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P!NK on Madonna being a "bad ass"!


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Right on P!nk!  Even a lesson to some of the fans.  Madonna's has done plethora of "bad ass shit" that set in motion what P!nk and many women who came after Madonna are able to do. It just amazes me the remarkable career Madonna has had, and she's still not a name on the tip of the tongues of our current generation like other artists who came before her and during her time. I'm constantly amazed how people of the last couple of generations know so much about Michael Jackson, Elvis, Prince, yet know so little of Madonna.  Yet, some act like they never heard of her until they are presented with a song by her and think, "Oh that was Madonna"?.  So strange.  Meanwhile, even though P!nk has thought that Madonna doesn't like her, she still defends her! Just another reason why I love P!nk!!! She's a "bad ass" too. :luv:


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8 minutes ago, Would You Like To Try said:

Didn't they ask her what she thought of Madonna's face and she said that Madonna's career and what she did for people and women around the world! 

Agreed with that it's very true!

Yes, that's what was asked.  I wish the clip was longer, but at the end of the day, P!nk's statement stands!  :luv:

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I was going to comment something on this topic but I decided to give up for fear that the author of the post would delete my comment. Something he has already done several times before. It was not something against PInk, an artist whom he seems to admire, but to criticize the fact of turning the passage of time into the perfect accomplice to erase from people's memories certain outbursts committed in the past and for which she never asked for the excuses like for example when she spoke badly about Madonna.

Anyway, I better not continue because it is not pleasant to see your comment deleted. And I'm just saying that I hope Pink is sincere this time and above all CONSISTENT with her words from now on.

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9 minutes ago, chaosmen1984mk said:

I was going to comment something on this topic but I decided to give up for fear that the author of the post would delete my comment. Something he has already done several times before. It was not something against PInk, an artist whom he seems to admire, but to criticize the fact of turning the passage of time into the perfect accomplice to erase from people's memories certain outbursts committed in the past and for which she never asked for the excuses like for example when she spoke badly about Madonna.

Anyway, I better not continue because it is not pleasant to see your comment deleted. And I'm just saying that I hope Pink is sincere this time and above all CONSISTENT with her words from now on.

Oh dear NEVER worry about your stuff being deleted as retaliation from someone else, just mind about treating people to respect so people can start respecting you as well. I had an opportunity for you to read that I was really sorry after mocking you when we met here on forum and you still treated me like shit as if what I did wouldn't be worth of your pardon  - after that, I have stopped trying wave the white flag and restarted my fury against you, mi chicx latinx.

By the way, Xtina >>>>>> Alecia, but these endless catfights among artists are just... Reductive.

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@chaosmen1984mk and @Anapuss

Please do not derail this topic into your personal vendettas and drama. Stick to the topic, please and thank you!  Also, no one can delete posts except mods/admins, so if something was deleted it was by them not me! 

And now back on topic....

5 hours ago, steady75 said:

Watched her doc. Theres something I just can’t place about her. She’s a bit odd and not what I thought she’d be like at all. She’s actually not very cool and I thought her art would have evolved much more. She’s like her own tribute act to me. 

I actually got the opposite feeling. I got a more family oriented more focused and insightful P!nk!  I do agree her music hasn't evolved much, but it's still fun and catchy. :luv:

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40 minutes ago, McDonna said:

@chaosmen1984mk and @Anapuss

Please do not derail this topic into your personal vendettas and drama. Stick to the topic, please and thank you!  Also, no one can delete posts except mods/admins, so if something was deleted it was by them not me! 

And now back on topic....

I actually got the opposite feeling. I got a more family oriented more focused and insightful P!nk!  I do agree her music hasn't evolved much, but it's still fun and catchy. :luv:

I'm so glad to see this "bad ass" bite from Pink since the last Pink/Madonna internet headlines from her press tour was all about "Madonna doesn't like me" (the Howard Stern interview which was good but the interent ran with that bite) which was just part of a Kelly & Regis morning show set up waay back, not some real beef. I'm not a huge fan of Pink's music (IMO her voice her is better than the majority of her popular material) but I've got respect for her voice and performances, not that she cares!

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55 minutes ago, McDonna said:

@chaosmen1984mk and @Anapuss

Please do not derail this topic into your personal vendettas and drama. Stick to the topic, please and thank you!  Also, no one can delete posts except mods/admins, so if something was deleted it was by them not me! 

And now back on topic....

