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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/04/2024 in all areas

  1. Can't believe we're only one month away from the Rio concert. Can't believe I will finally see the Queen live for the very first time, after 16 years waiting for this moment. The 11 yo me always dreamed of seeing her live, but NEVER thought that the first time would be such in a huge and important concert. Just the thought of this makes me shed in tears. Can't believe we'll finally have a decent register of a concert, after years of bad editing choices.
    14 points
  2. I will be seeing her for the first time tonight.
    9 points
  3. Madonna complaining about someone's ego...
    8 points
  4. Madonna's speech about Dallas from Dallas' POV
    7 points
  5. Can we please stay on topic? This is the Celebration thread not a place for drama. Use the ignore feature or let the mods take care of it. Thank you.
    7 points
  6. I'll re state what I said before, keep the discussion on track - let's not sling shit at each other and let's be respectful. Comments on mental health are not appropriate either. You can disagree, but disagree respectfully - and if someone is bugging you, please use the ignore feature, it's free and results in less drama.
    7 points
  7. Are some of these members here children? What in the world is going on? This forum used to be a lot more fun and have way more in-depth conversations. Wish the few people going back and forth here didn't have to ruin it for the rest of us. Sigh.
    6 points
  8. Have you ever taken a moment to look in the mirror? You're the one who shifted the conversation with baseless assumptions. I'm here occasionally to share my thoughts, often critical of certain vocal performances, which seems to irk you to the point of absurdly conflating me with another user who shares similar views. I've been a member for years, dropping by every so often. This forum isn't my life... I find this entire charade quite ridiculous and amusing at the same time, actually. Interestingly, there are others who've reached out to me privately agreeing with my stance but choose to remain silent to avoid your dramatics and immaturity. Let's remember why we're all here and try to get back to meaningful discussion. I couldn't agree more. It's disheartening to see how the tone of our discussions has shifted. This forum thrived on vibrant, in-depth conversations, and it's unfortunate that the dynamics sometimes change, affecting the overall atmosphere. In this topic, in particular. Let's hope we can find our way back to insightful dialogue
    5 points
  9. They are already fully booked out performing Madonna covers in coffee shops around Rio
    5 points
  10. And keeping in mind she has not cancelled a single show. It’s actually quite amazing.
    5 points
  11. For all those are going tonight! Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    4 points
  12. When Rio was announced they said it was the last show so I tend to believe they meant it. And before anyone says “but Sticky…” I don’t believe that second leg was initially planned. It only happened because there was a delay with W.E. so she had a gap to fill. Never say never but I do think it’s wishful thinking to think the tour will continue when they’ve explicitly said it’s ending.
    4 points
  13. I’m going tonight! So excited! Then Miami on Saturday! Really looking forward to Tampa, she hasn’t played Tampa since 1985!
    4 points
  14. So what are we gonna do once the show is over! Funny how time works hey - before the tour started - we were all anxious and excited and counting down - now it's almost over :/ Although, looking forward to seeing what she delivers next - I have faith she'll keep serving us delicious little morsels.
    4 points
  15. Perfectly said. Does she sound perfect? No! But Hell, she's been doing this for five months now. So of course, she isn't going to always sound so perfect. I'm thinking some are expecting Studio vocals. If that's so, then pull out the albums. Otherwise, enjoy the vocals as is. I prefer to hear LIVE vocals that aren't perfect than someone just lip syncing everything. Entertainers go on all the time, when they are feeling under the weather. That's where the saying, "The show must go on" comes from. Meanwhile, I am sure after her healthy scare last summer, EVERYONE is monitoring her health like a hawk. Also, I don't think any fan wants her to go on if she isn't feeling well, but at the same time, a hoarse throat or a slight cold, doesn't mean she needs to cancel. Furthermore, none of us are her doctor, so it would be ridiculous to offer such a solution when we have no idea of her true health.
    4 points
  16. The legendary Moira McFarland will be on the Tampa show tonight. We need some interaction! It would be pure fan service.
