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  1. Madonna Haters Are Desperate, Old, Tired, and Oh So Irrelevant. Can’t They Just Retire Already? David Toussaint May 7 https://medium.com/@davidtoussaint_49945/madonna-haters-are-desperate-old-tired-and-oh-so-irrelevant-cant-they-just-retire-already-befb1d32ec05?fbclid=IwAR3KpSMWB-sj3g4hSl1MsMMDUNK9lRMe9nRTQajS5LtayEFEGSjo4RGr6sQ As a diehard Madonna fan since she caked-jumped in her skivvies on the 1984 MTV awards, I’ve known for quite some time that I’m supposed to — expected to — denounce the woman. From the Far Right and their protests in the 80’s and the “musical purist” queers who damned me to hell for loving a non-tragic, puff-piped vocalist, to the general 90’s population who waged jihad on her and anyone who still paid attention to her “Sex” book and “Erotica” sins, and the relentless articles sent to me like Bible versus every time she got bad press (I got a lot of “Old Testament” articles), to the new millennium age of responding to my adoration with tweets and posts so vile it reminded me of the fire and brimstone lectures Grandma used to give me for skipping out on Church. To all of that and more, more, more, there’s a religious fervor among those who are always mad about Madonna, and their refusal to give up is like a snore. It isn’t enough that they try to nail her to her own proverbial cross; they’re determined to convert us believers to their non-Madonna way of life. It’s ironic, more than anything, because, with all their dissecting, analyzing, and endless articles and rants and comments on her irrelevancy — the most surefire way to make an artist stay relevant — they’re clueless about what Madonna fans truly care about; her music. While they’re spending all their energy and words trying to justify their logic, the faithful among us are just having 1, 2, cha cha fun. If Madonna’s albums don’t sell like they used to or her songs don’t get played on the radio or she hasn’t turned a Pepsi ban into a professional victory, her detractors seem to think that will make us loathe her. Yeah, right, we’ll burn her old patchouli-scented CDs because she’s not as Grande as Arianna. If one photo shoot or video or song resembles a previous one, they’ll tell us she’s desperate and think we’ll follow their lead, because, apparently, always evolving Taylor Swift and Beyonce have never looked or sounded even remotely similar twice. What, Madonna’s posing in the same position as she did for the “Confessions” cover? At least Cher got smart and did something new…cover Abba! Yes, Mad-haters, we know much of Madonna’s success has been built around re-invention (a strategy that pretty much every gal who’s proceeded her has followed), and that, after a gazillion albums and videos and photos she sometimes evokes her prior incarnations. We also know that if reinvention were the only key to success, everyone who’s ever switched hair colors would have more top ten hits than Elvis. They’ll vilify Madonna for working with hot, young musicians to stay noticed — because God forbid the biggest selling female singer of all time use her clout to work with the best in the business; she should stick to subway performers or Jermaine Jackson — then remind us she’s calculating. Because I’m fairly certain all those other artists just work their albums and videos and concert tours off the seat of their pants. Finally, they’ll tell us the kicker: Madonna’s old. Why didn’t she just roll over and die like every other respectable artist from the 80's? The nerve! Women say this more often than men, which speaks volumes about the collective consciousness of the “woke” millennial, #metoo-inspired feminist who believes women should have the same rights as men unless they’re pop stars. When cornered, they’ll say it’s not her really age, it’s that she doesn’t act her age. Apparently, Madge forgot to read the handbook. If you’re reading, M., know you’re in good company. Most happy, intelligent, creative types I know also forgot to read their “How to grow old, sad, fat, and de-sexed” guidebooks too. Ah, the good old 1950’s mentality! Let’s bring it back, put women in the kitchen, and Make America Madonna-Free Again (MAMA)! Thing is, we’ve heard it all before and we’re bored…with you. We respect those who don’t care for Madonna’s music or looks or politics or country of residence or current eye patch phase, but who also know how to state their position and move on. You know, like with their lives. I have friends who fit this bill and we actually get along with our differing opinions and have not gone to war. Madonna’s true haters want “GoT”-worthy battle and post just as many updates. They also won’t be happy until they spoil it for the rest of us. They’re the Mormons who invade our homes and don’t give up preaching the true faith until we slam the door shut. And then come back as soon as the devil has once again reared its musical head. Every time I write so much as a nice tweet about Madonna a Lady Gaga fan threatens me, sometimes with death — any huge Madonna follower knows I’m not kidding about this. This is crazy for a couple of reasons, the most obvious being that it’s bat-s*** crazy. Putting that aside, there’s no reason two superstars can’t exist on the same planet at the same time, and there’s no real reason to compare Madge and Gaga except when, because of sound or vision similarities, the latter has encouraged us to. “Reductive” didn’t hit viral mode until a year after every reporter, fan of both stars, and mashup begged for a comment. Thing is, they’ve both moved on. You can too. There’s an entire planet in trouble with your name on it! Of course, no article about Madonna haters would be complete without mentioning the self-described “fans” who berate her on a daily basis then profess she’ll always be their queen. (In regards to Madonna, “but I love her to death” is the new “bless her heart.”) They never like anything she does, even if it’s the lighting in the far right corner of the sixth frame of her new video, and they’ll wax sentimental over her “Ray of Light Days.” When “RoL” came out, they were waxing sentimental over her “fun, 80’s, dance days.” Ask 1,000 of these fans what they’d like her to do and you’ll get 1,000 different answers. Yesterday, they wanted smaller venues; today they’re mad that smaller venues mean harder-to-get tickets. Can’t she do anything right…for me? The kicker is that a good 90 percent of these people will tell you they’re “music industry insiders” and have secret information on the behind-the-scenes plagued-music-wars Madonna’s fighting on a daily basis and how it can be fixed. Apparently, however, they’re not quite “inside” enough to guide Madonna themselves. How is it that, with all their clout, she doesn’t converse with them on Snapchat? Call this group whatever you wish but I simply go with “irritating AF.” As Madonna gets set to release “Madame X” on June 14, there’s something everyone who’s already plotting the criticisms and hit pieces and general steam-spewing-out-their-ears tweet storms needs to know: Like the Queen herself, we’re not going anywhere. Her music makes us laugh and cry and dance and sing get up and do our thing. If that sounded a little clichéd, it’s because it’s still a little true. Yes, we criticize, we compare and contrast, we’re still baffled over the “Hard Candy” cover art. But we do it with lovable glee. Because we’re invested in this miraculous, three-decade pop star who, more than anything, hooks like a glove. The other day, after getting up and walking my newly-blind dog, then sitting in a dentist chair for six hours because, after four months, they still can’t get my teeth fixed correctly, talking to my mother with dementia, talking to my friend with cancer, walking four miles on three hours sleep to get rid of this brand-new stomach bulge, putting ice on my thrown-out back, then getting an email that said a job I desperately needed had been postponed, I tuned out everything else and blared Madonna’s new single on the headphones. In fewer than four minutes time I’d lost myself in a wonderful world of music that sounded like multi-colored tulips in a garden of Willy Wonka pure-imagination pop. To put it simply, I rose.
    2 points
  2. Agree; for instance, I fuc*ing love NOBODY'S PERFECT.
    2 points
  3. Too bad for you. But as for the last one, its a huge plus since Die Another Day sh*ts all over her overrated 80s and Vogue.
    2 points
  4. Any insiders have info about the catering situation?
    1 point