I actually got the opposite feeling. I got a more family oriented more focused and insightful P!nk!  I do agree her music hasn't evolved much, but it's still fun and catchy. :luv:

"Anapuss" is your mother.

I prefer you as @Voguerista. You are much better as her than as yourself.

Again, I don't care about if Pink defends Madonna better than Xtina. Everyone has their way to show solidarity for their idols, peers etc.

And I read what Pink said about Madonna's face. Kudos to her. Alecia knows where her mojo has come from.

By the way, Xtina too.

Bye, goody-goody. And thank you for taking my advice at my latest update status seriously. I feel flattered.

And tell to Lisa herself I really miss her self.

Farewell to thread!!!


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28 minutes ago, Magic Pussy said:

I'm so glad to see this "bad ass" bite from Pink since the last Pink/Madonna internet headlines from her press tour was all about "Madonna doesn't like me" (the Howard Stern interview which was good but the interent ran with that bite) which was just part of a Kelly & Regis morning show set up waay back, not some real beef. I'm not a huge fan of Pink's music (IMO her voice her is better than the majority of her popular material) but I've got respect for her voice and performances, not that she cares!

Right!  P!nk showed up those years back on Kelly and Regis only to profess how much she idolized Madonna. She was even nervous to meet her at that moment when they brought Madonna out. 

As for P!nk's comment on Howard Stern, I think she was being a bit facetious when she said what she said.  I got a bit of "insecurity" within her comment as well.  Her comment wasn't to shade Madonna.  In fact, it was the opposite. If anything she was only looking for a bit of validation than anything.

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19 hours ago, McDonna said:

Right on P!nk!  Even a lesson to some of the fans.  Madonna's has done plethora of "bad ass shit" that set in motion what P!nk and many women who came after Madonna are able to do. It just amazes me the remarkable career Madonna has had, and she's still not a name on the tip of the tongues of our current generation like other artists who came before her and during her time. I'm constantly amazed how people of the last couple of generations know so much about Michael Jackson, Elvis, Prince, yet know so little of Madonna.  Yet, some act like they never heard of her until they are presented with a song by her and think, "Oh that was Madonna"?.  So strange.  Meanwhile, even though P!nk has thought that Madonna doesn't like her, she still defends her! Just another reason why I love P!nk!!! She's a "bad ass" too. :luv:


I think with younger generations some of that "bad ass shit" they'd have to be there to appreciate.  Like for example I was thinking back to TV shows I liked as a kid: Family Matters, Growing Pains, Step by Step, Charles in Charge, and America's Funniest Home Videos and all of these shows were like very family friendly and conservative.  While I still have a special place in my heart for those programs Madonna was like much much more raw than most mainstream things in the 80's to mid 90s.  That's why maybe it's a case of you had to be there to appreciate it.



Kind of like the initial VMA of Like A Virgin.  That performance wouldn't raise any eyebrows today but there was a reason her management thought her career was over after that.  As well as the nude pics scandal.  I think she even thought she was done.  

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4 minutes ago, Blue Skies said:

I think with younger generations some of that "bad ass shit" they'd have to be there to appreciate.  Like for example I was thinking back to TV shows I liked as a kid: Family Matters, Growing Pains, Step by Step, Charles in Charge, and America's Funniest Home Videos and all of these shows were like very family friendly and conservative.  While I still have a special place in my heart for those programs Madonna was like much much more raw than most mainstream things in the 80's to mid 90s.  That's why maybe it's a case of you had to be there to appreciate it.



Kind of like the initial VMA of Like A Virgin.  That performance wouldn't raise any eyebrows today but there was a reason her management thought her career was over after that.  As well as the nude pics scandal.  I think she even thought she was done.  

Yeah, you are right!  Madonna is not your typical mainstream artist.  In fact, I'm sure in her personal life, she's far more vulgar and is far more open about things.  Those TV shows you mentioned are far too squeaky clean for Madonna. That isn't who she is, no matter how much she tries to keep it somewhat on the edge of mainstream.  What's important to keep in mind, she has good business sense, so it's no doubt she understands when she has to give in at times to keep selling tickets if not records.  At the same time, she's so far into her career, I am not sure she is too interested in playing to the rules anymore. I think we're going to see her take more and more chances with her music. Still she paved the way for a lot of female artists over the past several decades. She took a little bit of what other female artists were doing already such as Debbie Harry and maximized it to the fullest. She knew she had to find a way to keep courting controversy to keep people on the edge of their seats. Meanwhile I think she became a better singer, songwriter and musician along the way.  As much shit she still catches today, I do think people respect her far more than the early days when she was scoring top 10 hits. :)

