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The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)


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1 hour ago, Anapausis said:

And I haven't said this to intention of being gross, trolling etc., esp with you @Would You Like To Try, who are my personal idol and icon and who I admire more than M herself - but, as much as Madonna very seems to, I'm also yearning and hoping this tour ends finally.

Now you all can throw me stones if you want to, I don't care, I am just sick of this thing.

I don't know what I've missed here but once the tour ends in April, you may be subjected to a documentary or concert film, streaming releases, physical releases and a book celebrating the tour and maybe even more merch - I hope you'll be ok

Also remember, if you are sick of it, maybe avoid this part of the forum as there are still many shows ahead etc 

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When Madonna and Michael were touring a country in the 80's and the 90's, the whole country stopped. It's not fan fantasy, it's well documented. And Madonna is still a big event with huge media coverage. Not all concerts get mentionned in national news on the day of the show and after. Even Beyonce is not at that level and Swift will be finally mentionned this year while being totally ignored previously and not because she had a hit but because she became a media phenomenon.in the USA and people are curious why. 

When she's dead all these millenials who tried to destroy her when they got into media outlets will try to rewrite her achievements, just like the Beyonce and Janet trolls are doing here. You know who you are since after months of downgrading her work here, pissing on our parades whenever there's something new, trying to pass as fans you just couldn't help creaming your pants in your true idol thread here. 

Madonna may have a target on her back from mentally challenged people but their dedication to destroy her only shows the lenght of her impact. 

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21 hours ago, Blue Jean said:

It honestly seems like Madonna has a target on her back. No matter what she does it's always painted in negative light. It's become absurd.

Do you mean the United States or the entire world? Because I rather feel that this antipathy towards Madonna is mainly in her own country than anywhere else on the planet. There are several examples: not considering her in various awards such as the Grammys or the Oscars, questioning her title of Queen of pop (while in other countries, Madonna is the undisputed owner of that symbolic crown no matter how many opportunistic and overrated competitors appear), dismissing or ignoring her legacy, etc.

A reason always appears, in a timely manner, to justify this antipathy towards Madonna. Now it is the issue of age and apparently there will be no power that can against this new weapon used by her detractors. However, Madonna manages to emerge momentarily victorious in this symbolic battle by continuing to maintain the lifestyle that has always characterized her and ignoring all those who reproach her so much for not living "according to her age".

Unfortunately, we all know that the passage of time is relentless and, at a certain point, it will limit us to continuing to live life with the same intensity as in our youth. That is why in the end her detractors will be the victors. But what they will not be able to achieve is to erase all of Madonna's achievements, both on a personal and social level, and no matter how much they try to deny or ignore it, there will always be others who will tell the real side of the story. 

Looking at things this way perhaps Madonna is finally the true winner of this symbolic battle after all.

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I don’t think it’s quite as bad as some folks are saying. While yes she does get some hate online, seemingly more than a lot of people, she still has plenty of supporters. And she still gets a good amount of positive coverage in the media, and plenty of major publications are more than happy to step up and correct perceptions that are twisted or just plain wrong.

Most of these younger gay stans of other pop artists or whatever are nobodies that work for 3rd or 4th tier outlets, if that. Not to mention M has longtime fans in places too (hello, Keith Caulfield).

Fwiw, Pop Crave and Pop Base, two twitter accounts that are aimed at YOUNG pop fans both posted about ROL’s anniversary today, and the responses are overwhelmingly positive. Sure there are a few “she’s over” type responses but those kind of things show up under posts about literally every other artist.

While some of the hate she gets is disheartening, to some extent it’s the passing of time. Increasingly over the past couple years I’ve seen Beyonce get a great deal of hate from general public commenters. It’ll happen to Taylor soon enough as well.

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3 hours ago, chaosmen1984mk said:

Do you mean the United States or the entire world? Because I rather feel that this antipathy towards Madonna is mainly in her own country than anywhere else on the planet. There are several examples: not considering her in various awards such as the Grammys or the Oscars, questioning her title of Queen of pop (while in other countries, Madonna is the undisputed owner of that symbolic crown no matter how many opportunistic and overrated competitors appear), dismissing or ignoring her legacy, etc.

A reason always appears, in a timely manner, to justify this antipathy towards Madonna. Now it is the issue of age and apparently there will be no power that can against this new weapon used by her detractors. However, Madonna manages to emerge momentarily victorious in this symbolic battle by continuing to maintain the lifestyle that has always characterized her and ignoring all those who reproach her so much for not living "according to her age".

Unfortunately, we all know that the passage of time is relentless and, at a certain point, it will limit us to continuing to live life with the same intensity as in our youth. That is why in the end her detractors will be the victors. But what they will not be able to achieve is to erase all of Madonna's achievements, both on a personal and social level, and no matter how much they try to deny or ignore it, there will always be others who will tell the real side of the story. 

Looking at things this way perhaps Madonna is finally the true winner of this symbolic battle after all.

In France people is really nasty with her because of her age but not in Spain 

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We only see comments about M but they all get them. As soon as they express an opinion they have enemies, thar's why the most beloved ones don't express anything. Beyonce gets all the racists, and that's a lot of people, in a way no other black entertainer has, especially a female one. Her daughter is constantly reffered to as ugly. But she has the media in hervpocket especially online ones. Swift is starting to get some nasty comments too since trump supporters think she's against him and since she has been overexposed too. They won't get nasty ageist comments because Madonna got them for them. When Madonna was dressing sexy at Beyonce's age, and she wasn't dressing like a bordello whore like B in her last promo shots, people had a field day saying it was not age appropriate for a mother. Everybidy is praising JLo's not there vlothes as well. So yes she's paving the way in a way Debbie Harry or Cher did not, as they still dress sexy but they are not sexual. Even when Madonna does not dress sexy she's still sexual and that's what got her ennemies in the beginning, and followers too because she was young but some of these followers have issues with age and sex and they need to be challenged.


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Oh guys I got you now that the ICON Pamela Anderson was the Vogue guest judge for last night, I have reignited my flame for this tour! Hope we have Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Venus D'Lite etc., as guest judges now that tour hits the Golden State!!!

Hollywood, Hollywood, how could it hurt you when it looks so good???

And btw... I never have believed Itaú (with diacritic please, show some respect for foreign languages) would have brought this tour to Brazil esp now that M said "last date added." But I'd love to see Queen of the Universe winner Greg Queen being Vogue judge on some date here in Rio, I have stanned gurl much before she got worldwide recognised!!


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36 minutes ago, dave2290 said:


the american life era......

and the Hollywood song...... one of my fav ........ an amazing piece of pop culture

And now my Lucky Star, wanna know what? I REALLY REALLY want M doing a stadium version of the Confessions Tour (even if she has to rebuild scene from zero) and doing Glasto, Rock in Rio etc. To hell with Jeunesse Arena miniresidencies, we cariocas are blessed for this arena but most South American citied don't gave this luxury, so if M tours here again let it be a stadium tour PLEASE!!!

Of course she can bring this stadium tour to everywhere else she can fill up this type of venues.

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@dave2290 she needs to do Take a Bow AND Rain AND Frozen Sickick AND You'll See here in Brazil!!! We all will be in a rapture if she does all FAB FOUR!!!

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4 minutes ago, Anapausis said:


@dave2290 she needs to do Take a Bow AND Rain AND Frozen Sickick AND You'll See here in Brazil!!! We all will be in a rapture if she does all FAB FOUR!!!

frozen for sure.....

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