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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/06/2024 in all areas

  1. Just landed in Miami! Saw another guy on my flight with a tour sweatshirt haha. So excited to be here! Haven’t yet seen the show from one of the upper sections, so tonight should be a spectacle.
    10 points
  2. And they’re all going to get fucked at the Rio concert apparently
    9 points
  3. The answer you were looking for is... "Ok. I will stop dominating threads because I realize that I am annoying every single member of this forum, and if I don't control myself I will probably be banned."
    8 points
  4. Can you please stop dominating threads. Threads are not personal conversations. Right now you are every other post. There’s no reason for that.
    7 points
  5. Hey there! I've got many pics from the Paris show , here on flickr! I don't know how to add more pics, they are quite big! click on this pic ! Here some samples! Enjoy
    6 points
  6. 6 points
  7. The guy who did the warped pictures for the Celebration Tour did a few different ones before settling on the ones that were used. https://www.instagram.com/p/C5YrYZQrQtt/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link https://www.instagram.com/p/C35uEtxPQtP/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link https://www.instagram.com/p/C2aKVlCxb1z/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link https://www.instagram.com/p/Co7wD1xyNKa/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
    5 points
  8. She looks so hot.... almost made me straight....🤤🔥🔥🔥
    5 points
  9. It's been like 3/4 months the forum is flooded by strange members, new ones popping up every weeks, discussing strange things and non-sense within each others in every threads... I seriously believe it's one and only schizophrenic person talking to himself with his 50 accounts... All threads are like "You know you're the best member here" "I love you too" "i know you're a Gaga fan too and that's why you're the best person of the world" and on and on on every single threads and for pages... All these new members seems to know and love each other instantly just sayin... Either one schizo person or A.I bots.
    5 points
  10. Your unofficial Miami and Mexico City correspondent reporting Room view, there’s a electronic billboard that can’t be seen with this amount of light
    5 points
  11. Last night was amazing. The Tampa crowd was really into it from the start. Looked to me like the entire crowd were standing up until Bad Girl, then some people started settling into their seats, but not me I stood the whole show. The best performance from where I was sitting to me was ROL. My seat was three rows off the floor just left of center stage. The sound was really good from there and I could hear all of the talking clearly through out the show. Was not her best night vocally but It was still amazing. I will never forget this night. My eyes watering just thinking about it.
    5 points
  12. Sexual repression and never having success on any gay sauna, can make those kind of childish desires... The sad thing is this person doesn't know what Grindr is, and has to come to a Madonna forum to vomit this bullshit everyday from 5 different profiles at least, like if it is an echo chamber. And also talking about the brazilians boys like sexual objects, wich is also very unrespectful. It was funny at the beginning with the 'truly' thing, but actions are coming a little late (wich I can't understand, tbh). Now it's out of control. I don't know who is talking here with a real opinion or talking shit anymore.
    4 points
  13. I hope we get an appearance by Gloria Estefan one of the nights in Miami, they were good pals back in the 90s.
    4 points
  14. It’s interesting seeing this thread now. I think it just shows how great this tour has been for her career. It’s been the return of Madonna for the fans.
    4 points
  15. Lol i love her but no Me if i see a pussy
    3 points
  16. Yeah, it wasn't so much about the "budget", but the fact that they were struggling with condensing the script to fit a two hour movie. I personally think if Madonna has anything to say about it, she will continue to say she's working on something to keep others from doing it. It's a smart maneuver being she is right, only she can tell her story. Other than that, it starts becoming "he said/she said". I prefer it coming from the horses mouth. Now whether that ever happens, we'll see.
    3 points
  17. First of the three Celebration Tour shows at Kaseya Center in Miami tonight.
    3 points
  18. Yes totally agree. But I think the lowest point was between 2018 till 2022 actually. She became really strange, looked very bad sometimes and did many strange things as the milk bath video during the covid times. Madame x for me is her worst, but worse was the music she released after that. Then the injuries. the cancelation of tour dates...I think she was really really depressed or bad psicologhically, even destroying her body shape. But, on a positive note, and even she really can´t dance as before, but who care as she is 65 and looking again fabulous, this last tour is a very positive step again, a huge success, and I bet she is going to do good things again, in the vein of her amazing and fabulous and umatchable legacy as the history biggest pop artist ever.
    3 points
  19. Stuart Price Nothing Fails or Miles Away?
    3 points
  20. Thanks guys ! Wish me luck, it's My first Madonna show ever !
    3 points
  21. same here her run from erotica to confessions was perfect
    3 points
  22. To this day I still want to yell at her audio person for not having her mic at full volume when she rises from the floor and she screams “alright, Nice!”
