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  1. Sorry, but it is definitely one of the highlights of this show. It sounds more current now than it did in 2003, and I think she loves playing it, and I loved seeing it. to each their own.
    4 points
  2. I've always thought this song was about about being caught up in success, greed and wealth (and doing whatever you could to get somewhere) and learning how that's not what's important in the end. Very powerful song. I've always loved it and the strings.
    4 points
  3. I meant to post this here not the Lisbon thread.
    3 points
  4. Madonna - The Madame X Tour. Now streaming on Disney+
    3 points
  5. Guys PLEASE post threads in the proper sections. And please don't spam/flood the forum with senseless threads and posts.
    3 points
  6. Yay! I can't wait for a new Madonna TV series, Hannah Montana-like, where she fucks around with lots of horny teenagers, mostly latinos and African-american.
    3 points
  7. Luckily phone cameras are much better than they were in 2012
    3 points
  8. A review from instagram: Madame X tour: It happened yesterday (12/01), the second stage of the Madame❌Tour tour. And we have all the details of how was the first night of the show in the Portuguese city. The doors opened at 8:30 pm, and the show began at 10 pm sharp. Madonna made the fado club, and sang the song "Soldade", a song she had taken from seltlist in the USA. She called Dino Santiago to go on stage to sing with her (amazing moment) Madonna said she was super eager to start the tour in Lisbon, thanked several times, did the countdown in Portuguese (super applauded at that time) Who bought the polaroid photo of the show was a Brazilian (RAFAEL), he played with an Italian, but in the end who took the photo was the Brazilian. The show was recorded on several cameras, directed by Ricardo Gomes, even had a mobile camera in the audience. Madonna was very lively, very lively. #madonna #madamex #madamextour #coliseumtheatre #lisbon
    3 points
  9. https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2020/01/13/madonna-bjork-kate-bush-comic-books-covers-liam-alexander-art/ https://www.instagram.com/artofliamalxndr/?hl=en His Instagram page has a whole gallery! I like how the "magazine date" is circa the look.
    2 points
  10. Title is self-explanatory Also, i would be grateful if any moderator put @kevon's topics of this subject matter in here, please
    2 points
  11. @Vogueristalook "the ground gave way beneath my feet" in the cemetary
    2 points
  12. I saw these as well on Instagram! The artist is very talented. I love looking for all the song references. My fave is the Music one.
    2 points
  13. Wish she’d actually sing that damn bridge again.
    2 points
  14. I have a feeling it's loosely about or at least inspired by Jean-Michel Basquiat. Madonna said it isn't about Sean and coming after the songs on Like A Prayer I'm not sure she would be in such a conciliatory frame of mind. Basquiat had died a couple of years earlier from a heroin overdose. I'm certain Crave is also about him. My theory is that she fell pregnant with his child in the early 80's just before she became famous and that she lost or aborted their child as her career was taking off. I think the song Crave is about this longing for the child she never had and in the video Swae Lee plays the grown child of Madonna and Basquiat. Swaes verse...go listen to it. "it's on the line girl you're risking everything" talking about her decision to chose between a child and her career. In the video she lies and on the ground and holds her stomach while uttering the heartbreaking lines, " Ran so far to try to find the thing I lacked and there it was Inside of me". She knew he was never going to always be for her at that time and she states last year he was always with other girls "my love life can get crazy...it's over ex rated" I think the love notes she sends via carrier pigeon signify the songs she has written about or for him over the years. It's no mistake that Madonna wears a cap like early Madonna. (theres a picture of them together and she's wearing exactly the same hat..and of course the beauty spot from her early career returns in the video. When her and Swae touch at the end, just before he disappears, there is a spark of electricity which nods to reenacted another great artist Michaelangelo and his famous painting "the creation of Adam" The first man. eg : life. and a bright almost Graffiti style Versace jacket in the video and that it's filmed on a New York roof top like the early days they spent together. I'm pretty sure she was with him when her famous new york rooftop photoshoot was taken. As always with Madonna the song and it's lyrics have dual meaning. "My cravings get dangerous, I don't think we should play with this." could easily relate to heroin addiction. "i'm attracted to danger..I crave it..don't we all want what we know is not good for us...what we know might break us in the end..and yet we fly towards it?" She also writes the message "the heart is a lonely hunter" alluding to the fact that she still hasn't found that true love again. "the feelings never fade" The other messages at the beginning of the video. "I'm waiting for you,..I have always been waiting for you". I think she may view him as the one that got away. Read his theories on life and art and you'll see that Madonna has been living that ethos her whole career. I have this vibe that when she meets him on the other side she'll ask "did I do good?" That's my theory anyway.