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32 minutes ago, McDonna said:

Yeah, you are right!  Madonna is not your typical mainstream artist.  In fact, I'm sure in her personal life, she's far more vulgar and is far more open about things.  Those TV shows you mentioned are far too squeaky clean for Madonna. That isn't who she is, no matter how much she tries to keep it somewhat on the edge of mainstream.  What's important to keep in mind, she has good business sense, so it's no doubt she understands when she has to give in at times to keep selling tickets if not records.  At the same time, she's so far into her career, I am not sure she is too interested in playing to the rules anymore. I think we're going to see her take more and more chances with her music. Still she paved the way for a lot of female artists over the past several decades. She took a little bit of what other female artists were doing already such as Debbie Harry and maximized it to the fullest. She knew she had to find a way to keep courting controversy to keep people on the edge of their seats. Meanwhile I think she became a better singer, songwriter and musician along the way.  As much shit she still catches today, I do think people respect her far more than the early days when she was scoring top 10 hits. :)

I think the Super Bowl is a good example of what you speak of.  I think it's sort of a show/performance that wasn't really her.  I recall she admitted that was the most nervous she ever was in her life.  And I remember her leg shaking a few times at the beginning.  I could tell she was nervous.  But at the same time she's smart enough to know how much exposure it is and still put on a good show kind of thing.  


Yeah when I was in high school those shows I mentioned I started painfully seeing that wasn't how the real world rolled (and I still hold out hope one day they will lol).  And that was when I started to listen and get really appealed by Madonna.  Being she had a strong Catholic background as well.  That's why I suggested maybe it's harder for millennial generations and younger to sort of understand kind of thing.  

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30 minutes ago, Blue Skies said:

I think the Super Bowl is a good example of what you speak of.  I think it's sort of a show/performance that wasn't really her.  I recall she admitted that was the most nervous she ever was in her life.  And I remember her leg shaking a few times at the beginning.  I could tell she was nervous.  But at the same time she's smart enough to know how much exposure it is and still put on a good show kind of thing.  


Yeah when I was in high school those shows I mentioned I started painfully seeing that wasn't how the real world rolled (and I still hold out hope one day they will lol).  And that was when I started to listen and get really appealed by Madonna.  Being she had a strong Catholic background as well.  That's why I suggested maybe it's harder for millennial generations and younger to sort of understand kind of thing.  

Oh god no!  As much as I enjoyed some of those sappy sitcom shows that wrapped up in a half-hour with a loving bow, it's just unrealistic.  Life is never resolved so easily in that manner.  Even if people are able to hug it out, there's always going to be, "I'll forgive, but I won't forget".  These shows move past that.  While I'm always hoping for a kinder and loving world, it would be quite boring if there was no conflict and if everyone act or thought the same.  Sure, there are some issues I wish everyone would get on board with, such as everyone having the same access to the same healthcare.  I also think we all need to find more ways to compromise rather continue to displace blame and cause diversity without offering any solutions. Anyway, this is sounding more political than should be.  My point is;  if our lives were like a perfect sitcom show, life would be boring. Even with those sorta shows, there is always some sort of conflict being fought and not perfectly resolved.

As for the Superbowl Half-Time, that is just one time she knew there was a "time and place" to play it cool and play by the rules. Still, it allowed her to be super creative and feature music she wrote and produced.  She just chose songs that were universal accepted.  I think that is one issue that upset people at Eurovision. She didn't necessarily follow the usual upbeat party theme most people expect from that venue. Even the interviews she did for the Superbowl, you can tell she was being on her best behavior.  I wouldn't necessarily say she 'wasn't being herself', but she knew it's one time she couldn't be so naughty.  It's like "reading the room".   Much like going to Church on Sunday.  Once you get there, you put on your best face and behave.  It might be a side of her we rarely see, but I think she needs moments like that with the general public, to let them see she isn't always this neurotic sex maniac some try to portray her as.  She did the same during the Evita era. She knew she had to act and behave a certain way to get the respect she deserves for such a role.   Still, the Super Bowl is the Holy Grail of sports and with that event, it's best to play by the book because from past experiences, the artists do not win any favors for any mishaps intentional or non-intentional.

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First of all, could the Xtina stans please STFU with their insidious jealousy towards P!nk because of Xtina's dwindling career?

