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  1. Here is a MEGA link for the 8GB non-dubbed TV rip (Multishow) Best file so far imo! [Hidden Content]
    50 points
  2. I have downloaded, extracted and remastered the audio from the highest quality stream. Bass/treble has been adjusted to make the sound more clear and 'live'. There are some bigger quality issues later in the stream where the audio cuts, however I have repaired the cut during 'Nothing Really Matters'. Audio ready for iTunes with artwork. Let me know what you think.... and ENJOY![Hidden Content]
    27 points
  3. hi guys I found a torrent with this .ts 8gb file [Hidden Content]
    17 points
  4. I'm brazilian and Madonna fan for more than 15 years. This is my first Madonna's tour and first trip to another state, Rio de Janeiro (I'm from Sao Paulo). Was amazing! A dream come true!
    10 points
  5. That's not real. Its an AI photo that has been circulating before last night. Also wrong topic...
    8 points
  6. I didn't notice any of the issues people are complaining about at all. Honestly, I really don't care. I was there, Mother was really happy, we all were having the time of our lives, we all were making history together. That's all that matters to me ;)
    8 points
  7. Mother and father and Motherhood is an essential moment in telling the story, so it needs to be in the official release.
    8 points
  8. Everybody should see this video, stunning:
    7 points
  9. Because why not?! Life is absurd and life is full of suffering. Be crazy. Embrace the crazy. Be glad you are not suffering and have compassion for those who are. Everything else... like ass eating.... who cares. Embrace it.
    6 points
  10. 6 points
  11. That’s still better than switching scenes every second without seeing anything that happens on the stage like in previous Blu-rays. 😊
    6 points
  12. Some have the need to nit and pick at anything. 1.6 million + people were there live and enjoyed themselves. Also, The majority of us who watched the broadcast enjoyed it just as much! That is all that matters!!
    5 points
  13. Guys it’s a forum, we understand your concern but it was a broadcasted live tv show. ITS ALWAYS LIKE THAT, except American Idol and those shit shows. The fact is she has one of her biggest TRIUMPHS when nobody, including us expected to do so. She's adored around the world, she sang in front of 1.6-2 mill. People, she’s the undisputed Queen Mother Madonna, the mold that was broken after she was born. The Celebration tour shits over The Beys, the Taylor’s, the Gaga’s and their recent (the first 2) amazing success…. So who cares? Enjoy the Celebration bitches you all sound like old aunties at the wedding telling the bride that she’s fat!!! Ffs!!!
    5 points
  14. No, you don't. You don't need permission to release a cover or perform it live if you pay the writers and/or get a license. That's if it's a download store, if it's streaming you don't need at all. More here: https://syncsongwriter.com/blog/legally-releasing-cover-songs You can cover "Vogue" today and upload it tomorrow if you want. It won't be taken down. But you can not sample "Vogue" in your own song. Samples in derivative works are another story. You usually need the owner permission to do it. And of course for using the original song in ads, movies, series, etc. Do your homework and properly learn about it before trying to correct information from others. Copyright is a complex thing.
    5 points
  15. She even had an afterparty? The ENERGY of this woman. Truly something.
    5 points
  16. She must feel so proud of herself. I am still shook at how much stamina this woman has. Mad respect.
    5 points
  17. The one that doesnt show the beach every 5 seconds
    5 points
  18. Rio. That show has made history. She performed in front of one and a half million people. And she was magnificent. Anyway, even as an extra disc, the Rio show should be officially released by Warner.
    5 points
  19. I think the standart one. We already have pro footage of Rio. Id love to see the proper version of the tour on professional cameras. I wanna see my btch fly while singing ray of light!
    5 points
  20. And Roller girl!
    4 points
  21. It's been 5 pages since I last visited the thread and we are still talking about the audio
    4 points
  22. The reason we are not happy with the audio is that it's bad and that we care about her and we want to keep authentic memories of these moments. We love her religiously. We want them to be loved and to be remember as the legend she is. We're not being hateful. We just want authentic memories, not evidently fake ones. I'm happy for this big success. I was there and I LITERALLY CRIED multiple times. It did not happen at the other shows of the tour I attended. But when I watched the TV recording I was so disappointed, it's not always like that, it only happens with Madonna because she always tries to mask her imperfections by making it all worse. So I really hope they're gonna fix it.
    4 points
  23. That's a cover and it's not stealing. (If they're paying a part to the writers, which most distributors ask for anyway to avoid trouble). You're legally to release covers if you pay the % writer share to the original writers, and you don't need permission from the owners. There's thousands of big popular songs covers on streaming! Piano versions, kids versions, orchestral, you name it.
    4 points
  24. Let the choir sing:
    4 points
  25. Yes. Perfectly said. 🫶🏻
    4 points
  26. Dear lord! God really said ‘I’m gonna make EVERY DAMN Brazilian HOT AF!’ 🔥 👀 🤤 🇧🇷
    4 points
  27. And for as many cameras as they had and the massive production, they did a fab job! There were some shots you could tell they were clueless on (especially during Bedtime Story with the projection not working) but for a one-shot attempt, it was impressive. I miss the 80s and 90s when TV would broadcast raw live footage like this.
    4 points
  28. Of course that's why and it became less about her performing and more about LOOK IT'S RIO LOOK IT'S A BEACH! LOOK ITS ALOT OF PEOPLE! I also couldn't with the shady camera man cutting to two hairy gay men in bondage harnesses violently making out to In This Life lol
    4 points
  29. I would like the full show from Mexico. But it would be great if they could include a doco about Rio as a bonus with Music included in full.