    3 points
  17. That's cheating hehehe Oh my goshhhhhh Hard Candy got me through a tough time when I was 15/16 that summer and is a soundtrack to that year BUT Madame X grew on me so much with each listen I adore the layers and vibes in it ...both offer different listens I say MADAME X overall I RISE is helping me every day from not ending things Madonna and Britney OR Madonna and Justin
    3 points
  18. LUCKY STARRRRR the first video of hers I ever saw on the immaculate collection VHS my parents had ....outside of Dick Tracy the film and league of their own it was the first visual I had in video form great song Timbaland collabs or Babyface collabs?
    3 points
  19. Occasionally, I dream of having four boxes, each representing a different decade (1982-1991, 1992-2001,...) filled with all of her 7’’ singles (with the original promo B-Side) including the contemporary ones never available on vinyl.
    3 points
  20. I don't have time to do that I have a life, you know. I'm sorry I piss you off each time I comment here.
    3 points
  21. She can always release a new single or a couple of new songs in between... I'm super excited about the future. One thing you get clear after seeing this tour is: she's not gonna stop.
    3 points
  22. why would she do that? It wasn't done during The Celebration tour, why do it in Brazil? I do not understand!
    3 points
  23. Hollywood single cover: Angel or Cherish?
    3 points
  24. 3 points
  25. Don’t fret, once the tour ends I am going to do more polls. Next up “is Im Breathless a soundtrack or studio album” followed by “ponytail or curls?” Stay tuned for the results.
    3 points
  26. I bet so too!! After a big break, I bet a new album is in the works next.
    3 points
  27. Don't want to disrupt but - comments insulting people who they rumor about a second account can really hurt them,I am not affected by them but it can be tiring for some who are only hated on because of how they write,what thread they talk about,where they talk about, etc Agree with you!
    3 points
  28. Nobody is fighting dear, but it’s great to see someone who has the wellbeing of others such a priority ❤️ thanks love
    3 points
  29. This may be an unpopular opinion here but it seems many of you just don't get it. Sandra hasn't used Madonna's name over the years to get press -- the press has asked Sandra about Madonna over and over and over and over because, if you were around back in the late 80's, they caused quite a stir. There was a huge fascination in their friendship. Longtime fans of both loved hearing Sandra talk about her in her shows -- because she spilled tea. But either way, Sandra was already well on the rise before she & Madonna struck up their friendship. Sandra starred in Martin Scorcese's King of Comedy with Robert DeNiro way before all that. She was a regular -- and hilarious -- guest on David Letterman for YEARS. Yes, her association with Madonna introduced her to a wider audience, but it now follows her around everywhere. I am 100% certain if she showed up at a Madonna show, there'd be a ton of buzz and people trying to take her picture etc. because tales of their falling out are so well known. I don't think she means she'd take the attention off the star, I think she means she just wants to go enjoy the show as an audience member and not feel on display. (The way someone like Rosanna Arquette or Sean Penn or Rosie O'Donnell is gonna get attention at an M show too.) Sandra may not be everyone's cup of tea, but she's not a nobody. She is a brilliant comedienne who continues to tour, and hosts her own show on SiriusXM. Younger people might view her as "too negative" but that was part of her brand. A darker, hilarious, bitter, cynical point of view. She was brash and loud, in your face, and dangerous. And SO much fun for those with a wicked sense of humor. For those of us there at the time, Madonna's times out and about with Sandra were some of the first times we got a taste of Madonna's own sense of humor, they went out to clubs and restaurants, walked red carpets, and 'caused a ruckus everywhere they went. In gossip columns and followed by paparazzi. This was long before Instagram and Tik Tok. We almost NEVER got a peek into celebs' personal lives -- so when we heard about who Madonna was running around with, we ate it up. There was something really powerful about seeing 2 strong women tearing it up and not giving a f*ck what anyone thinks of them.
    3 points
  30. Ghosttown Little Star or Gone
    3 points
  31. New Blonde Ambition Tee arrived today just in time for tomorrow night show. Pic sucks but I was in a hurry
    3 points
  32. donald who ? Donald Trump? would be better on the stage singing lika a virgin with a wedding dress on, a bouquet in one hand, and his ass out like Madonna in the 80s performance.......