    Biopic Soundtrack

    Everybody Like a Virgin Material Girl Live to Tell True Blue Like a Prayer Express Yourself Vogue Justify My Love Human Nature Ray of Light Music Hung Up 4 Minutes Miles Away Joan of Arc Rebel Heart God Control Looking For Mercy *New Song* Fuzzy Dream / Hesistating Levitating
    1 point
  6. Thank God she still has haters and anti-her sites... i will begin to worry about her relevance the day there aren't anymore.
    1 point
  7. Keep It Together Hey You or Miles Away?
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Josh Stewart maybe?
    1 point
  10. Pierre Niney could play Tony Ward, if he puts on some more muscle.
    1 point
  11. c-c-c-c-c'mon
    1 point
  12. I put you on a pedestal, but statues, they can fall Felt so safe, I let you drive me straight into the war Paid the hell you dealt me, thought you felt me Was never good at games, now I'll just forget your name
    1 point
  13. Lucky Star B-Day Song or Jimmy Jimmy
    1 point
  14. Love Don't Live Here Anymore (Early Morning Dub) Fever (Edit One) or Nothing Really Matters (Club 69 Radio Mix)?
    1 point
  15. Open Your Heart Love Don't Live Here Anymore: Early Morning Dub or Edge Factor Dub
    1 point
  16. "I can't carry these sins on my back Don't want to carry any more I'm gonna carry this train off the track I'm gonna swim to the ocean floor"
    1 point
  17. Nahual

    Biopic Supporting Cast?

    Ryan Gosling as Sean.
    1 point
  18. I think Warren should play her father
    1 point
  19. You Thrill Me You'll Stay or Arioso
    1 point
  20. Queen You Thrill Me or Erotica CT?
    1 point
  21. This Used To Be My Playground Angels With Dirty Faces or Queen
    1 point
  22. Medellin Swim or Spanish Eyes?
    1 point
  23. Living for Love Medellín or I Don't Search I Find?
    1 point
  24. Who needs the light, with the darkness in your eyes Who needs to sleep, with the stars in the sky It's here in your soul I want to be married You are my sanctuary"
    1 point
  25. I was so blind, I could not see Your paradise is not for me The bitter moment you admit to yourself that a relationship isn't meant to last, no matter how much in love you are...
    1 point
  26. Express Yourself Joan of Arc or Living for Love?
    1 point
  27. Best Night Thief Of Hearts (New Music) or Goodbye To Innocence (Just Say Roe)
    1 point
  28. Nothing Last Forever Rescue Me or Die Another Day?
    1 point
  29. Rain Nothing Last Forever or La Petite Jeune Fille?
    1 point
  30. RinoTheBouncer