    4 points
  30. Gorgeous <3 https://imagenes.elpais.com/resizer/v2/E562XDM55FA25HECKQX7N6G4U4.jpg?auth=d329d01c87be15c618f00661dcfd6f20af93e81e7f9fc71eadc2e2479a3ff776
    3 points
  31. Copacabana Palace Livro De Ouro:
    3 points
  32. I didn't see anything wrong. I saw that as an act of love or passion, on a special moment for them, and that was when Madonna was performing Live to tell, about AIDS for thousands of people like in the old times. She wasn't ashamed of showing her pussy or having an orgy on her SEX book during the worst times of the pandemic. Love is love, and we don't know the story of those guys. I thought it was a beautiful shot, maybe too long, but still beautiful. Sometimes I don't understand Madonna fans...
    3 points
  33. I watched the whole broadcast with my friend and I did not notice half the shit you're all on about. There were certain songs that I thought did seem masked by pre-recorded vocals (Into The Groove / Everybody / Justify My Love / Erotica come to mind) but I mostly felt it was live vocals shining through 90% of the show. And my friend DID make a comment about the audience "being behind a little" and hoped it didn't throw her off if she looked at them and saw them singing the wrong lines. But I don't think there was anything so bad to really stand out and make people doubt any authenticity. People aren't nitpicking.
    3 points
  34. I wasn’t meaning to insult you by saying you’re obsessed about it. I just think it’s funny But it’s a valid discussion. I personally wish she’d just be 100% live and raw.
    3 points
  35. Who have you seen the insides of?
    3 points
  36. Yes. This weekend.
    3 points
  37. Giving yourself compliments 💀😅
    3 points
  38. I'm glad Mercy got to come out and all the kids got to dance together during Music. That's something special they will all remember for the rest of their lives.
    3 points
  39. The reaction of the people on the beach at her entrance is everything
    3 points
  40. To be fair, they really wanted to show off the size of the crowd
    3 points
  41. It was a big moment for the rimming community. I felt so represented.
    3 points
  42. Most people were there (me included). We listened to her live voice. The broadcasted version is dubbed with vocals from another show in many parts. And I noticed that also the crowd singing sometimes is not properly synced. That's a pity, her voice was really good... I was hoping that since it was a live broadcast we were getting the real thing, but she didn't want that. The camera shots are amazing, but audio is bad, unfortunately
    3 points
  43. I can care less. I just want a professional 4K show, with the normal setlist. Rain would be nice as it sounded better than Take a Bow, especially in arenas. Can't be too choosey with mama. I'm happy with whatever we get 🙌
    3 points
  44. Let Rio be a good reference to something that's not overly edited. She'll edit the fuck out of the official release but at least it'll be how the show was intended (projection screens, floating cube, indoor venue making it more theatrical).
    3 points
  45. @wonderboy @MCL_1993 Omg. Thank you both so much! ❤️✨ Now i just need a giant flip phone to complete my fantasy.
    3 points
  46. Hey guys I'm the Itaú officer who won a pair of Espaço Itaú tickets! It was such an incredible experience. I was in front row and has the time of my life! There were several fans around me and we sang our hearts out during every song, it was kinda funny because they even moaned in Erotica and I did not because I'm so shy lol. I feel like I made eye contact with M everytime she came close to me especially when she sang Express Yourself right in front of me. I feel like I'm reborn. Best night ever!!! I posted some videos on my Instagram (check the highlights): instagram.com/gvstt. I have no words to express how grateful I am and how proud I am to be a Madonna fan. That night changed me. I'm so so sooooo happy! The stage was sooooooo high so I didn't have a good vision of M when she sang songs at the main stage and at the catwalk/little stage where she performed OYH and BU for example, but I watched them on the big screens. Erotica is my favorite album and basically all the songs from the 90's segment were performed close to me so I'm extremely happy anyway. DAD had an amazing punchy bass ("I could feel it in my pussy"), EY was so emotional and Music was a blast. Seriously I am still gagged over that night, I feel like I can't think straight yet. xD Can't wait to watch it on my TV as soon as a good rip surfaces!
    3 points
  47. I'm working on my "remaster" mentioned earlier in the thread, but while I was replacing the 5.1 dubbed speeches with 2.0 stream I looked a bit closer at the 5.1 track and am now doing some more work than expected It seems the Left and Right channels have most of the stage audio (e.g. backing tracks, mic feed) whereas the Center channel mixes that with audience sounds and (what seems to be) a louder mic feed. The L & R surround channels seem to be audio from mics placed further out in the audience which causes a slight delay on audience cheering and reactions, just like in real life cause of how sound travels distances, just that it throws u off a bit when you're watching the stage in real-time. Watching the file on my surround system, I felt like the 5.1 mix washed out the music a lot and was very unbalanced compared to the more streamlined stereo mix. So I'm putting more emphasis on the front L & R channels, as well as mixing them over a bit into the C channel, turning down the volume of as well as moving the surround channels a few frames/seconds back so the delay is less apparent and more natural to us watching the stage action. There are two 5.1 tracks in the 13 GB file, seems the second is the same as this one (the first 5.1 track in the file is the true surround mix, the second seems to be just a stereo mixdown + 3 empty channels). Other changes I'm doing: Minor image adjustments for the entire video so the broadcast looks slightly less washed than it does currently, to make the colors pop a bit etc. I'm with all the folx complaining about the occasional pixelation but that's a bit difficult to get around. Grading will help a bit though! Adding some visuals to the malfunctioning Bedtime Story cube (mostly cropped footage from either the side screens or fan footage from earlier dates) so it does the staging justice and doesn't look awkward. Bob's mic feed is super low volume when he's telling the Garage rules during Holiday so I'll dub his voice over best I can with sound from a previous date. I'll try to be quick!
    3 points
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