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Orbit teases his Madonna recordings in a new twitter post

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2 hours ago, Donna said:

Very well said.  His last sentence really had no relevance to what he was posting. He went out of his way to throw such shade when it wasn't even necessary.  He definitely is can't move on. For a man who claims to know her very well... should know that Madonna doesn't respond to such outbursts publicly. He should know comments like that will only dig whatever hole he's dug prior, even deeper with her.  He either needs to contact her personally to work things out or let it go.  Airing shit like this will only put a further wedge between the two.

I don't think he gives a toss, love.

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2 hours ago, Prayer said:

Bitch or not, it's extremely unprofessional and he's been doing it since 2012, with "MDNA" still fresh released. I can't think of any other of her long time collaborators to have such a shady attitude towards her, apart from the occasional funny joke.

And not only with Madonna, I remember he did "Alien" for Britney Spears on her "Britney Jean" album and trashed the version released and will.i.am for likes and fans attention (the final version has a glitch and he said it wasn't his fault but will.i.am's - but Orbit was the producer?).

He's an amazing producer but has a big, big mouth. And it's a shame cause he's such a talent.

Totally agree!  Madonna has never spoken a cross word against him. Even if he has good reason to be pissed with her, he certainly should just keep it to himself. It's like he's desperately seeking for any attention.  My take; he never got over the fact he didn't get to work with her to the same degree and level on MDNA.  It's becoming more and more apparent to me, he e seems to me to be wanting to badly re-created ROL when Madonna isn't interested in doing that. 

Like you mentioned, he is a great talent, and rather making snide remarks, appreciate the time and opportunity he had with Madonna. Let's remember, Madonna virtually put him on the map. He should be far more appreciative for that.  You can bet, anymore of this sort of shade, he's only increasing the chances that Madonna will never call him up again to work for her. 

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I don't think he's dissing her - he's just saying, whatever his feelings for her, she's a great singer - and that she's not so kind sometimes - we all know that - she's a perfectionist. 

Edit - although he does seem a little unhinged recently - so hoping he's ok mentally - and if he was to have a breakdown, would be great to share those DATs - just saying :P

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6 hours ago, Redha DBL said:

William Orbit is battling with drugs addictions for a few years. He has explained it himself on various interviews. This can explains why sometimes his posts can look a bit harsh or bipolar. 

People use their personal afflictions/demons as a crutch or an excuse to say and do awful things.  I do wish him well if he's truly trying to over come it, but he still doesn't get a pass from me. Not that he cares what I think, but he obviously is wanting to work with Madonna again. So he does care what she thinks!  Saying she's "unkind" after complimenting her singing voice, is like a back handed compliment.  I wouldn't be expecting a call from Madonna to work with her, after making comments like that.

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Once again the man is suffering of severe drugs addiction. He probably posts stuff at night when he's totally wasted on drugs and when he wakes up he's probably horrified by what he has posted and delete it. Typical. People shouldn't read too much into his posts. Madonna knows it and that's probably why she doesn't seem to be bothered. Remember when Courtney was totally wasted and throwing stuff at M at the VMA'S ? Keep in mind that Walliam is probably in the same state when he's writting those stuff... I'm not saying to be a drugs addict is ok to say mean things and that everything should be forgiven, i'm just answering to the people who don't get why he seems so bipolar on his posts and deletes some of them a few hours after posting them. 

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23 minutes ago, Pootz333 said:

I mean....I think Madonna's mean and I'm still a huge fan of her work.

Must be the drugs.

big ang laughing GIF by RealityTVGIFs

Not the same situation at all. Not common for someone who actually knows Madonna in real life, works with her on several occasions to post this kind of stuff on social medias. That's the kind of things you say at home, you do not not post it on the net about the people you work with. The fact he usually posts bipolar stuff, and delete it after reflects his tortured state of mind. Can you imagine Guy Oseary or Steven Klein posting on a regular tuesday evening "Madonna is a great singer but she's also very mean". I doesn't take a scientist to get that the man is not doing ok at the moment, especially since he was praising and cheering her 1 month ago. Best thing to is for people to seach the keywords "William Orbit drugs" on Google and you'll get all the recent interviews he has given where he speaks about his battle with drugs and how it fucks up his mind.


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If he has addiction issues first of all I hope he can get help and overcome them eventually, cause he's a really talented artist and has so many positive things to give to the world still but second and most important: it wouldn't serve as an excuse to justify his words over the years, just as an explanation maybe.

Just close your socials. It's not the first time at all this happens. What's the point.

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11 hours ago, Redha DBL said:

Once again the man is suffering of severe drugs addiction. He probably posts stuff at night when he's totally wasted on drugs and when he wakes up he's probably horrified by what he has posted and delete it. Typical. People shouldn't read too much into his posts. Madonna knows it and that's probably why she doesn't seem to be bothered. Remember when Courtney was totally wasted and throwing stuff at M at the VMA'S ? Keep in mind that Walliam is probably in the same state when he's writting those stuff... I'm not saying to be a drugs addict is ok to say mean things and that everything should be forgiven, i'm just answering to the people who don't get why he seems so bipolar on his posts and deletes some of them a few hours after posting them. 

By mid-2022, he spoke of overcoming his addictions, so let's not speculate too much.

Some people can actually be bipolar or just don't have a filter, while not being addicted to substances.

Also, he's a Sagittarius (AKA Sagitterrorist), who are notoriously blunt and kind of tactless.

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I love Orbit. It seems to me that he is one of those people who likes to say what he thinks without caring that his words may bother some who are not used to being told their truths. As for what he said about Madonna, I think it's something we all know. I have no reason to react negatively against him or attack him for his sincerity and lack of hypocrisy. 

Orbit is the only producer who could make Madonna surpass herself in terms of the best album because to this day all the albums released after Ray of Light have not been able to match its impact. And this is the right time for these two to get back together and create magic in the studio again. It's with Orbit or no one.

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4 hours ago, chaosmen1984mk said:

I love Orbit. It seems to me that he is one of those people who likes to say what he thinks without caring that his words may bother some who are not used to being told their truths. 

This is not a good quality in a man. Men should learn to be meek and petrified.

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Poor William... If I were him, even with no using drugs I'd be horrorized by terminally online lil' medonsters (here's me again telling the awful truth - but if this is what makes me a troll - although I rather be called a trickster - same cathegory as M).

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