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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/28/2024 in Posts

  1. Not yet, they need 321 extra changes to do 14039 frames per second
    11 points
  2. I see that, and the lining is reminiscent of the pink and black she wore at the Garage, the outfit Keith designed for her. 🤓💘💃
    8 points
  3. The only thing wrong is MJ thing. Everything else is a 10/10 honestly her best tour ever if anyone hasn’t seen it. You missed out on a life event. sry but true
    8 points
  4. Sorry to say and i know i'm gonna get tons of shit for saying it but the choreo for Holiday really sucks. The moved looks silly and absolutely not funky. And that long jacket makes no sense either for a funky song like that. The moment she arrives on stage with the bustier and the song kicks in it looks fabulous, then she puts that long jacket on her and it's like meh... Then the silly moves comes in and it's a pure waste of what coul be an amazing performance. Into the groove could look way more funky too. All in all the undergound early 80's club segment could be way better imo. They look more kids at school show to me. The costumes doesn't have the early 80's downtown scene feel at all neither to me. I mean you have Madonna, dancers, all the lightennings and costumes you want and you have to re-create the downtown scene from the early 80's and this all you can come up with ? I know for sure there are tons of people, even on this very forum who would have been way more creative than that.
    8 points
  5. Chill guys, i've said several times to me it's her best tour since Confessions tour. I don't like the choreo and costume of like two songs out of 25, don't lose sleep at night over it !
    7 points
  6. Wow! Thank you! One of the best photos from this show. Beautiful.
    6 points
  7. The Holiday choreo is a mash of the Girlie Show and the Blond ambition, that it was a review of the original Holiday choreo. Hence the side kicking and the slides and party vibe. The coat indeed is like the GS and the clothes are clearly inspired by NYC scene if the 80s
    5 points
  8. It's up there with BAT for me, these 2 tours are like sisters
    5 points
  9. It is by far her best tour.
    5 points
  10. Omg I love Like a Prayer actually. Like really LOVE it.
    5 points
  11. I thought the long coat was a throw back to the girlie show performance of holiday…maybe not..
    5 points
  12. Drowned World Tour vibes!
    5 points
  13. 4 points
  14. It is such a shame you didn’t attend so your opinions could be valid
    4 points
  15. Its the opposite to me. Seeing this live was even more amazing and one of my top 3 favorite performances of the show along with NRM & Don't Tell Me.
    4 points
  16. The other one must have started to smell 😂
    4 points
  17. Looks good! I'm seeing her tomorrow for my fourth time in this tour... Can't wait! 🥹
    4 points
  18. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C34gzQCMhqD/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link New skirt.
    4 points
  19. Loving this!!! Thank you!!
    4 points
  20. Just so we have record of this for the future. These were the rumors / outtakes / changes for the Celebration Tour: 4 Minutes, Candy Shop, Back That Up to the Beat, and Music were rehearsed as one section but scrapped after Madonna's illness due to the intense choreography. Supposedly there was a dance battle between her and the dancers somewhere in here. Ghosttown (with David) and Hold Tight were rehearsed for the country section. Hold Tight would've replaced DCFMA. The Power of Goodbye was originally going to be the final song. Frozen was supposed to be where Rain is now (this was done on some nights) Sorry and Oh Father were rehearsed. Allegedly these would've been in the 90s section. Papa Don't Preach was rehearsed to have some singing parts and not just the instrumental choreography Celebration was rehearsed as the opening number with Nothing Really Matters as song #2 Madonna's team suggested she make Nothing Really Matters as the final song but that never was rehearsed just suggested Bitch I'm Madonna was supposed to feature Madonna holding a cross on stage and a black veil
    4 points
  21. Ugh I'd rather have Rain for the filming
    3 points
  22. First of all, she isn't a Billionaire. Secondly, she does have someone probably posting on her behalf on many occasions and on other social media platforms, but you can bet what is posted on instagram is personally by her.
    3 points
  23. They're both re-edits. The original full length Nikolas & Sibley remix is 8:37 - I've posted it somewhere on this forum a few years ago
    3 points
  24. Did anyone attend and happen to capture Stuart's full set? Seems he is switching things up.
    3 points
  25. The show is simply perfection. Of course we can find small things that we think could be better but let’s be real, this tour is everything to the hardcore fans
    3 points
  26. Honestly I think it’s the best performance of that song since BAT. The musical arrangement too is superb. 10/10!
    3 points
  27. Have you seen the show?
    3 points
  28. Btw, a tip to you zealots... Hope she does this amazing tune to her next tour... And to same routine, chair included (just like at TOAC Miami) so you TRULY get reminded who Madonna is!!! @dave2290 the people from same cluster really recognize and enjoy each other, right???
    3 points
  29. animalinstinct


    Video hit 10 MILLION views!
    3 points
  30. It's not confirmed homever I'll Remember is confirmed!
    3 points
  31. Yes please. And I need the Tony Moran mixes and edits.
    3 points
  32. The back handed compliments are constant with that one!
    3 points
  33. Luthor died in 2005, so it very well could have just be the family didn't want the pubic to know the truth if he really did with AIDS. But you're right, people who die with AIDS, die of something else usually because the AIDS virus impacts your body, making it harder and harder to fight off other ailments. 2005 was still a time people were hiding such things. But then again, I'm sure some still would hide it today. I don't expect Madonna's team was wrong here, but the family just didn't want it out there, even though most suspected anyway.
    3 points
  34. 3 points
  35. Crazy For You Like A Virgin cover front or back?
    3 points
  36. What about if they grab Pettibone, Orbit, Mirwais & Price and ask them to revisit and edit the hits according to Madonna. I'm ignoring other producers because I'm thinking about some new visions but respecting the originals.And these 4 are the strongest and more creative. That would be something interesting.
    3 points
  37. Madonna looks fantastic. I just love it a lot.
    3 points
  38. You'll never forgive me for that won't you 😂. Oh and by the way i'm 1 hour away from Paris by train not 2 😁😘
    2 points
  39. Exactly. And no one said she doesn't have people posting on her behalf, but my guess, the majority that is posted on INSTAGRAM is by her personally. The other platforms are just tied to the account and of course, anything posted on X or Facebook beyond what's on Instagram is posted by her team.
    2 points
  40. 100% sure that Madonna puts her money where her mouth is. Matthew 12:25
    2 points
  41. 2 points
  42. I mean the serves here three Madonna eras of golden reds Dua Lipa is continuing the trend Madonna, Janet Jackson, Britney, Rihanna lay before her
    2 points
  43. How I desired this when it came out
    2 points
  44. Wanna Be Starting Something just came on........
    2 points
  45. Abba Gold. More Abba Gold. Immaculate Collection, expanded Immaculate Collection. Just take it and add a disc.
    2 points
  46. Autour de moi Je ne vois pas Qui sont les anges Surement pas moi Love Makes The World Go Round or Revolution?
    2 points
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