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M was online and active on Instagram a few hours ago !

Redha DBL

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1 hour ago, Winn said:

It looks like the ass is gone. She looks great.

It is evident that Madonna has removed her prostheses.

Perhaps she took them off because it reduced her agility when performing the choreographies or perhaps the weight was already beginning to affect her daily activities. Who knows. But it is something that does not make me happy at all because I really liked to see that voluptuous Madonna and full of sinuous curves that left everyone with their mouths open when she appeared on the Mtvs 2021.

Personally, I will always be in favor of using technology to radically change or improve (as the case may be) our physical appearance: rhinoplasty, butt implants, jaw implants, liposuction, hair implants, biceps implants, stomach reduction, lengthening of legs etc We are blessed to be born in this age where we can use these technological weapons to feel comfortable with our appearance compared to our ancestors who surely lived a life of bitterness until the end of their days due to the rejection of their own appearance

Something that I would like to know is what was the majority opinion of the forum when Madonna appeared wearing her new prosthetics. Was the majority opinion for or against? I would have liked to read all the opinions but unfortunately I was not subscribed to the forum at the time.

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4 hours ago, madaboutM said:

Very happy for her that she seems to be doing better.

On the other hand some of her fans are worried sick and and anxious about their traveling plans and schedules and she/her team won’t even bother to updated them accordingly. And before the apologists come for me with “she doesn’t own us a health update” this is not about that, is about respect for the time, money and emotional toll some of her fans have currently invested in her.

The tour has been postponed. They will announce new dates when they have them.

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50 minutes ago, Blue Jean said:

The tour has been postponed. They will announce new dates when they have them.

I think a lot of people who are celebrating today (and rightfully so) are going to be extremely disappointed in the next day or so when her team finally announces what's happening with the tour.  It's great that we got to see her out and about, looking well, but let's not forget, it doesn't mean she is fully recovered.  I'm expecting at least a five to six week delay in the start of her tour (at the least).  I'm being generous here because there is a possibility, the whole American leg may be rescheduled if not the whole tour.  I certainly hope it's not the latter.  So yeah, let's be happy she's out and about and looking well.  But let's not get ahead of ourselves, because it will only lead to disappointment and more complaints.  Just because one might think she looks like she's fine, doesn't mean she is.  And surely, I don't think anyone really wants her to rush back into things, only to get hurt or sick again.  We have to be practical and realistic here. 

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41 minutes ago, tscott said:

I think a lot of people who are celebrating today (and rightfully so) are going to be extremely disappointed in the next day or so when her team finally announces what's happening with the tour.  It's great that we got to see her out and about, looking well, but let's not forget, it doesn't mean she is fully recovered.  I'm expecting at least a five to six week delay in the start of her tour (at the least).  I'm being generous here because there is a possibility, the whole American leg may be rescheduled if not the whole tour.  I certainly hope it's not the latter.  So yeah, let's be happy she's out and about and looking well.  But let's not get ahead of ourselves, because it will only lead to disappointment and more complaints.  Just because one might think she looks like she's fine, doesn't mean she is.  And surely, I don't think anyone really wants her to rush back into things, only to get hurt or sick again.  We have to be practical and realistic here. 

All I hope is they plan it well and don't play the Madame X Russian Roulette again cause it's not fair for the fans. If she indeed underwent surgery I don't think she'll be in shape to tour at all this year. I won't be disappointed if she moves my dates but I need to know now. It's already too late for many fans so I hope they don't delay this anymore. We need official news like tomorrow morning. I'm very happy to see she's ok but now we need some updates on the tour cause it "starts" in 5 days. 

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56 minutes ago, rga98 said:

All I hope is they plan it well and don't play the Madame X Russian Roulette again cause it's not fair for the fans. If she indeed underwent surgery I don't think she'll be in shape to tour at all this year. I won't be disappointed if she moves my dates but I need to know now. It's already too late for many fans so I hope they don't delay this anymore. We need official news like tomorrow morning. I'm very happy to see she's ok but now we need some updates on the tour cause it "starts" in 5 days. 

Agree, we need info on the tour ASAP!  I don't think anyone will argue that.  But let's remember while the tour was going to start in 5 days, we know it's not.  Guy was clear that there is going to be a new start date.  I'll even add, Ticketmaster and Live Nation need to be transparent about the tickets they are still selling for those dates that will be rescheduled.  :)  

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33 minutes ago, rga98 said:

All I hope is they plan it well and don't play the Madame X Russian Roulette again cause it's not fair for the fans. If she indeed underwent surgery I don't think she'll be in shape to tour at all this year. I won't be disappointed if she moves my dates but I need to know now. It's already too late for many fans so I hope they don't delay this anymore. We need official news like tomorrow morning. I'm very happy to see she's ok but now we need some updates on the tour cause it "starts" in 5 days. 

Amen. :party:

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