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You get a time machine but only get to go to two Madonna concerts from the past. Which concerts are you picking?

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I wanna say drowned world tour birthday show in Miami because I was there at 15 but.... Blonde ambition Tour might be a trip. Def pony tail version. But then RIT with the purple cosert and side part ðŸ˜ģI don't know how to pick.. And I never went to sticky or rt and CT was so fun... I want to go to all those and virgin tour since I was in the womb. Before she cut her bangs... This is harder than I thought. Mrs Ritchie era Madonna is my favorite Madonna so maybe DWT and young Madonna with Bat will do
😒 . Maybe one of yall can go get a wav of Stuart's megamix at celebration? Your picks?

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Girlie Show Girlie Show Girlie Show (somewher indoors or where it's dark when the show starts

For the secone I'm torn between Who's That Girl or Blond Ambition tour in Bercy (or another indoor venue in US) I saw BA but outdoors in daylight, but to see that energy of WTG is also something.


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Definitely BAT. One of the European shows. Probably Paris as it was in an indoor arena and not stadium. The pony tail is iconic but I like her energy w/the curls better.

The second I’m torn. Maybe Virgin Tour. Or Confessions (somewhere in the USA). Or Girlie Show in NYC (again, indoor arena).

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8 minutes ago, TheGoth said:

Oh that's easy; Blond Ambition (maybe the one where she spoke some of the lines from Like a Virgin a bit like Justify my Love because of throat issues, I think) and Who's That Girl. 

Never knew that, when/where did this happen?

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Blond Ambition in Paris and the Girlie Show in Paris, because both are indoors and I'd get a chance to see the show with perfect lighting.

in fact, whenever the topic of time machine comes, my first idea is - forget about killing Hitler or anything like that, I'm seeing BAT and Girlie Show!! :laughing:

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Oh I love this topic.

1. Any Virgin Tour so I can film Angel, Borderline and Burning Up in glorious 4K and share with everyone here

2. Who's That Girl - Turin or Florence

If I get a third it would be Blond Ambition. Probably Barcelona for the crazy hair or Toronto for artistic expression and freedom of speech 

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46 minutes ago, DanK said:

The shows held at small venues must have been quite something to witness... Roxy 98, Roseland 2000, Boston 83, the Fiorucci party, K. Haring's birthday showcase, etc






Girlie Show - only tour I missed and as Dan K mentioned, her club date in Boston 83. I was only 12 but just miles away from that gig:(

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