Thanks for highlighting this supportive quote by P!nk about M. The big P!nk fans in the house know that she's been praising M since the start of her career though.

I've been a big P!nk fan since the first album (though the last few haven't been my faves, admittedly), and her mind and personality are a big part of the appeal.

She often has refreshingly unique perspectives that the average pop star is too simple or inarticulate to express, quite honestly.

By the way, if you venture into the P!nk thread, you'll see a bunch of M references there that I posted a while ago.


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So Pink, Sheryl Crowe (she said this week that powerhouses like Madonna, Beyonce and Swift are big fuck yous to the male dominatef music industry....of course the press only mentionned Swift in their headlines) and Nelly Furtado praised Madonna these last fex days. That's a welcome change. Hopefully it will last a bit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In the world of fame, celebrities can say whatever they want when they are in front of a microphone, such as denying that they are homophobic, that they defend women, or saying that they love Madonna and that she is their inspiration. In summary they can say many things but everything is demonstrated in practice.

In the case of Christina Aguilera, she has demonstrated with actions her sincere admiration, and not opportunistic like others, towards Madonna and her defense of women. She released several songs such as "Fighter" or "Can't hold us down" whose lyrics sought to reinforce female empowerment that was not yet very strong in those years. She then released "Dirrty" which was a modern version of Erotica and which also defended women's sexual freedom. While Pink released a song called Stupid Girls where she made fun in a rather grotesque way of women who had a totally different lifestyle from hers.

And as for her fanaticism for Madonna, I have plenty of examples. The most important, without a doubt, is the video Not Myself Tonight where she pays tribute to her. What other artist has done something similar to this? As far as I know, none. While in the case of Pink I only stick with two phrases that she said that speak for themselves about her "fanaticism" for Madonna: "She tied to kind of play me on Regis and Kelly and .. I'm not the one, so it didn't work out" or "Madonna doesn't like me, I don't know why". Two phrases where she plays the victim, something recurring in her, and where she makes the artist she claims to admire so much look bad. It's true, Pink recently defended Madonna from criticism. Thank you very much Pink. But with inconsistent people who do not rectify their mistakes, it is better to be meters away.

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Pink is fun. The acrobatic thing is getting a little old now. Was super duper  cool (lol) when she performed on the wall of a hotel in Vegas. Very down to earth — wouldn’t wanna fuck with her. 

Nelly Furtado. Cute. Her latest Juno performance was Neat. Wish she would have stuck with Dom Dolla and not do another JT collab. 

Xtina. She still fighting ✊🏼

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6 hours ago, chaosmen1984mk said:

In the world of fame, celebrities can say whatever they want when they are in front of a microphone, such as denying that they are homophobic, that they defend women, or saying that they love Madonna and that she is their inspiration. In summary they can say many things but everything is demonstrated in practice.

In the case of Christina Aguilera, she has demonstrated with actions her sincere admiration, and not opportunistic like others, towards Madonna and her defense of women. She released several songs such as "Fighter" or "Can't hold us down" whose lyrics sought to reinforce female empowerment that was not yet very strong in those years. She then released "Dirrty" which was a modern version of Erotica and which also defended women's sexual freedom. While Pink released a song called Stupid Girls where she made fun in a rather grotesque way of women who had a totally different lifestyle from hers.

And as for her fanaticism for Madonna, I have plenty of examples. The most important, without a doubt, is the video Not Myself Tonight where she pays tribute to her. What other artist has done something similar to this? As far as I know, none. While in the case of Pink I only stick with two phrases that she said that speak for themselves about her "fanaticism" for Madonna: "She tied to kind of play me on Regis and Kelly and .. I'm not the one, so it didn't work out" or "Madonna doesn't like me, I don't know why". Two phrases where she plays the victim, something recurring in her, and where she makes the artist she claims to admire so much look bad. It's true, Pink recently defended Madonna from criticism. Thank you very much Pink. But with inconsistent people who do not rectify their mistakes, it is better to be meters away.

'Lame' isn't even the word...

This thread is about P!nk, so I'm not really sure why anyone needed to bring Xtina into it? It literally has nothing to do with her.

Also, it's not a competition, and your ChatGPT short essay (coupled with your Lion King-on-crack avatar) scream of stan insecurities.

Though I enjoyed Liberation, the hard truth is that Xtina's career and reputation have been dying a slow death for almost two decades now.

If anything, P!nk embodies Madonna's ethos more, in that she's gone against the grain a number of times and always walks the walk.

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