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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/21/2024 in Posts

  1. We did it guys, I'm so happy. This will probably be my only chance to see her live. I'll be there and will bring my mom who introduced her to me. She was also never able financially to attend one of her concerts, I'm so happy to be able to make both our dreams come true.
    18 points
  2. Little present for all of you: Download links here:
    10 points
  3. for all the naysayers that did not believe... or said Rio couldn't handle an event like this....she's coming soon!
    8 points
  4. Skip the wedding
    7 points
  5. So happy for my country!! I'm not going because I'll be in a friend's wedding in the SAME day :( So glad that I was able to see her in Europe
    6 points
  6. Glad to see Brazilian fans will get a chance to see her for this tour as well. They deserve it and hopefully Madonna is planning to make a huge event out of this, if not possibly stream this for the world.
    6 points
  7. FINALLY. Congratulations, brasileiros!
    6 points
  8. Happy 35th to the "Like A Prayer" album today! Time to celebrate it the big way... with... NOTHING God, even the remastered HD video would do at this point xd Bring it, Emily!
    6 points
  9. Just sit on the biggest cock you can find
    6 points
  10. Seems that it will be broadcasted!!
    5 points
  11. bye bye friends...... Hello Madonna.......
    5 points
  12. Im so excided my vapes being sucked dry.
    5 points
  13. 5 points
  14. I'm so happy for the brazilian fans. Girl from Ipanema is a given instead of I will survive
    5 points
  15. After having seen the show live, the ending was perfect. Not that I wouldn't have loved a medley of a few more big songs there, but while I thought it would be a bit anti-climatic, it actually flowed perfectly in the context of the whole show...and got a massive response out the audience. (And it was loud as FUCK. I LOVED it.)
    5 points
  16. Me neither. I literally pranced out of the place singing “Madonna! Madonna!” beyond thrilled and completely satisfied
    5 points
  17. haha I'll be a godparent on it and I live faaar away from Rio but that's OK, glad that I attended 6 dates from Celebration tour
    4 points
  18. One is already for sure: we will never forget this concert. It will be so monumental for our fandom 😍❤️👑
    4 points
  19. Sometimes I wonder how that pretty guy that cries and M talks to during ITG in the S&S DVD is doing... lol
    4 points
  20. Pretty much anyone can TOP all those Argentine BOTTOMS.
    4 points
  21. Official confirmation from Itaú: https://www.itau.com.br/elavem
    4 points
  22. Here in Italy they projected material girl, dress you up with fan intro and into the groove before desperately seeking susan in 1985
    4 points
  23. Are we sure it was Madonna flying this plane?
    4 points
  24. I adore this tour. I've been to four shows, and each time, I appreciated it more. But the finale just doesn't do it for me. I haven't enjoyed it once, not live and not on YouTube. The concept of all the dancers donning Madonna's iconic costumes is great for a "celebration". The problem is the performance falls flat both musically and visually: the transition from BIM to Celebration is jarring, like something out of a holiday resort show. She could have opted for a longer break and started Celebration/Music from the beginning rather than midway through the song, in a way that feels less thrown together. It feels like an afterthought, akin to a holiday resort show or a mid to low-tier TV show farewell to a guest, looks like it wasn't Madonna's idea but a unexpected decision by the TV show directors. Looks uninspired. Madonna's outfits and the choreography also miss the mark. I wasn't a fan of the LAV/BJ interlude either. It seems like it's setting up a new section, but it's a weak start that fails to build tension—it's a filler interlude that seems to say "he's the king and I'm the queen" with a rather poor mashup, without blending the songs well. Could she not have mixed LAV and Billie Jean like she did in the Virgin Tour? So, I'm really not a fan of the entire end of the concert. It's a conceptual show where everything is so well thought out, but the finale feels randomly tacked on and doesn't provide a conceptually original conclusion to her "narrative". If she had just performed Celebration in full, with the same choreography and energy as her performance at Pride, maybe with some fresher visual ideas (even just playing with the costumes a bit), it would have been an improvement. Everyone I've seen the concert with felt the same way. My ex boyfriend in SF, who listens to her because I'm a fan but isn't as big a fan himself, was actually quite bored and yawning through it. I think it's the worst ending in her career
    4 points
  25. Truth is we just did not want the show to end. I like how anticlimatic it is because it's like a "to be continued" rather than going out with a bang like a farewell. It's more like this is where we are for now, all these mini mes from the past are still me and i'm still here so i'll be back but bye for now.
