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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/10/2024 in all areas

  1. I love her so much.
    13 points
  2. Jesus when did the Celebration thread morph into a Grindr group chat?
    10 points
  3. I second that. It's funny how no one ever claims to be the new Michael Jackson but every week/ month/ year there's always someone to take credit for what Madonna has built over 40 decades of purely hardwork. To me it's not any kind of homage at all, it disgusts me.
    6 points
  4. 6 points
  5. I love Julia but this girl seems to have the same taste in clothes
    6 points
  6. Omg why would anyone want her to sing that shitty forgotten song anyway?
    6 points
  7. Apologies if I was ever rude to you Are you a bottom?
    6 points
  8. Need I remind you again - respectful behavior is what we value - the next warning I'll give you, will mean you won't be able to access this site - this is a community and as a community we need to respect each other's opinions and be mindful in how others interpret what we say and write.
    5 points
  9. Haters were just waiting and searching for another "cancel moment". I know they were mad as hell that she's making so many positive headlines this year so they are desperate for negative content.
    5 points
  10. The wheelchair thing happens with a LOT of artists, honestly... Wheelchair users are used to it, feel lucky and expect it if they have the chance to get seated so close, it can be quite funny. It makes more other people more uncomfortable. PS at concerts ect they arent usually allowed on the floor or close for safety reasons so its great when its allowed). Comedians make the joke on purpose a lot. They know what's real, musical artists arent used to it. They wouldnt actually mean any direct harm at all. Meh.
    5 points
  11. Those are definitely 80s colors
    5 points
  12. This has gone far enough I have given all three of you a warning. This is a community that I value and others also, and those values are respect - making fun, or poking fun of the death of an innocent child whether director or indirect is not a value I or this community upholds. Please do think about how your posts are interpreted and whether they meet the standards and values we as a community value and uphold
    5 points
  13. Lol you're joking, right? Portuguese, Spanish and Italian have the same roots, and most of the vocab and grammar is similar. I never took a single Portuguese class but I can understand the lyrics of Faz Gostoso. Chinese, Korean and Japanese have nothing in common
    5 points
  14. oh my god, why are you being so mean to people? Like if someone doesn't agree with you, they are being a bitch or something else. Girl, I don't have anything against you, chill. This is a Madonna forum, stop being so toxic.
    4 points
  15. The Weeknd was at last nights show
    4 points
  16. Imagine it was Donna Queen announcing her big comeback to radio
    4 points
  17. Frank

    New Madonna...

    Why they r always trying to benefit from her name? So desperate and sad. THERE'S ONLY ONE MADONNA, TODAY, TOMORROW, AND THE NEXT 100 YEARS. PERIOD.
    4 points
  18. I saw the wheelchair incident today in UK media. She's getting slated as usual, even though she apologised, but they choose to ignore it because in their eyes she's a horrible person. And once again people don't understand her humour or how playful she gets with fans. The "fan" who originally posted it to go viral must be so proud of themselves [emoji849]
    4 points
  19. Anybody writing in a pop diva forum is a bottom love 😉 I remember learning the term spit roast from someone on Bible not so long ago 🤣 Saying that what do you think of the new skirt? I love it!!!
    4 points
  20. love him...... He give us so many amazing songs and eras ......
    4 points
  21. Anybody stanning Kylie is a bottom
    4 points
  22. The Madokylie (Kyliedonna) effect 🔥
    4 points
  23. Are u a top 😉? Asking for a friend (visiting NYC soon)
    4 points
  24. 4 points
  25. I loved her look during the Hard Candy era!
    4 points
  26. It's the same thing I'm wondering. When you decide to actively participate in a forum you know that you are going to find opinions both similar to and totally different from yours. That is why it seems so absurd to me when someone decides to put you on the ignorance list simply for having a different opinion than them. Tolerance is a value that we must always try to reinforce and even more so with the openness and visibility of numerous social minorities or realities that were previously invisible or considered a topic that is not talked about. That is why seeing a person who, in the middle of 2024, seems to have stayed in 1920 and who is offended by stupid things, such as criticizing the junk food full of cholesterol that he likes to devour so eagerly, is ample evidence of what kind of person we are talking.
    3 points
  27. Oh my God I think the point I tried to make was pretty clear. I'm not gonna read any of that. Chill and go do something else ffs
    3 points
  28. Im european, italian, and i hate all this shit about cultural appropration...... we put down ghettos in real life and we start to build ghettos in our minds...... at the end we are all humans been ........ with the same fears, happiness, dtreams...... so please dont we start a war..........
    3 points
  29. I didn't understand a word or concept on that last Orbit IG post. xd
    3 points
  30. 1. It absolutely does 2. this isn’t a political topic - go whine or solicit black people or whatever it is you want to do on Threads
    3 points
  31. I only found 3 yet but these i really dislike a lot Bitch I'm Madonna *worst Single ever imo* Human Nature *but i love the Video* Hollywood
    3 points
  32. Joan Of Arc speaking demos... HeartBreakCity or Inside Out?
    3 points
  33. Vogue today Bad Girl or Waiting?
    3 points
  34. I don't usually get drawn into nonsense like this, but that ridiculous comment is probably the most racist comment I've seen on here. With that way of thinking black people can't comment on Madonna's looks as she's white or her hair because it's blonde! You win the award for being an absolute moron
    3 points
  35. None ...pretty boring songs Pretender or Promise To Try?
    3 points
  36. Looking For Mercy or Lo Que Siente La Mujer ?
    3 points
  37. Lucky Star album version Another Suitcase In Another Hall or Holy Water ?
    3 points
  38. i love how she re create her eras on this tour......... the outfits are amazing and she looks incredible...... so happy this tour happened.......
    3 points
  39. The reason why lenght is different is because of the way cds were mastered, since the files on Something to remember were from different sources to homogenize the album they had to use a higher bitrate which can cause some tracks to get slower. This is due to lens of the players being programmed to read at a unique speed. It's very obvious on You Can Dance, the tracks are slower than their original speed. So I'll Remember is the same cut but the uploaded file is not from cd source, probably master.
    3 points
  40. 3 points
  41. I’m fine with not talking about her anymore, but I think people need to stop being so sensitive, and I don’t feel I did anything wrong by saying that photo looks like her.
    3 points
  42. 2:15:20 "Oh fuck! Oh fuck this stupid veil! Thank you Sacramento, I mean San Francisco HAHAHAHA thank you, good night! I knew I was going to do that!" 🤣
    3 points
  43. Globo definitely have some tea. Maybe the announcement by Sun night on Fantástico is actually legit.
    3 points
  44. There's no way she's not doing Faz Gostoso with Anitta.
    3 points
  45. I'm breathless is one of the greatest albums of the 90, and better than so many albums in the 00s, 10s and 20s heck it's a better blues album than so many before it too ..it paved the way for Christina to do Back to Basics and the likes of Mark Robson on that album to ensure blues jazz can work beautifully in modern pop! Fabulous
    3 points
  46. Just got back to australia seeing her in LA. This was everything to me. I have loved them both from the very beginning. Even watched Kylie on neighbours as a kid. 2 very special woman really supporting eachother artistically through the decades. Absolutely biggest smile on my face and the concer was next level. No words
    3 points
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