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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/25/2023 in all areas

  1. standard cover UHQ [Hidden Content] 5120 x 5120
    14 points
  2. 30 years ago today at this time we were just being let through the entrance doors of Wembley Stadium on the opening night of The Girlie Show and my life was changed forever. Time goes by...so quickly
    7 points
  3. Our Proud Mama; Showing off her assets! Paul Gaultier fashion raised $750,000 for the American Foundation For AIDS Research
    5 points
  4. Girl Gone Wild How High or Hold Tight?
    4 points
  5. It had its pros and cons with her. It definitely helped to soften her as a person. She is so much more vulnerable than she used to be and so much more tolerant of situations beyond her control. I think both motherhood and Kabbalah led to that. I think she gave them free publicity at the beginning because it also gave her publicity. It helped fuel her Eastern spiritual image for Ray of Light, but got cloying by the time we reached American Life, where she wove Kabbalah concepts into many of her lyrics. The problem I had with this is a lot of things that were revelations for her were just common sense for most people (i.e. "I learned it's about how you treat people", light = good, darkness = bad, calling herself stupid in a song to people who idolize her was never going to be popular). We also have to remember Madonna's upbringing , which caused her to have a lot of the personality deficiencies that caused these simple concepts to be revelations to her. She only had one parent, and then a new step-parent as a teenager. That one parent worked and was spread out between 5 and then 8 children, so I'm sure being loud, brash, and rebellious were things that very naturally came to Madonna, whereas those are not common characteristics among the general populace. But hey, she always said she would be a nun or a teacher if she didn't become a pop star, and her Kaballah phase kind of allowed her to live both of those out.
    4 points
  6. And she has the music cowboy hat and Ray of Light wizard cape.
    4 points
  7. Went to elementary school with him, such a cool guy. Still remember how he got expelled once for turning all water into wine at lunch, he was crazy man
    3 points
  8. Quite bad two first days numbers on Spotify: (Keep in mind track 1 is merged with the "Ray Of Light" album version and "GHV2", hence the 43M figure). I'm thankful for all the old singles on digital, little by little, but wish they cared a little more. The Dallas Austin remix sent to Release Radar could easily have 60.000-70.000 streams by now... instead it has 3.500.
    3 points
  9. The fabulous Celebration Tour dancers.
    3 points
  10. Iconic Hollywood or Cherish?
    3 points
  11. Devil Pray Iconic or Bitch I'm Madonna?
    3 points
  12. You’ll See Living for Love or Devil Pray?
    3 points
  13. If I'm not wrong each song is copyrighted by their own single since years ago,unless a unavailable on streaming variant is copyrighted So I don't think this means anything as other songs are the same Copyrighted by their own single which doesn't even exist
    3 points
  14. The soccer player dancer singer model best son of the world is now 18 yo
    3 points
  15. Faz Gostoso Spanish Eyes or You’ll See
    3 points
  16. True - I'm thinking more about the years when she wore Kaballah on her sleeve which was before this social-media narcissism era that humanity has been swept into.
    3 points
  17. Swim Unapologetic Bitch or Faz Gostoso?
    3 points
  18. Pretender Swim or Erotica?
    3 points
  19. It appears that "You'll See" is also registered.
    3 points
  20. Am I dreaming too much if I say I wish Spotlight to be on the tour? (then I wake up before she gets to the chorus)
    3 points
  21. I won't pretend to understand how and why she decided to be almost a spokesperson for it. I will admit that I was taken aback that she got sucked into the "organization". Nothing wrong with studying and using the beliefs and tools from it, but I felt like she ended up being used by it. I'm hoping she sees that now, and that is why she doesn't speak of the actual organization behind it. I personally think like any religion or belief system there is something to take away from it. There are tools and ideas that can help you become a better version of yourself. It's just personally, I am not into any sort of "organized religion". But I'm all for anyone who studies other religions and are able to use it personally to help themselves. I'm sure she still practices and learns from it still. She's just not as vocal about it.
    3 points
  22. It’s probably to cover Niki Harris’ appearance fee. 😂
    3 points
  23. Another video montage! This time for Crave using the official live audio from the 3LP, not the best quality or the best editing but I tried to do my best for all of you! 😉🤟🏻
    2 points
  24. Are you referring to these albums? https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_m-wi7GdfzodvlpspCUQQiyrTBo6eJlsqA&si=-wBsRuhGHZBjF0ZM https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_lSFyvWaBwsYyQOOA-z9IYo-GaUhYMXlns&si=86gswUqmnyKcIoWh They are on YT/YTM for ages! Them as in YT this time: There are several other bootlegs as well to the same audios ripped from NHK's broadcast from Fukuoka! I just chose these two specifically because I already listened to both and they sound pretty good to me. Go have some fun again, steady!!!