    4 points
  26. This has been said countless times, but some fans are conveniently dismissing things happening from this deal, all because their focus is on one portion of the deal. Most are simply focused on the re-issues when in reality the deal was more than just about that. I don't get why some are missing that point? Let's remember, MX TOUR EXPERIENCE was released under Warner, right after the announcement (in October). No doubt, if Warner didn't make the announcement why they were distributing the tour audio, then fans would be confused. Therefore, they just laid out their plans for the unsee-able future. They announced a "Multi-Year deal". The idea of the deal was to house her complete catalog by 2025 under Warner. While that happening, they also laid out plans of releasing new curated projects which has happened such as FEL and American Life Mix Show. We also got the re-issue of Everybody (40th Anniversary) and Erotica Vinyl. Not only that, they had already started the ball rolling for updating the streaming and digital platforms with her back catalog that hadn't been up yet. So again, this wasn't just about the "re-issues". That was just one part of the deal, while the bigger picture was to inform the public that she and Warner agreed on a deal to bring all her catalog under Warner and curate special projects that included curating new projects as well as eventually re-issuing "LANDMARK" albums in Deluxe Edition format. I realize the latter hasn't happened yet, but there was never any promise that to happen right away. But to say, nothing has happened from this deal would be inaccurate. I think there was a perfectly good reason in making the announcement when they did. The MX TOUR EXPERIENCE became the first new distribution under Warner. So of course, they are going to go public with the deal made at that time.
    4 points
  27. Exactly. I loved it! And then she does that little victory dance on top of the cake. It’s so fabulous.
    4 points
  28. for all the brazilian people here...... happy for you all!!!! the show will be amazing...... i hope you will enjoy it !!!! and i hope you all to have the best hours of your lives!!!!
    3 points
  29. Just awesome! I'm so happy for everyone in Brazil and those planning to travel there!!!
    3 points
  30. Let's say that they'll reissue the first album along with Like a Virgin this year, what do you think could be the tracklist? Realistically, and if they're willing to package this as a boxset, they could do something like this. CD 1 - ORIGNAL FIRST ALBUM WITH 4 BONUS TRACKS: 09-Ain't No Big Deal 10-Burning Up (Steve Bray Demo) 11-Everybody (Steve Bray Demo) 12-Ain't No Big Deal (Steve Bray Demo) CD 2 - ORIGINAL LIKE A VIRGIN ALBUM (+ ITG) WITH 4 BONUS TRACKS: 11-Desperately Seeking Susan [Unreleased] 12-Angel (Steve Bray Demo) 13-Over and Over (Steve Bray Demo) 14-Shoo-Bee-Doo (Steve Bray Demo) CD 3 - THE REMIXES: 01-Everybody (UK 12" Mix) 02-Burning Up (12" Mix) 03-Lucky Star (US Remix) 04-Borderline (US Remix) 05-Like a Virgin (Extended Dance Remix) 06-Material Girl (Extended Dance Remix) 07-Angel (Extended Dance Remix) 08-Dress You Up (12" Formal Mix) CD 4 - THE VIRGIN TOUR Of course we can always wish for more but if these two albums are packaged together, this will limit the possibilities for the tracklist to be truly expanded as I don't see a 8 CD Boxset being released. Also, as much as I would like the Vision Quest tracks along with these, I feel like they won't get included, though I'd like to be proven wrong and have Crazy for You (with its Jellybean demo), Gambler (with its Steve Bray demo) and of course Warning Signs.
