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Choose the Biopic title?

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Queen made Bohemian Rhapsody, Elton John made Rocketman. So If you could choose the biopic title, but based ONLY on the titles of her hit singles, what would it be? 

(which means no Blond Ambition, Little Sparrow, etc.. No Lucky Star either, because she confirmed it will not be called that).

Live to Tell sounds like an option?

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Don't Tell Me to Stop

Can't Stop

Hung Up on Madonna


[Drama Mode ON]

Promise to Try


But a really commercial working title would be Like a Virgin, Like a Prayer or even Ray of Light.

No way. The perfect title would be:


She already re-used iconic titles such as Truth or Dare or MDNA (Skin) years later, so why not? She always had and has a rebel heart ❤️ 

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Live to tell

It's perfect choice.

As her fan I like a idea "Blond Ambition" or Simply "Madonna" too But we are talking about the movie now. If she named the movie "Blond Ambition" or "Madonna", then she would have to give up on heterosexual male audiences.

So Live to tell is perfect choice. 

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7 minutes ago, RUADJAI said:

I think the examples are the reason why she will not use a song title. She doesn't want to be like everyone else and I think she views her career as something different than those people. I feel like we will have a new song to go along with the Title of the film. 

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1 hour ago, RUADJAI said:

I think the examples are the reason why she will not use a song title. She doesn't want to be like everyone else and I think she views her career as something different than those people. I feel like we will have a new song to go along with the Title of the film. 

I like this idea, but I also think the studio will push her to name it something more familiar to the general public; hence, a popular title that is associated with her.


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