    2 points
  25. And Superstar remix and single
    2 points
  26. I'm a straight female, but I'm gay for Madonna, only. Haha
    2 points
  27. Well, we believe we all came from God, we all were created to the image and likeliness of the Spirit. We are children of Pleroma ("The Whole," in Greek), after we came to birth, we get apart from the Whole, we got divided. To sum up this thought, think about the video shown on screen from the Forbidden Love performance for Confessions Tour - first we all are as a one; we are a total Unity. After being born, we are several, several souls, several minds, several bodies, several differences. But in the end we all will come back to be as a one, we all will return to the Light as a One. As traditional Judaism says, "God = Love + Unity." God's Name, Jehovah/Yah/Yahweh, means in Hebrew, "I am who I am," but it's a Hebrew number, equals to 26. "Love" in Hebrew is "ahava" and "unity" means "echad;" both words are also numbers; both equals to 13. So, as 13 + 13 = 26, Love + Unity = God. The day we all learn that "nothing really matters, love is all we need, eveyrthing I give you, all comes back to me," we are saved. This is the ultimate Truth revealed by Jesus during his ministery. By affirming himself as the Christ, the Messiah, he uses the very Torah meaning of the word - "the anointed by God." He also says, "you are Gods too," whoch means we all can be true Christs. In fact, one of our mottos in my faith is "do not be a Christian, be a Christ instead." By being a Christ, one reveals oneself as the Way, the Truth and the Life; a Christ possesses the keys to the Kingdom of the Heavens. Unfortunately Christianism, by obvious means, is the worst betrayal to Jesus ever, to his message and his actions, as they preach there's only one Christ, we are all inferior to him and need to believe he died and relived for us so we can be saved. This is a very cruel way to keep Jesus really apart from us, no wonder Christianism is being heavily questioned by every single other belief, theist or atheist, nowadays. Everyone can be a Christ, even LGBTQIA+ people and Atheists; what defines someone as a Christ is their compromise to Love and Unity. M, to me, is a true Christ in the Gnostic sense. She is an avatar, a leader, a prophet and a doctor by her beliefs and actions. I ain't exaggerating or being overfanatic; I recognize her perfectly as a "Christ" the same way Jesus defined himself. Other people are this way too. And, to have finally answered your question, we come to world being lonely, right? We go away from it lonely too. We are lonely because we are individualities who think, speak and act by our own choices and ways. When we notice that, at the moments of silence and meditation, when we think about who we are and what we are doing here, we come more easily to be resolute to turn ourselves into "true Christs." After all, after all the noise from the traffic and the streets, we realize we are just running, and still running away.
    2 points
  28. JustinTimes


    Popular has now been at number one in Bulgaria for the past 12 weeks
    2 points
  29. Love Tried to Welcome Me Into the Groove or Funny Song
    2 points
  30. She hinted at Bad Girl early on in those post it notes and that is just as unknown to the GP as NRM. So who knows. Madonna does whatever the fuck she wants so while I’m sure it’ll be mainly hits she may surprise us with a few things too.
    2 points
  31. Cherish act of contrition or girl gone wild?
    2 points
  32. 2 points
  33. 2 points
  34. Remixes. Live performance or Pretender or Stay on the next tour?
    2 points
  35. I don't mind the re-inventions but I wouldn't mind in original form either. Unapologetic Bitch or Faz Gostoso?
    2 points
  36. Malkhut(h) Over and Over (album version) or You Can Dance version?
    2 points
  37. @McDonnaI have already answered my choice between these two, should I pass to anyone else or answer it again? Anyway, will give a different response this time: the original feat. Massive Attack one. Susan × Nikki Finn??? (Found the perfect opportunity to do this one since I felt in love with M the actress during my very childhood as these two movies used to be broadcast in a loop by the main open channel in my country during afternoon times for years... Very much later on felt in love with M the singer - immediately prior to that, with M the thinker...)
    2 points
  38. Crazy! I love when she shouts out "Eu tchi amo", very Brazilian/Carioca Portuguese, instead of the European Portuguese "amo-te"... Best Night or Beautiful Scars?
    2 points
  39. I think, after the passing away of both Yehuda and Karen Berg, she felt the need to not be any kind of spokesperson for this thing, esp after Raising Malawi incident. After all, she's not a Jewish as she explicited in that rap we all know. Kabbalah teachings find echo in several other faiths and beliefs around the world, after all there's only one way to survive in this world of maya - finding the Ruach inside of yourself - "Ruach" is the Hebrew word for "spirit" - not confuse it with the several Hebrew words which mean similar things, such as "nefesh" ("blow," as in the Bible, "nefesh chayim," "blow of life") and neshamah ("astral body"). Btw Kabbalah uses all these 3 concepts as the same way Saint Paul refers in the Bible about "body, soul and spirit" - the Trinity of the Individuality in each one of us. Ofc who lives in the matter sees easily the bad sides of any cult or sect above any good input they could give to anyone; esp given they believe every single spiritual belief is automaticly frontally adverse to their way of life and personal choices. In other words, they are just as intolerant as the people who throw stones at them - but after all, this is human nature, isn't it?
    2 points
  40. This time, Erick (yes I'm a longtime friend of yours but since I dropped socials we lost any contact till now), there's no Tribe, no Rama, no NOM, they seem to respect M's decision to keep it all sealed as for now. I still think how funny was the way Tribe found to reveal the setlist for both MDNAT and MXT (given for S&ST they were much more explicit and detailed): placing several CDs together as if they were in a shelf, with every CD placed in a particular order just to confirm the rumours about the setlist by then they were spread by other fansites or M herself (each CD displayed had in their tracklist the song which was meant to be performed; I remember vividly for MDNAT they even did choose Japanese version of COADF to confirm Hung Up was being actually performed between PDP and IDGAF, as Rama stated previously!). But I guess the new Tribe with paywall and all won't risk their relationship to M and her team by telling something so secretive again...
    2 points
  41. Liquid Love Evita Soundtrack or I'm Breathless?
    2 points
  42. Human Nature (hands down) Liquid Love or Impressive Instant?
    2 points
  43. Girl 6 (Cameo) The Power of Good-bye: Dallas Austin Remix or Fabien's Remix?
    2 points
  44. Dangerous Game Get Stupid Interlude or Illuminati Interlude?
    2 points
  45. DEC 1 GA Pit - Amsterdam DEC 2 GA Pit - Amsterdam
    2 points
  46. Erotica, constantly... and the demos, too
    2 points
  47. Time Stood Still Shanghai Surprise or Dangerous Game/Snake Eyes?
    2 points
  48. Dear Jessie Sorry or Get Together?
    2 points
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