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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by New_Boy

  1. 2 hours ago, THE ROSE MIST said:

    Can't you drink and socialize? What a wonderful time to meet other fans!

    I wouldn't wanna meet most of the people here ddddddddd

    Yeah, her being late is horrible. If the time on the tickets were 10, she would come out at midnight. It's a power move, maybe? To get people hyped, in some weird rockstar fantasy? Make them crave you more and all that?

  2. 5 minutes ago, wtg1987 said:

    Pat Leonard(song writing and piano) and Orbit(production and guitars) for the next album please and no no no no AUTO-TUNE :)

    I dont want Mirwais for next album, sorry :( He is good but Orbit and Leonard are more to my taste and maybe Pettibone ?

    Hell will come to Earth before this happens, sorry. Honestly, Mr Pettibone was left behind in mid 90s, and I think she will never reconnect with him.

  3. I would argue we haven't had a good career spanning GH since...well, "The Immaculate Collection", and even that was 15 remixes basically. Saying compilations aren't selling, or that anyone can make a Madonna hits collection on Spotify... both false. Most of Madonna's single edits aren't available anywhere to stream, and you can check my topic on Single Edits to see how many of them are missing exactly. I'd say approx 80%. And compilations are still a chart staple, they sell really well, and yeah, it's probably an older generation, but that's an underrated demographic. 
    So yeah, a well done and well thought of Greatest Hits would be more than welcome. I'm especially opposed to any reworkings, especially with the current state of her voice. We gotta pitch down "Lucky Star" 4 semitones or something!

  4. Very sad to see homophobic slurs being used to insult one another.

    I've been very critical of Madonna when I believed her passion for her own artistry dwindled, but it seems to be back in full force. We never experienced a bad era from her until 10ish years ago, so to have your consistently amazing momma deliver some crap might've created a strong polarization in the fanbase. I understand the people who can't stand the criticism - when you've grown up with someone, you internalize them and almost treat them as family. Especially when you enter a fan forum, somewhat shielded from the ageism and sexism of the outside world, only to find other, valid criticism here, which might not be rooted in that. And you burst. I also understand the very disappointed crowd - it's not about nitpicking, since Madonna's music has objectively started suffering on the technical aspect, not to mention songwriting, vocal contributions and other things which might've been only Madonna's decisions. It might've been a combination of both her and the industry changing, but it was there. 

    So yeah, calling people on this forum FATERS? Not okay. If someone's posts here come down only to foam on the mouth to other people's opinions and defending Madonna to the point of insulting others, it's time to reconsider. Also, if someone is blindly critical and bitter at this point and reiterating that over and over, it's time for them to take a chill pill too. What I'm saying here... there's crap on all sides. Just don't cross the lines, bitches. 

    Actually, now reading it while calmer, I do agree with several of your points, @RayOfLight, it's a good post. I just don't think all of these things always coincide. Unfortunately, some things just come with age, and that's usually being more conservative, problematic, and less tolerant of modern music.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Luiz Ribeiro said:

    What I imagine is that LN may have a majority decision regarding the sonority of the albums released. Something like, "Make a song for the young, get this producer, he's on the market."

    This isn't likely, since they're a touring company and have no input on the music itself. @Kieran hit the nail on the head. MDNA in particular felt really rushed since they wanted to get the Superbowl as promo. 

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