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  1. Raio_05

    Madame X Tour DVD

    I especially like how he feels he needs to mention "PS: it's not official" at the end
    2 points

    Today I learned...

    Today I learned that the guitarist on The Virgin Tour is the same as the one on The Girlie Show. ?
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. Thank you! I'm sad he thinks the Oakenfold version is a mess, I absolutely love it
    1 point
  5. Enrico

    The mixtape affair

    Ok, sorry, I didn't want to troll even more!! I'll lock this thread then. PS I should've known it's fan made because it includes I'm Breathless in the list And now let's get back to the drama thread "Do you consider I'm Breathless a soundrack or a studio album"
    1 point
  6. dylanlioncourt

    Madame X Tour DVD

    I remember having the toughest time finding that photo. She mentioned on the Reddit chat it was a selfie. It doesn't look bad at all and it's not a bad selfie, if a HQ of it exists. The zoom and it resembling the Rain single cover photo (people were convinced that was the photo) was a little random but it's grown on me. Glad she chose the RHT photo we got for the cover of the Bluray. That felt like a good choice.
    1 point
  7. artlover

    Today I learned...

    Many of her songs were sung by Ashanti and minor acts from both Sony and Murda Inc., entirely and/or partially.
    1 point
  8. Yupp. It's been all over twitter for several weeks now.
    1 point
  9. 8-tee's

    The mixtape affair

    Eh. Great montage though. Gives me butterflies and a mind full of wonder ? Guys 2021 is going to be FUN!!
    1 point
  10. She said in an interview that she took it herself (a selfie). I believe the untouched photo leaked. It’s very grainy, and she’s wearing a wig.
    1 point
  11. Interesting story! Nice to imagine M dancing in the crowd with the fans. The same one that now doesn't even say hi when exiting the theatre.
    1 point
  12. I really love this part! She was smart and wise young woman!
    1 point
  13. Well, She is attracted to danger...?
    1 point
  14. madfan13_86

    Madame X Tour DVD

    Don’t give her ideas! She’d probably love this. Ugh. At least the photo has something to do with the tour unlike the one they used for MDNA tour dvd/Bluray.
    1 point
  15. I became a fan in 2004 at just 13 years old with Me Against The Music feat Britney, and thought "wow, this new artist is amazing!" Then I discovered her career was already 21 years old by then and many of the "old people songs"my parents used to hear were her.
    1 point
  16. If You Go Away is a cover and she did it with Leonard. Mirwais a limited producer? He's probably the more versatile producer she worked with. The stuff she did with him for Confessions has nothing to do with the stuff they did on Music/American Life, same for Madame X. You can dislike him of course, but saying he's limited as a producer doesn't make sense. He's not Orbit who uses the same loops and sounds on basically every song.
    1 point
  17. Turns out "Its so cool" not so cool then ? Never liked this song or any of the other outtakes from AL (Miss You, I'm In Love With Love, If You Go Away) I still think hes a very limited producer but im sure i will get shouted down for saying that !
    1 point
  18. Diablo's face expressions are always very very interesting. I do make a exactly same face expression when I have to deal with my annoying boss. When I really wanna shout out to my annoying boss "STFU" But I can't do it, I just make that Diablo's passive face expression with inner sigh. LOL
    1 point
  19. They were great shows I slept outside the stadium and went to all three shows!
    1 point
  20. Her energy in that London show is unreal. The radio recording we have had to be my least favourite though. It just lacks... something. I’ve said it before, the drums are mainly absent, bass heavy (which I LOVE), very organ heavy, and you lose so much of the amazing synths. But even with the hoarse voice and imperfections, you can just tell she was ON that evening.
    1 point
  21. Yes, I regard 'Bitch I'm Madonna' as never happened. Ever. I do the same for 'S.E.X.', 'Holy Water', and the whole "MDNA" album as well. And 'Veni Vidi Vici' is just an outtake, or maybe a b-side if b-sides still exist.
    1 point
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