    3 points
  31. Its perfect! The south americans especially brazilians love & respect her so much! This is totally deserved.
    3 points
  32. Incredible that the most important concert of the tour/her biggest show ever is taking place in South America. 💙⚡️
    3 points
  33. We got a LAP 30th collection in 2019 though and this stuff is still available to buy today https://shopuk.madonna.com/collections/like-a-prayer
    3 points
  34. Leave me to it, Ive got connections in HIgh Places in BR
    3 points
  35. According to the newspaper O Globo, all information and details about Madonna's performance in Brazil should be revealed in the next few days at a press conference that Itaú Unibanco is preparing with the government and Rio City Hall.
    3 points
  36. Lovesss! Thank you!!!💝💝💝💝💃💃🦮🕺🏼🕺🏼🕺🏼🎸🎸🌹🌹🌹
    3 points
  37. 1. Live To Tell 2. Live To Tell - 7" Edit 3. Live To Tell - Instrumental
    3 points
  38. The Material Girl music video was inspired by Madonna's admiration of Marilyn Monroe and mimicked the latter's performance of the song "Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend" from the 1953 film Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.
    3 points
  39. Express Yourself gets inspiration from Fritz Lang's 'Metropolis"
    3 points
  40. After Fincher did Vogue without giving credit to Horst, you think Mondino will be more respectful about using Guy Bourdin's work without permission or mention. I think he said later than it was an homage and blah blah but it was a bit messy to do without attributing.
    3 points
  41. The photographer behind the glass idea is Erwing Blumenfeld, Mert & Marcus get heavily inspired but other great photographers. That chilean guy use the same reference.
    3 points
  42. I completely understand what you're saying. I just don't find it a good strategy from Warner. That's my point. They could have expected that fans will be going crazy for reissues. Basically, any other artist is releasing them nowadays. In this digital era, in 2020s where everything is happening at such fast pace and every 'miracle' lasts five minutes. You cannot simply promise landmark reissues to fans in the announcement... and then do not release a single one for 3 years. I understand the deal is also about FEL, AL Mixshow Mix, digital singles etc. But if they knew back then in 2021 that there is no plan to release any reissued album until let's say 2025/2026, there was no point mentioning it in the official Warner statement. I just feel they shot themselves in a foot by doing it this way. They could have easily announced a simple thing that Madonna is back with Warner and they plan to release digital singles and remixed albums as the first thing (FEL, Mixshow) etc., noone would be asking about reissues, and then WHEN SOMETHING/reissues are actually planned and coming, make another announcement. Announcements are being released literally daily, you are not limited to only one, you don't need to announce something 3 years in advance. No one is doing it this way because it's simply doesn't work. That's my whole point. I don't find this Warner strategy and way of communicating with fans very well thought. And as clearly seen in this thread, it's just p*ssing off (pardon my French) most of fans.. Or most of fans simply gave up and all excitement regarding reissues is long gone, including mine. But that's how I see it.
    3 points
  43. Where's The Party Love Makes The World Go Round or Love Tried to Welcome Me?
    3 points
  44. Spotlight I'll Remember or Erotica (song)
    3 points
  45. Its makes perfect sense that M's resistance to even doing a GH tour would avoid an ending that could be seen as a cap stone on her career. I think that's the point. Silly but we know how insecure she is on that
    3 points
  46. The inspiration behind Erotica/Sex is so vast but definitely an interesting one is Warhol. The graphic design was done by Fabien Baron who worked at that time for Interview magazine which was Andy's so they shared alot of the same aesthetic and graphics. Even the font used for Erotica's album cover and used in Sex was Warholian...it was actually based off Andy's mother! The album cover also seems to be based on Liza's cover on Interview. The font for Deeper and Deeper even seems to be a nod to Andy's design for the Velvet Undergroud's album.
    3 points
  47. I definitely think the mystery woman in the film Chungking Express portrayed by Brigitte Lin inspired one of the looks of Madame X
    3 points
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