    3 points
  23. The HBO event was totally live. I still remember it like yesterday. It aired August 5th and I remember learning HBO was going to broadcast live, and my older sister was the only one who had HBO in my family, so I watched it at her house back then.
    3 points
  24. Not far fetched because there was talk early on the tour was going to be documented. It's just a lot of people haven't commented about having cameras all around them. But maybe, they have been better at concealing them. Still, I'd think with a film being made of the shows, there would have been a notice at each show that it was being filmed. I thought that was a legality. But I am no expert on that. I personally hope there is a documentary film on the tour as well. I can see this going similar to Blond Ambition, where a film was shot of the tour, but we still got a broadcast (and a limited Laserdisc official release) of the concert. My hope that Rio show will get a WORLD broadcast. At least we know eventually fans will be able to get a digital download of that. Being we got no physical video release of Madame X Tour, I'm not going to count on the same for this tour, but who knows? But what is evident, if there is a documentary, Madonna will want that be available in a physical format before the broadcast.
    3 points
  25. I’m sure as we get closer to May 4 some “work arounds” to stream it live will be sorted out for those of us who are not in Brazil or South America. I’m excited to see it streaming because in a way it’s a very old school Madonna tour broadcast, live with no opportunity to do any heavy filtering visually & audio wise in post production. This is probably going to raise a few hackles but I now suspect this Rio show is going to be the only official version of the FULL show aired and maybe later released. While plenty of us saw Jonas Akerlund filming all dates in LA (not sure if I read about him spotted filming other cities so far) I think he might be directing a tour documentary a la “I’m going to tell you a secret” which he directed both concert and doc footage. I still can’t believe that gorgeous Re-invention tour film footage got so chopped up. At least there’s that full pro shot on video Lisbon show floating around. Remember, she did this tour because her biopic got put on pause due to film budget concerns and creative issues. Her health scare frames a tour documentary as quite a comeback story, culminating with this Rio show. If anything, I can see a tour doc being released late fall to keep the overall positive press about the Celebration tour in the public eye and reminding her potential biopic investors why throwing a few hundred million at her vision isn’t a bad gamble when millions of people show up on a beach in Rio to watch her after 40 years onstage.
    3 points
  26. No one is questioning your freedom of expression but you have to understand that even this right has its limits and even more so when it affects other people. Quoting or responding to several users just to say "Ok", "Hahaha" or some incongruous comment that contributes nothing to the topic is detrimental to the forum because you end up turning the navigation, which should be agile and dynamic, into monotonous and tedious. If you did it occasionally I think there would be no problem but you do it quite repeatedly and that is why the negative reaction of many users and that generates suspicions that you are actually doing it intentionally. The solution to this problem is in your own hands. Converting all this negative energy around you into positive and being more valued by the rest of the forum is worth more than wanting to have the record of being the user with the most comments on the forum in a short time. Think about it.
    3 points
  27. I took a female friend of mine with me to the show who never was a big fan of Madonna but I talked her into going with me. She liked this so much she purchased tickets to one of the shows in Miami this morning so she could take one of her friends to see her. That right there has made my day.
    3 points
  28. The same person with different accounts and obsessed with gay brazilian sex is ruling the forum lately. It's sad at this point.
    3 points
  29. I adore this woman being photographed by fans, just because M looked at her bush when they were at school together, what a lovely world we live in
    3 points
  30. I need a remake of Warning Signs for the New Album!
    2 points
  31. Sad, but 100% right!
    2 points
  32. Body dysmorphia the house downnnn boots
    2 points
  33. London 18 Oct Everybody.. Her vocals sounds so prominent in the verses here, love it...
    2 points
  34. Babe go outside and touch some grass. The air up there in your sneery ivory tower will give you a nosebleed love x doesn’t it get exhausting looking down on people? Spread some love eh
    2 points
  35. 🌞93..............First time i saw her live Here comes the sun Here comes the sun And I say Never go away
    2 points
  36. I bet she’s going. She went to the first Miami date of Rebel Heart and Madonna joked, “ I saw you naked, girl.” Madonna was remiscing about how she had “too much fun” when she owned a house there.
    2 points
  37. I encourage everyone to click on the link not just the thumbnails above... the quality of these pics is awesome! Anyone looking for a computer wallpaper, these are the perfect angle/spot. 👀 Hi @Lyrks. I just stumbled upon your post with your amazing pictures. I split your post off into its own thread because they deserve to be featured.
