terrible as I don't believe Madonna has any terrible records. It's definitely the weakest. I think the biggest issue for me is that the production isn't great. Just look at how much clearer and better this mix of Turn Up the Radio is:


    Superstar is an absolutely diabolic track, however. WHAT was she thinking?!

  7. 5 hours ago, RUADJAI said:

    I mean, if Madonna did it, there would have been at least a small storyline that would justify the reason she did it. I can't think of any storyline to wear a nude body suit and twerk on Beatleguise with a sports finger.  

    Why does there have to be? Why can't Miley just have fun and enjoy herself?

  8. I've been working on a "Rebel Heart: Revisited" playlist for a while, and this is what I created. I tried to include all of the songs from the album as a version that I preferred and that had some what of a cohesive sound to the rest of the record, although I left off Messiah because I simply cannot stand that song. I also rejigged it to give the album a better flow.

    1. Living for Love (Demo 2014.08)
    2. Devil Pray (Demo 2014.09)
    3. Ghosttown
    4. Unapologetic Bitch (Ruff 2014.05.09)
    5. Illuminati (Demo 2014.06)
    6. Bitch I'm Madona (Diplo Final Mix)
    7. Hold Tight (Ruff 2014.06.13)
    8. Joan of Arc (Acoustic Version)
    9. Iconic (Mix 4)
    10. HeartBreakCity (Demo 2014.08)
    11. Body Shop (Rough 4)
    12. Holy Water
    13. Inside Out (Demo Rev4)
    14. Best Night
    15. Veni Vidi Vici (Ruff 2014.05.09)
    16. S.E.X.
    17. Graffiti Heart (Demo)
    18. Beautiful Scars (Demo)
    19. Autotune Baby (Ruff 2 2014.07.05)
    20. Borrowed Time (Demo 2014.07.03)
    21. Addicted (Demo 2014-09)
    22. Queen
    23. Wash All Over Me (Demo 2014.07.03)
    24. Rebel Heart (Demo 2014.03)
  9. 14 hours ago, Blue Jean said:

    Which comeback/return to glory? Emancipation? Or her recent commercial for the potato chips?

    Commercially, it's Emancipation, obviously. Personally and emotionall, it's the birth of her children.

    13 hours ago, Glindathegood said:

    So it’s the typical celebrity memoir where they go through all these struggles and dramas and have a big comeback? 

    No, she actually details that she is still struggling a lot with her own biraciality and trauma from her past. This memoir was actually penned by her.

  10. 4 hours ago, Glindathegood said:

    I haven’t read the book, but from what I heard it seems to focus more on her dysfunctional upbringing with her family than after she became famous 

    Not true, the first section is about her awful childhood, the middle section is about her abusive marriage to Tommy Mottola once she was famous, and the third section deals with her comeback/return to glory.

  11. 12 hours ago, Shoful said:

    Have you seen the shade she threw at Jlo again?

    The book is about "the meaning of Mariah Carey". As Mariah said herself, "if you're not in the book, you didn't contribute to the meaning of Mariah Carey". Madonna and Mariah ran in COMPLETELY different circles to each other, so there would be no reason for her to shade/talk about Madonna extensively, since she didn't contribute to Mariah's career.

    The J-Lo shade stems from much deeper issues than just petty cattiness. J-Lo was quite literally created by Tommy Mottola to spite Mariah and steal her songs.

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