    2 points
  15. I think its on the instrumental version too so you can’t even make your own speech free mix!
    2 points
  16. So Stupid expresses disillusionment [ "I used to live in a fuzzy dream" and "It was just greed" ] > having spent a large portion of her life trying to be something she's not. Also, the song is about trying to attain an unachievable dream. And when she realizes her dreams and ambitions were shallow and pointless she looks back and thinks to herself "I'm So Stupid".
    2 points
  17. Here's what she said while promoting the "American Life" album back in 2003: All of these songs reflect my current state of mind. I feel like I have just woken up out of a dream. They range from dismay and anger to joy and certainty. Hopefully, I have taken the personal and made it universal. About "Hollywood", for Q Magazine: I’ve had 20 years of fame and fortune, and I feel that I have a right to an opinion on what it is and what it isn’t. All everyone is obsessed about at the moment is being a celebrity. I’m saying that’s bullshit and who knows better than me? Before it happens you have all kinds of notions about how wonderful celebrity is and how much joy it’s going to bring you. Then you arrive … Look like this you’re gonna be happy. Drive this car you’re gonna be popular. Wear these clothes and people are gonna wanna fuck you. It’s a very powerful illusion and people are caught up in it, including myself. Or I was.
    2 points
  18. I always thought it was an allude to the Greek philosopher Socrates: "I know that I know nothing". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_know_that_I_know_nothing
    2 points
  19. We don't have to take some things seriously... life is too short to fight with some shitty people... Don't pretent, have your own personality... just be yourself! THE BEAUTY IS WHERE YOU FIND IT!!! Vogue, vogue, vogue...
    2 points
  20. louis.exe

    Madame X Tour | Lisbon

    ok that's fair
    2 points
  21. Thinking at first that when you become famous everyine is going to love you, things will change for you but in reality you are stuck in a black hole and everywhere you go is chaos
    2 points
  22. Or Celebration/I'm Going Bananas/Superstar
    2 points
  23. well Papa Don't Preach & American Life on the Madame X Tour made sense on the U.S dates cause she was making a commentary on what's going on in the U.S currently so I thought she would remove them both and maybe add in songs she rehearsed or was rumoured like What It Feels Like For a Girl, Easy Ride or X-Static Process
    2 points
  24. I think it's that he gave her a message to carry with her, a lesson she learned. In the lyrics, she says, "No other man said love yourself" and "I still hear you say love yourself". He told her and also showed her the power of loving yourself and accepting who you truly are. Maybe he couldn't love her fully, but he loved himself enough to do what he wanted and to live for himself. There's underlying themes of self-love and the strength and happiness that comes with it in some of Madonna's songs (Secret, Express Yourself). It's something that many people struggle with and I think it's an important message: love yourself first.
