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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/17/2022 in Posts

  1. The problem is her spending the next 6 months promoting and remixing that fart and then asking others to fart over the top of the original fart.
    11 points
  2. That's the magic of TikTok trends, that can not be fabricated (big labels try and fail), they just happen and no one knows why. I know some fans hate it but personally I love how unpredictable it all is and that suddenly Madonna is "forced" to face a situation where a 2014 demo is getting attention in 2022. It's fun and different. It also forces her and everyone to think outside the box a little bit and that's always good.
    11 points
  3. I really don't care, why some of you so mad. She can release 3 min audio just of her farting, and if this helps to boost her streaming numbers, I'm fine with that.
    7 points
  4. yes there are many artists who over the last couple of years have seen non-singles or very old songs being picked up on TikTok and have benefited from it - from Fleetwood Mac and Abba to Bruno Mars to Chris Brown and very recently Lady Gaga - it's a good thing. I think there will always be fans who will see the negative in everything hey
    7 points
  5. I was soooo excited about this. But it seems she's not releasing the demo and it sounds like a mix of the demo and the Madame X version. That's a massive missed opportunity. Everyone is going crazy for the demo. Her voice sounds fantastic on the demo. Now it sounds overly computerised. Just release the frigging demo.
    6 points
  6. Not when the west bans the platform in the next six months it won’t
    6 points
  7. I got a little teary eyed watching the remastered HD version. It reminded me how this song (and Deeper and Deeper) helped me throughout the journey of coming to terms with my sexuality. Emily had done the Lord's work for the Erotica era. Now, she shall disappoint us again. lel
    6 points
  8. Fair play to her for being reactive. It's a far cry from the head in the sand approach to the last 15 years or so from her team. At the risk of sounding like an ungrateful hag everything feels like it's bordering on too little too late. I think much of her fan base her disbanded. I think there was a good few years where Madonna was really busy being a mom and took her eyes off her career and left Guy to make a few more of the decisions than he would have in the past. That's entirely fair because she sacrificed so much of her personal life for her fame in the first 25 years. I think the absence of Madonnas lazer like career focus at a time when Warner were not there care taking her legacy, twinned with the messy interscope years in free fall and all those vacuous holes filled by social media antics have left her stock in a much reduced value than it really should be. Happy to see her back on her hussle game strong but it's much diminished. It must be really frustrating for her to have worked so hard for so long and not be able to leave the table for a well earned breather and come back to find it in a reduced state. She's got some work to do and bullet proof NEW material backed up and bolstered by an onslaught of legacy releases with her entire catalogue presented digitally ( albeit ten years too late), rounded off by a greatest hits tour ( albeit ten years too late) and a biopic ( the right time). is the immunity booster jab her career needs right now. Good luck mother.x
    5 points
  9. There have been no delays to anything for any of the physical releases. In case you don't know, it takes many months planning for physical releases , the biggest challenge for any new release for any artist is pressing the vinyl etc for example FEL was a 12 month project. Responding to a viral TikTok and releasing a digital single has no impact on any of the upcoming planned physical releases obviously. M often has multiple projects happening at once - eg the SEX book reissue also had no impact on any of the releases. The first of the expanded albums will obviously happen next year and then you will be able to express your dissatisfaction at the content and tell us all how you aren't buying it etc
    5 points
  10. 5 points
  11. She's a 64 years old woman now, there's no amount of lazer focus that will make her a number one popgirl again. Let it go. It's unfair to claim for more more more all the time to a woman approaching her 70s and a woman that still active and creative. It's never gonna be enough. If she pleases her fanbase/the gays people will say she's not bringing anything new to the table and reapiting herself, if she dares to do something different (Hello Madame X) people say it is shit. What the fuck do you guys want? Are you guys sure you enjoy any trace of her artistry still? It's ok to move on... If she works with unknown people like Tokischa and 070 Shake people don't like it, if she works with "famous" people you guys say she should discover new talent like she used to do... like... What do you guys want? I rather take these remixes and now Back That Up than nothing at all like between 2009 and 2012. I rather take these "tiktok crap pandering shit music she's doing" than to see you guys complaining she didn't do anything when she had the chance. She's never gonna be a fanbase pleaser like Kylie or Cher. Isn't that obvious?
