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The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)


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3 hours ago, stfan97 said:

Literally no other artist ever publicly requests no AC though.  It's so weird to me how only Madonna can't handle AC for her voice when every other artist who trains their voice is fine delivering night after night.  It's 80F+ inside the arena at these southern shows in early April now.  We're in an era of global warming.  I noticed a lot of people having to leave their seats during the show to buy water.

Oh they do though. I've worked in several venues with artists having hissy fits about the AC being too cold - just never on stage, it's usually after a soundcheck. It's usually about the temperature rather than just the AC being on, however some (small) venues will only have 'On' or 'Off' mode so it can either be freezing or melting. I guess she had discussed it with the venue in Miami prior to the show and then someone switched it on full blast because of audience complaints perhaps - guessing....

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1 hour ago, Prayer said:

God forbid she can be human and not a robot and be out of cue arriving to the piano ahead of time for the first time in this tour. And immediately saying sorry to Mercy after.

Lucky you didn't see in the past how many times she's missed some step on the "Papa Don't Preach" bed scene cause again, she's not a robot and every show is a different show and will have its own particularities. With her and everyone else.

The "Human Nature" exact point in your video is always like that on every show, it's an act: she's arrested by the police and she insults them. She even spits on them sometimes.

It's a SHOW.

Honestly. It's like some of you are expecting drama or something very bad to happen, when she's championing this tour so far like the 40+ years professional she is.

Let go of the drama. There's no drama, just a professional artist making everything she can to finish a tour and offer the best for her audiences.

Please @Prayer. I wasn't talking about simple mistakes in the choreography but in her body language and attitude. I thought I saw Madonna too confrontational and in an "I don't give a damn" attitude during these last few shows which caused me concern. And it wasn't about creating drama. I hate drama too but at the same time I couldn't remain indifferent to an attitude I hadn't seen in previous shows.

But it's okay. As you say, these are probably reactions that are out of Madonna's control, caused by some deficiency in her technical equipment and that do not allow her to give a perfect show like the one she is used to giving as the professional artist that she is. I will try to be less observant regarding certain insignificant details and simply enjoy the show, which is Madonna's main objective and to which she has put so much effort and dedication as an excellent artist that she is.

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Just read part of the conversation. The AC dries and most of all irritates the mucous and is dangerous for the vocal cords, wich are tendon membranes, and the throat health. This is a fact. Now we are talking of a 65 years old woman here, who is travelling the world since October. I did not find long videos to understand how rude she was, but I read she's been going on asking for some care since OYH uselessly and she quite probably asked for it also in her costumes changes, considering how important this thing is for herr. So, after more than one hour, a preoccupied person, who's also maybe starting to feel the effect of the thing, can get angry. So my point is, even if she lost her control at the end, it's a mature person politely asking for some attention without any response and at a certain point demands respect.

PS - oh, till the the 4th of may I'm gonna close my posts with the hashtag #COPACABANAFORRAIN, it's a not violent demonstration supporting the right of Rain to be part of the setlist, peace :kiss2:

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Weird observation but does anyone else find her to be in lighter spirits when she's performing in UK/Europe? I saw her in Sydney in 2016 and she was great as usual. But I have noticed over the years her best tour stops are often from the London, Paris etc. shows. She seems calmer?

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7 minutes ago, BoyToyMark said:

Weird observation but does anyone else find her to be in lighter spirits when she's performing in UK/Europe? I saw her in Sydney in 2016 and she was great as usual. But I have noticed over the years her best tour stops are often from the London, Paris etc. shows. She seems calmer?

I don't know but I found her in great spirits in NY both tours I've seen her on.

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Okay…I think we are veering a little off course by turning this into an indictment of her entire personality! That’s just too much…Surely she deserves more respect from her fans than that! 

She probably needs a rest, and it’s understandable after 71 performances. She knows she’s getting overwhelmed and frustrated…She’s literally spelling it out in her pre-Express Yourself speech. That said, venting it all publicly in the way she did isn’t particularly artistically-minded as it takes away from the narrative of her show, which is counterintuitive. I hope she finds some calm in the coming days. It is also the New Moon in Aries Total Solar Eclipse tomorrow, and so maybe she’s feeling it! Her voice does sound strained, and I’m sure that she gets affected by the dryness. No singer welcomes air-conditioning…It’s like kryptonite to the voice, and you don’t have to be doing Mariah acrobatics to feel the pain of it. 

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53 minutes ago, cyberrage said:

She needs to do shorter tours or legs. 

With this, the comment on the kids and others its feeling like the grumpy end of RH tour where Madame narcissist cant be contained :coffee:

I have the world’s shortest memory sometimes, I swear. What happened at the end of the RH Tour?

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After all this time, fans still don't know that at a Madonna show you'll get out late and it's gonna be hot as hell.

She's onstage sweating and she gets heaps of frigid air, a sure way to catch a cold. You don't need to be a neurosurgeon to get that. Canceling a show because she has a fever would be better ? Considering what happened to her in last june ? 

And lol @ that person who talked about global warming to justify pushing ac like it is everywhere in the us, shops, etc....this is what causes global warming in the first place (but that's not the subject here). 

And the usual trolls using this to shit on her character, it says more about them than about her. 

The reactions are mental. Live a little, seriously.




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