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Which artists do you think either copied or heavily borrowed from Madonnas career the most?


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Gwen Setani - When I was a child I used to think it was Madonna in the don't speak video by no doubt until I realized her eyes were brown lol. I used to marvel at how much Gwen Setani looked like her as a child. Definitely without a doubt influenced. I think someone (maybe Howard stern) asked her if she was influenced by Madonna and she was like" come on look at me "😎

This one looks like express yourself mixed with die another day


Gaga - I feel like she went through all the Madonna looks by the born this way era then shifted gears. Actually should include Joanne as inspired by the Music era. Visually almost identical but I feel her team pushed her into more avant guard and weird stuff to differentiate her from M. M does weird so much better tho imo. What's funny if gaga looked liked this her whole career. With a barbarella look she could have avoid Madonna comparisons her whole career b155e710e764d07183d650fc333e1340.jpg

Anyway thought the madge vibes were strong in this one. Very 4 minutes mixed with hung up


Christia Aguilera - I feel she's always gravitated towards late 80s early 90s Madonna and kind of stuck with that look wise. I can just tell the word Madonna infultrates her brain often maybe even said every day like us lol. Also she does the whole reinvention thing changing genres and styles every album but it just was not convincing enough the way M does it :smke:Remember not myself tonight? Diz Christina being Madonna lol



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As a Gaga fan - Lady Gaga is the most Madonna-coded major pop star, partly from genuine admiration, partly from fanatical obsession...  But I do think that she has developed into something different and I don't really see many similarities anymore.

Gwen Stefani looks similar and finds inspiration in the same Hollywood era as Madonna, but in my opinion the credit goes to Jean Harlow, Marilyn etc who inspired both Madonna and Gwen.


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The thing with Gwen, it was just a matter of her looking very similar to Madonna.  However, she's really done nothing that copied or borrowed from her.  I suspect her look may been inspired somewhat by the same Hollywood stars Madonna has borrowed from.  I'm sure never really complained of being compared to Madonna.  Gwen though has her own unique personality and style still.

I think all that girls came after Madonna, only were compared to her mostly by the music she was producing or how they became very showy and theatrical as Madonna can be.  The difference is, most of them rarely changed their style, sound, look or persona as much as Madonna has.

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In terms of imagery and music itself, it's Gaga without a doubt. Followed by Kylie Minogue, Spice Girls/Geri, Xtina, Katy Perry in no particular order.

But Beyonce, Rihanna, Taylor Swift have all quite successfully replicated aspects of the cultural blueprint Madonna created. 

Controversially, I think Janet Jackson was heavily influenced by Madonna, and vice versa. The janet. and Velvet Rope albums certainly wouldn't exist without Justify My Love and Erotica. But Erotica wouldn't exist without Janet's exploration of new jack swing in Rhythm Nation and Control. But Control and Rhythm Nation wouldn't exist without Madonna setting the stage for female pop giants in 84-85.

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Gags was just a mix of Madonna 89/90 in fast motion and a continuation of the Confessions era, eventually her creativity dried up when she stopped tributing M and went to do films instead

Gwen has nothing on Madonna, If anything Madonna wanted her sweet escape sound for hard candy


Beyonce is clearly using visual themes that madonna used before in renaissance(disco horse) and cowboy carter (Music)

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Gaga is probably the only one that outright copied Madonna. Kylie, Britney and Christina all to a degree too, but they all came from more manufactured pop beginnings and I think Madonna was the only real blueprint they had to follow. Janet was definitely heavily influenced by Madonna all through the 90's but I wouldn't say she copied her as she brought her own style to expressing her sexuality. Madonna just gave her the confidence to go there. But Michael’s influence is much more apparent in her performance style.

All the others were more just following in Madonna’s footsteps.


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1 hour ago, godonna said:

Controversially, I think Janet Jackson was heavily influenced by Madonna, and vice versa. The janet. and Velvet Rope albums certainly wouldn't exist without Justify My Love and Erotica. But Erotica wouldn't exist without Janet's exploration of new jack swing in Rhythm Nation and Control. But Control and Rhythm Nation wouldn't exist without Madonna setting the stage for female pop giants in 84-85.