    2 points
  38. The Power of Goodbye album: Celebration or Finally Enough Love?
    2 points
  39. Maybe she is working on some Special reeditions with demos unreleased songs rare photos liner notes and bonus track? Ajaja probably not!
    2 points
  40. Oxana, yes she tried suing M a while back. That girl has a long history with Madonna, the fans, bullying her way etc.
    2 points
  41. Nothing Fails Nothing Fails (Radio Edit) or Nobody Knows Me (Mount Sims Italo Kiss Mix) ?
    2 points
  42. I really love a lot the pretty picture of Madonna and her male friend.
    2 points
  43. And they respond each other immediately lol I mean, sometimes it's funny, but it has gotten very annoying lately. And we all know who are “those” users.
    2 points
  44. Considering Sandra’s closeness to Madonna during some major life moments including her divorce from Sean Penn, recording Like A Prayer, Blond Ambition and dating Warren Beatty I think she’s clearly kept a lot of things to herself. I doubt Sandra signed any NDA back then. Sure, she’s made some catty, funny, telling and bitter comments about Madonna since their split but she’s never betrayed anything personal about her. Whether it’s for personal or professional reasons, I give her credit. No matter who interviews her, it always seems to bubble up.
    2 points
  45. Oh how many memories ... don't make me get sentimental
    2 points
  46. I'm sure that was more due to the fact "Express Yourself" was dominated mostly by a vocal backing track and so her mic was not adjusted appropriately when she came on stage and a few other times when she adlib some moments. Her mic was definitely on, but she sung along with a backing track on that song. "Where's The Party" was similar.
    2 points
  47. Thank you for sharing. I'm glad you kept standing and kept cheering her on. So cool that the friend you took loved the show so much, she bought tickets for the show for an additional night, inviting another friend. (Though, be honest, you secretly hate her for not inviting you instead. LOL! )
    2 points
  48. Those prehistoric pre-internet paparazzi shots of Sandra, Madonna (and sometimes Jennifer Grey) running around NYC and LA in their matching Levi’s cutoffs and cowboy shoes from 1989-90 calling themselves “The Snatch Batch” was a great pop culture moment; I think the tabloid term “gal pal” might have been coined during that period. IMO Sandra and Madonna’s friendship flamed out as brightly as it started because they brought out the best and eventually the worst in each other. At their best, Sandra made Madonna funnier & edgier and Madonna made Sandra sexier & more mainstream. At their worst, I suspect Sandra’s bitterness and Madonna’s selfishness broke them apart. I saw Sandra live back in 1989 and read her first two books, which I thought were very smart and devilishly funny. I sort of fell off the wagon when Sandra started singing more than telling stories. Based on book excerpts and bits of interviews from back then and now from Sandra plus Ingrid’s tweets from a few years ago, it sounds like two versions of events could both be true. Version #1: Sandra and Madonna’s falling out was over Ingrid crawling over Sandra to get close to Madonna. None of the them ever confirmed if Madonna and Ingrid had a sexual relationship, aside from appearing for the SEX book, but considering what phase Madonna was going through, I think we can guess they got it on. Without naming names, Sandra confirmed that she and Madonna never had a sexual relationship in one of her books but it doesn’t mean Sandra didn’t have feelings. Whether or not Madonna and Ingrid were lovers, Sandra must’ve felt used and jealous for being dumped for her very famous friend you’re crushing on and neither one of them wants to sleep with you. Version #2: Ingrid tweeted a few years ago refuting a statement Sandra made about Madonna’s friendships not lasting, Ingrid claiming her own long friendship with Madonna was proof otherwise and added Sandra was just butt hurt over not being asked to be in the SEX book. (If you can imagine Sandra in the SEX book, I can see how it would’ve been more funny than sexy.) In either scenario, Sandra probably felt used by Ingrid for getting close with Madonna and unsupported by Madonna for not seeing it the same way and Madonna just absorbing Ingrid’s adoration which continues to this day. I’ve seen Ingrid at the recent LA shows and in the past in Miami and she still looks p---y whipped to me; I can only imagine Sandra’s triple whammy of being dumped by a lover who takes her spot as her famous friend’s BFF, possibly as a lover AND gets included in the SEX book. Ouch. Coincidentally, in “Truth or Dare” Madonna joked about a woman Sandra was dating (not Ingrid) who would’ve “f-cked over by the time this (movie) comes out”. Ultimately, I think when fans like myself reminisce on "the good old days" , it's time to reflect on our own lives and realize sh-t happens and people move on. BUT it was fun to watch back in te day.
    2 points
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