    Madame X Tour DVD

    Amen. Long gaps of nothing, late releases of concerts, complete neglect to her legacy and the anniversaries of her iconic works (or disgraceful ways to celebrate them with cheap-looking t-shirts and merch), no appearances unless there’s an album to promote, no worthwhile content on social media, no proper and accessible releases of her past tours, and no real ways to celebrate her career and incentivize people to check her out. A self-destructive strategy is exactly what it is. They’re ruining her career (and she is too) and her irrelevancy isn’t caused by sexism and ageism is she claims. They are both a factor but it’s her horrendous management and late hopping on cheap trends and relying on names to sell below average songs that is doing the biggest harm.
    1 point
  31. I still say green eyes. Color spectrum is vast
    1 point
  32. Ian

    Top 5: Madonna Albums

    today's NEW LIST! 1. Bedtime Stories 2. You Can Dance 3. Who's that Girl (sdtk) 4. Music 5. HC
    1 point
    1 point
  34. Keep It Together Broken or Animal?
    1 point
  35. Well, if we don’t get the tour this year at least Super Mario’s 35th anniversary is here to save the day for the gaymers.
    1 point
  36. Personally, and if she's indeed doing some sort of biopic, I would prefer if she'd stick to the pre-Madonna/The First Album years (leading up to the album release in the end). I think it's way too soon to do a full-on biopic and this way her most unknown years would be shed a light on, because the rest the whole world already knows anyway. I want to see the egg movie thing, her relationship with Basquiat, the mysterious trip to Paris... etc.
    1 point
  37. So the Lucky Star rumor was true: With “Levitating,” I had to make the whole thing beginning to end as if Dua were the only person on it and then we sent that to Missy and Madonna and then they hopped on it. The second verse in “Levitating” and the backing vocals were replaced by Madonna, which she recorded separately in a studio; those were sent over through her engineer, who is a real hero of mine, Mike Dean. Madonna did different variations on stuff. At one point, it broke out into “Lucky Star” for a second which was crazy. Then Missy just dropped her whole verse and sent it over with the air horn included and it was like… it’s exactly as you expect. I ended up Frankenstein-ing these three versions together, then Madonna wanted Mike Dean to mix it all down. So I basically made it and then Mike mastered it and did the mix down on it. It was a great experience. https://madonnaunderground.com/the-blessed-madonna-on-levitating-at-one-point-it-broke-out-into-lucky-star-for-a-second-which-was-crazy/
    1 point
  38. Easy Ride Where Life Begins or Waiting?
    1 point
  39. geert

    Top 5: Madonna Albums

    1. True Blue 2. Like a Prayer 3. Ray of Light 4. Madonna 5. Erotica
    1 point
  40. Levon

    Top 5: Madonna Albums

    MDNA is a pop treasure full of flawless bops. On a sunny summer's day trip I immediately prefer MDNA to more artistically valuable albums like American Life, RoL, Madame X, Rebel Heart or Erotica.
    1 point
  41. moon1

    Top 5: Madonna Albums

    Ray of Light American Life Music Madonna Erotica
    1 point
  42. Just curious, if Madame X is not her worst tour, what would fellow M fans say *is* her worst tour? I couldn't possibly put one of her other tours lower than this one.
    1 point
  43. She has consistently delivered the hits since Re-invention and it's been a looot of hits. Now that she chose the new material over the old one she's a jerk. ?
    1 point
  44. While I agree to a point, but in a way it was "her last great record" commercially. From there, it has gone down hill, and that is why I think people think of it as "her last great record." But to me, commercial success doesn't measure a great album. I love Rebel Heart so much. I feel that is a great record too. Hard Candy is another fun record, but still none of them seem to have that something extra special that Confessions seemed to have. There is something about a number of her albums that really make them shine more than others. I feel the same with albums like Ray of Light and Like A Prayer. They all definitely mark a time that she really went all out and put her heart and soul into. Not to say, she hasn't on other albums, but you can really feel the passion, the messages and love poured into them. You can really listen to those albums from start to finish and still be "wowed" by it all. Also, if you think about it, those three albums really made a huge impact among her fan base and gaining new fans. I've yet to have that sort of feeling for her albums since Confessions.
    1 point
  45. BradleyPratt

    Madonna's fans age

    I think the reason for older fans grouping near the stage are because they can afford those tickets, whereas the rest of us 20-somethings have to settle for the cheap seats
    1 point
  46. Fighter

    Madonna's fans age

    The RHT audience did appear to be more mature to me, I didn't think it was that obvious during MDNA Tour. Maybe its that the tickets for the front rows were super expensive on RHT unlike MDNA Tour that had the triangle which you could win for free. IDK The RH era was quite old school too so maybe it attracted older fans more.
    1 point
  47. Definitely prefer the madonna cover! The yellow color in the previous cover is horrible! I dont dislike the first album photo, maybe cause I grew up with it in the Eighties, I found out about the original one only later when I found it on cd...
    1 point
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