Sorry, I don't believe Janet ever was influenced by Madonna.  Both of them were at the top of their game all at the same time.  The two were running around similar people and were using similar musicians, producers and photographers.  Only Madonna fans really consider Velvet Rope was Janet's Erotica because she got a little more sexual and darker, but not as explicitly  and detailed.... lyrically and visually as Madonna did.  Also, it was a far darker, personal and emotional album for Janet.  And let's not forget Janet has been making songs that came off sexual since CONTROL.  It was like every album since then, she always had a song where she had to sound like she was moaning and having sex.  Even the Janet album had several sexual songs.  Meanwhile, always did seem like she was one step ahead of Janet with some visuals and sounds.

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Hmm hard question. Copied has to be Gaga for sure and copy is the most superficial way of putting it which fits Gaga perfectly. I think initially Gaga was at best a Kylie/Goldfrapp/Grace Jones wannabe. She wanted to be Grace SO badly. Musically of course Gaga just sounded like Timbaland leftover wannabe. Once Grace dissed her, she changed directions FAST which is when she met Madonna and Madonna showed interest. That's when she became a Madonnabe only in the most superficial way and really showed there isnt much there.

I think female artists that have been influenced by her the most though are Beyoncé and Rihanna. Beyoncé I think is dumb as rocks and too stupid to string a sentence together on her own which is why she stopped doing live interviews BUT she got what Madonna does and realize it's not just about changing looks but capturing Je Ne Se Quois....Rihanna did this even better and she's actually EXTREMELY intelligent. She's just unfortunately in an era where music doesnt make any money and like bad ass intelligent person shifted gears into another industry. 

Both Beyoncé + Rihanna i think are the only pop stars who have gotten Madonna with proof in the pudding.

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5 hours ago, Donna said:

Sorry, I don't believe Janet ever was influenced by Madonna.  Both of them were at the top of their game all at the same time.  The two were running around similar people and were using similar musicians, producers and photographers.  Only Madonna fans really consider Velvet Rope was Janet's Erotica because she got a little more sexual and darker, but not as explicitly  and detailed.... lyrically and visually as Madonna did.  Also, it was a far darker, personal and emotional album for Janet.  And let's not forget Janet has been making songs that came off sexual since CONTROL.  It was like every album since then, she always had a song where she had to sound like she was moaning and having sex.  Even the Janet album had several sexual songs.  Meanwhile, always did seem like she was one step ahead of Janet with some visuals and sounds.

I said it was controversial!

They explored similar themes but the facts/dates remain that Madonna did pretty much each step first, often months-years before Janet. Before the covertly sexual songs on Control, there was Madonna moaning on Like a Virgin. Before the open and direct "DJ make me wet" there was "You put this in me, so now what?". Even the Janet album was relatively tame, matching the tone of Justify My Love, but after Erotica/SEX had made it's cultural impact and took its beatings, Janet progressed to even more explicit and "vulgar" themes.

The Velvet Rope was compared to Erotica/Madonna by critics at the time. Knowing both albums I agree they aren't sonically alike, but the "pop girl reinvents herself with unexpected darker introspective album" is a path paved by Madonna years prior.

It's not that Janet was consciously taking notes from Madonna, it's moreso that Janet was working with whatever was acceptable for the female-pop climate, which itself evolved based on what Madonna did.

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Madonna is the mold they all came from. Every single one of them. It's hard to look at pop culture and not see the influence of La Ciccone in every facet. She might not have invented certain things, but she made it accessible, and what's more, she made it possible. But the difference with Madonna doing it is that she did it for a cause. There was always a reason or an issue she was highlighting, or an idea she was rebelling against. What's the point of doing anything after Madonna did it anyway 🙂 

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8 hours ago, Blue Jean said:

I did not even know Michelle Visage was a pop star before Drag Race. You learn something new every day.

So true.

I didn’t know either until recently Madonna used to live in Union City and recorded some of her debut album there.  It’s not far from where I grew up





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Go watch Gwen's "Wind It Up" video and check out what the others did after that. I know the kids just think she's Blake Shelton's gf now. But Ms. Thing was THAT GIRL from No Doubt to those solo albums. Music and fashion. The closest she came to an M moment sonically is "Serious" on LAMB.

And can we be honest? LG's run as Ladonna was so much fun. I'd take it over everything she's done post Artpop. 

All of the girls are extremely lucky Bjork sings in Morse code and doesn't do straight up dance pop. It would be over.


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