    3 points
  33. I’ve never been a fan of the UK/Europe Into The Groove artwork (featuring the photo of Madonna and Rosanna Arquette). Always preferred the Brazilian artwork instead. Either way, I don’t think it will matter because I put all my money on it being released to streaming as Angel/Into The Groove as they have done with previous double-a-side releases. If it even gets a digital release at all that is.
    2 points
  34. Sitting around the house waiting is driving me nuts, will be leaving the house in an hour. I logged into the forum for the first time on my phone earlier so I will try to keep you guys posted but no guarantee. Love you guys
    2 points
  35. Thank you Im already a wreck
    2 points
  36. You haven't hurt or made me mad, so don't act like I am, it just appears awkward 😆 The idea that I might be pretending to be someone else is pretty far-fetched. If I were around as much as you, constantly active, maybe then there'd be some basis for that kind of guess. But my visits here are few and far between. Every time I've shared a critique, you've pushed back. And now, it looks like we're diving into conspiracy territory. Sure, you can spin those tales, chat about them with your therapist or buddies here, but if you're going to post them, don't expect me to stay silent. I'll answer, but I won't get mad, I was actually smiling a lot while typing. Honestly, these theories don't bother me much, they're just awkward and a bit embarrassing. I'm hoping we can get past all this drama and get back to why we're all here in the first place: our shared love for the music and the artist that brought us together. I won't write another single message about this stuff. Melania Trump? 😆😆😆😆
    2 points
  37. Omg im soooooo happy for you!!!! I want to wish you such a good time. Enjoy every moment of it. Once nothing really matters starts it's like your body lifts up into the sky. Such an amazing feeling. That was how i felt lol... Anyway enjoy the concert buddy ❤️
    2 points
  38. Thank you for your support ☺️
    2 points
  39. These banters should be transfered to the Member zone, most of the time they have nothing to do with the topic. Maybe create a lounge so they can have their private discussions there. The tour will end that means the Warner contract thread will be the most active again hahaha '"they said exclusive stuff fans dream about in the Paper interview !"
    2 points
  40. I hope we can continue to talk about our favorite things from the tour. There has been some really awesome and healthy conversations, discussions, and debates. I hope that continues. I also have a feeling some people will feel a lull because she's probably going to take a break throughout the summer, so we might not see or hear much from her. This will put some in anticipation. Nevertheless, it will be great to see what she does next after this tour.
    2 points
  41. See this is why I want my radio on
    2 points
  42. I agree but I doubt that will happen . The best we can hope we is an additional performance before or after Bitch I’m Madonna. Hopefully Music.
    2 points
  43. Please take your petty fights elsewhere. This is a thread about The Celebration Tour. Not to fight and spread animosity between each other. Please be respectful of others and stop causing drama! If you respond back to me in any other way except on topic, I will not respond back. I'm not interested in your little silly accusatory feud. We are all adults here. Act like it please!! tagging @Jackie so he is aware of the lingering situation.
    2 points
  44. Of course Dallas Austin is OK and loved it, for all the worried ones about him: https://www.instagram.com/p/C5UB3AzSFTb/ It's true he was incredibly young when he exploded and worked with Madonna.
    2 points
  45. Like a Prayer (BAT) Secret or Rain?
    2 points
  46. It was awkward (and I'm sure she wanted it that way) but I loved hearing a story that only she could tell. The early 90's , post Erotica backlash, were messy and uncertain for her. I can imagine her getting knocked around in the studio by the handful of Bedtime Stories producers who thought they knew better- Dallas was in his early 20s and probably thought he was the sh-t with his early success. If she was "publicly shaming" a civilian I'd feel weird but Dallas Austin is an especially big deal in Atlanta since he's from there. He probably loved it, being called out by one of the most legendary performers in the world for not reciprocating her feelings.
    2 points
  47. She hated to work with him, but one of her best 80's photoshoots was photographed by him (Rolling Stone 1986) and he also directed one of her best and beautiful videos (The Power of Goodbye). I wish she hates Ricardo with the same passion one day, the most mediocre 'photographer' and 'director' she worked with in her 40-year career.
    2 points
  48. Her mid 30s were wild. And Ingrid watching it all in between.
    2 points
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