    2 points
  25. Eh, I think she performed that song in character, from the perspective of Breathless Mahoney. Spoilers ahead if you haven't watched the movie but Breathless flirts with Dick Tracy unashamedly throughout the movie. She lies down on the desk seductively and tries to kiss him, but he doesn’t kiss her back because he's a gentleman and loves his fiancé Tess ("I hear you still say, love yourself"). Dick never took advantage of her like the rest and I think that made Breathless fall in love with him ("I let people buy my love and I never got to sing my songs for you"). In the final scene of the movie, Breathless is dying and asks Tracy is he loved her, he responds by kissing her ("we weren't meant to be, at least not in this lifetime"). She was a villain but at the end of the day, she just wanted to be loved.
    2 points
  26. Bitch, I'm Madonna - Dreadful song, although I reckon it's her biggest "hit" from the 2010s. The demo is slightly more enjoyable. Into The Groove - It's a bop but going as far as calling it Madonna's best song ever (#1 according to Billboard, #2 Acclaimed-Music.net)...I don't get the hype. Bad Girl - Love the effort she put into the cinematic music video but the vibe of the song makes me feel uneasy. I'll Remember - Boring middle of the road ballad made for adult contemporary radio, ironically forgotten. Not a big fan of Oh Father either but I understand the appeal. I Rise - It's a serviceable album closer, not the epic empowerment anthem Madonna think it is.
    2 points
  27. I think she wrote if for Sean.... One of my all-time favorites...such a beautiful song
    2 points
  28. I'm really not into Medellin. I also dislike I'm Addicted.
    2 points
  29. I think it’s very hard to find a M fan that likes Bitch I’m Madonna. For me, one of the worst songs she ever made. For me: Everybody and the original edit of Into the Groove. I only like the version included on The Immaculate Collection
    2 points
  30. Wait. Does that mean the bride from Kill Bill is now a disney princess? Yaaaaaassssss
    2 points
  31. Stop creating useless threads and posts
    2 points
  32. Bitch I'm Madonna hands down. I think a lot more people have gotten turned off by the song in more recent memory but I think that should be the one Madonna song deleted from her discography. It's unbelievably vapid and arrogant coming from the same woman who wrote songs like Frozen,Live To Tell,I'll Remember,Rain,etc.
    2 points
  33. I too am obsessed with Blond Whosbitchin Tour
    2 points
  34. From the horse's mouth : her failed marriage to Sean.
    1 point
  35. Glad you managed to sell them
    1 point
  36. God control, Future, Crave, Crazy and Ciao bella. I skip the rest, they're OK but they didn't grow on me. However, songs like Medellin, Batuka, Faz or Bitch I'm loca NEVER grew on me in spite of my "efforts".
    1 point
  37. yeah or Celebration/Into The Groove
    1 point
  38. I know people are gonna come for me but I can't stand Who's That Girl This Used To Be My Playground Bad Girl
    1 point
  39. Oh, I thought the opposite. I always see people put it at the bottom of their lists when it comes to Ray of Light/know there are some fans who dislike it. I love it, too! It pulls me in every time I listen.
    1 point
  40. Enrico

    Madame X Tour | Lisbon

    Another report from NOM: She expressed herself on her knee and said that she was in great pain but she valued her fans and the pleasure of seeing us happy and up close. Strangely, a person on IG told me she was in great shape and had no problems with her knee. I am still worried...
    1 point
  41. Song: Like A Virgin Video: Material Girl
    1 point
  42. That someone gave her, something to, remember? Their big D probably
    1 point
  43. I was singing looking for mercy yesterday in my mind
    1 point
  44. Make some noise tonight people! We don't want a dead audience on that dvd
    1 point
  45. At the time I thought she was referencing James Cagney because she had done White Heat and sampled dialogue from the movie. The lyrics sound very nostalgic and even earlier in style than the 50's theme the song seems to embody. I do not think it's a stand out track but it definitely helps the album along making it what it is. It's a cute song with an edge.
    1 point
  46. So I’m a dancer/actor. Re-watching the RIT crew getting hired by M gives me that little bit of inspiration in a time where I’m building my life back up. Pulls me through.
    1 point
  47. Finally got a VIP book. Goes great with the programme,
    1 point
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