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The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)


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7 hours ago, Andymad said:

PLUS, I don't know what show you're going to, but the MERCH was sooooo much cheaper than buying it on her site. Like, the BAT jacket at the show was $300 Canadian.  On the site it's $340 USD - that's like almost 450 Canadian.

I’m hoping too that she comes back in summer for more shows in the UK and not just London! Rebel Heart had a great range of UK dates including Glasgow! C‘Mon Madge and get out of London for a change. 

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The show was amazing. I’ve seen hundreds of concerts including 8 Madonna tours and this might’ve been my favourite. I looooooved it. YouTube doesn’t do it justice. She forgot her microphone in Open Your Heart and had to run back for it haha

Edited by Homogenic79 (see edit history)
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4 minutes ago, Homogenic79 said:

She missed the first lines of Open Your Heart as she scrambled to find her microphone. Oops! Haha. But the show was flawless. She was emotional several times. Very sweet speeches about wanting to make her dad proud and make Detroit proud 

Wow thanks! Was Express yourself on the setlist? 

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11 minutes ago, Homogenic79 said:

She missed the first lines of Open Your Heart as she scrambled to find her microphone. Oops! Haha. But the show was flawless. She was emotional several times. Very sweet speeches about wanting to make her dad proud and make Detroit proud 

She put her fist up to her mouth to make it look like she had a mic while running back to get it lol

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Got back from Detroit and it was phenomenal.  I had only seen a couple videos, so I wasn't 100% sure what to expect, but I loved it!! 

I was very against a greatest hits tour, because I thought it would be the same 12--15 songs that get overplayed as it is, but she managed to do a LOT of more obscure references and lesser known songs along with the big hits.  Highlights for me were Everybody, Open Your Heart, the entire Erotica section, Ray of Light...but really, the whole thing was great.  I loved the snippets and teasers all over, Live to Tell was heartbreaking.  I thought the Michael Jackson thing was kinda unnecessary, I wish she'd done Rain instead of Frozen (even though it was a good version), and the end just kinda... happens?  It's a little anticlimactic , but overall  incredible! 

The only downside was that most of my section sat down for huge chunks of the show.  I was the only one standing the entire time, but 1) I'm not gonna sit down in the presence of royalty, and 2) it's fucking rock 'n' roll!  Come on!  It's a concert, you're supposed to dance and have fun.  The lady next to me was obviously just there...to say she went?  I don't know, she never smiled, never danced, stood for like 3 songs.  She looked like she was waiting in line for the customer service counter at Walmart.  But other than that, fucking amazing.  Ten stars!

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9 hours ago, Kae-Leah Williamson said:

I wonder why she sold so meh in Detroit despite it being sorta her hometown, though we all know she loves New York more than anywhere in Michigan. As a kid from the west coast who never left my timezone, all I knew about Michigan was Madonna's from there and they have a lot of lakes. 

I'm from Brazil and I know how Michigan as a whole and Detroit in particular got immensely broke as the car factories left there to stare at places like China and South East Asia where laws protecting the workers are virtually non-existent (not surprisingly, communist countries in their majority). Detroit even faced the risk of disappearing as a municipality as their residents were at some point just unable to honour their debts to taxes. Madonna has donated a lot to what they call "the rebirth of Detroit." She even alluded that during the Rebel Heart Tour concert film.

I guess when a country gets poorer, their areas where were already the poorest ones get even poorer. I believe most people from Detroit were just unable to afford tickets to concert - this in addition to her have stated numerous times "how she found herself in New York." It's pretty logical when a person even subtly disses their hometown, the hometown goes against the person. That was the overall feeling of Americans when Madonna became a Londoner, even trying to speak to cockney accent, and suddenly released an album called "American Life" where "nothing is what it seems" and "there was a time when I prayed to Jesus Christ" when most United States are under the Bible belt. Naturally American Life would be a hit album only in France, the traditional former "queen of the world," where their people still cry they don't see other languages adopting more French words and themselves have to call their petit "shopping malls" DRUGSTORES (of course pronounced "dreugstô," very French-like).

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10 hours ago, MDNA22 said:

Always  - never understand why they always film for the official recording usually at the end of the tour

It's just that when she sings, she always strains a bit, and after a whole tour, her voice gets tired. Also, at the beginning of the tour, she puts in a bit more effort. The only tour where she remained quite consistent vocally was the Drowned World Tour

2 hours ago, FraP said:

Never claimed that. I just stated that her performance was respectable. She managed to maintain reasonable pitch while singing songs of moderate complexity.

And perhaps it's the last time she sang decently.

One thing is for sure: she's never performed vocally as bad as on this tour. Even during the Sticky & Sweet Tour, which was a vocal disaster, she still seemed to be in better shape. She just sang bad without trying.

There was simply no autotune on her microphone, and she used backing vocals less extensively.

Here, there's practically autotune in 70% of the concert. 

Autotune doesn't help her; it tunes her voice even on the wrong notes because she's so off-key that autotune makes her sound even more out of tune than she actually is (since it tunes to the nearest note, if you're slightly flat or sharp it corrects, but if you completely miss the notes and are practically tone-deaf, it alters your voice to different notes than intended). Just listen to Frozen. It's a disaster. Even the final note is tuned by autotune to a different note than she intended.

I've discussed this topic before, including with you, and I'm aware it's a sensitive issue for some.

Over time, Madonna's vocal abilities have noticeably declined. As a vocal music enthusiast, I've closely followed her singing career, fully aware of her technical shortcomings, which now include a diminished musical ear. 

She has always been a decent singer, with some performance anxiety issues and technical difficulties. And between the mid-90s and mid-2000s, she reached her vocal peak, singing divinely on albums like Ray Of Light (even from old studio recordings you can assess her technique, as they are free of autotune).

After the Sticky and Sweet Tour, which had several embarrassing vocal moments, she delivered better performances but never returned to her previous vocal quality.

She was never vocal perfection, but her voice has been better than how it is today, reaching its peak in the early 2000s.

Even in the '80s, her vocal performances were superior to what we hear today.

Madonna did not believe enough in her own vocal abilities, prematurely ending her vocal training and not consolidating the techniques developed until the early 2000s. She did not give enough credit to her voice.

Yet, her voice is special and with the right technique, her potential could be very big.

I love her timbre, especially in the low notes, where she sings effortlessly (except when she has to descend from high notes, but this has always been a technical flaw that has only worsened).

In my opinion, one of her problems has also been the advent of the modern technological era: she has become lazy, relying more and more on technological aids (both to keep time and to sing in tune) and now her singing abilities are very poor. She was also a better guitarist back then

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