    4 points
  12. I really think she’ll release an EP of versions (hoping anyway )
    4 points
  13. Given the response on TikTok and Shazam to the track, I don't think you skipping it is a big deal
    4 points
  14. Another meltdown from fans who think the final will be based on what is presented on Instagram. LOL!
    4 points
  15. Who the hell thinks it's a good idea to release this in a month and a version completely different from what it is going viral now 💀 They really are trying to flop as hard as possible
    4 points
  16. so we must prepare for whole month of #soon and wired teasers
    4 points
  17. "unrecognizable"? So you're that convinced no one will know the difference between a tweaked version of this song over what has gone viral? All this negative chatter about this latest release reminds me when people were flipping out over the Frozen mixes. Yet, it went on to score her over a 100 million streams in a very short period of time and became one of her biggest streaming songs, even bigger than some of her classics. There's nothing "stupid" about this. What would be stupid is do nothing and miss the opportunity to ride the wave of a viral moment. I'm sure there will be plenty of people who will enjoy this mix, even if some here don't.
    3 points
  18. Rebel Heart In This Life or Sooner or Later?
    3 points
  19. This song is such a piece of crap. Standards must be so low. But whatever.
    3 points
  20. If you can't see how amazing it is you're obviously not a TRUE fan then
    3 points
  21. Yeah I’m not impressed. It’s not a Secret or Take a Bow disaster, but I’m not gagging either
    3 points
  22. Your equipment must be bad. It all looks amazing to me.
    3 points
  23. Rain HD is absolutely breathtaking. LUV it. ❤️
    3 points
  24. Why's It So Hard Heartbeat or Rebel Heart?
    3 points
  25. Waiting Why's It so Hard or Love Song?
    3 points
  26. well we can just end all discussions then and just repeat this mantra. Funnily enough, this argument is used only to justify questionable songs.
    2 points
  27. Well, in Steady75's defense, they did say "at the risk of sounding like an ungrateful hag"...🤣 I think it's a fair, honest critique though.
    2 points
  28. I bet she can do some real boomers with that big fake ass
    2 points
  29. Sooner or Later I’m Going Bananas or I’m So Stupid?
    2 points
  30. but it's not suspicious if the same person made new copies on new tapes. the tapes aren't necessarily originals from the album sessions
    2 points
  31. 2 points
  32. I think in a near future some artists will release their albums, then for the Tiktok viral trends to decide which single they will release and make a video for. Look what's happening for a couple of year, major artists like Madonna, Gaga etc release what's going viral on Tiktok, and not what their labels and records companies have predicted or planned. What's happening now on Tiktok is the beginning of a new era where people chose the singles of the artists. It's the beginning of something new. In the future we could see some major acts name their tour "Tiktok viral tour" ; -)
    2 points
  33. Nobody wants to buy this other than 100 diehard collector fans. With hindsight the show is a total snooze fest, and it was edited together for broadcast to further bore the viewer. Those unfathomably long James Baldwin-quoting Malik performances are so alienating. I watched it one and a half times in all…the second time I abandoned ship as it was just too dire. Dark, depressing, dull, slow, devoid of any warmth…the montages are unwatchable. The patchy narratives and themes seem amateurish. It pales in comparison to any previous commercially released performance. Madame X missed the mark. Good riddance.
    2 points
  34. Not a single person tagged me when new tapes were posted?? @club78boy What do I have to do to hear that Erotica tape?
    2 points
  35. But Club78boy has bought the Erotica tape from this seller and said it's legit. The fact that the handwritting is the same is normal, they come from the same person. He probably made copies on tapes from his own tapes and wrote the titles. I believe people who buy those tapes ask him snippets before buying it considering the price, and if he was selling fake tapes at that price, buyers would report him immediately and his account would be closed.
    2 points
  36. More pointless pandering to the ever crud taste of tiktok tweens and again delaying the important re-issues we have been waiting months and months for and this shite song ??? why :(
    2 points
  37. It’s actually very disappointing. They just used the not so great VEVO HD file that we’ve had for years and they cleaned up some of the noise and added slight sharpening. My personal upscale from the 93:99 DVD is more detailed and less contrasty
    2 points
  38. I’ve never understood why Taylor is so popular - yeah she has a couple of good songs but I find something about her really fake - I watched her documentary during lockdown as I was bored and wanted to see what the fuss was all about with her - one scene that stood out for me though was when she was bitching about not being nominated at the Grammys for I think it was her album Lover ? I mean how shallow can you be ?? Still to me she’s like the American Adele who I also don’t understand the mass appeal for - I think TS is a great songwriter though so I give her props for that - all I would say to her is enjoy your success whilst the public still like you at early 30s as after that it’s pretty much downhill for female entertainers 👍😘
    2 points
  39. Love Tried to Welcome Me Survival or Waiting?
    2 points
  40. Gambler Love tried to welcome me or To have and not to hold
    2 points
  41. Easy Ride Gambler or Over and Over?
    2 points
  42. It's So Cool Oh Father or Easy Ride?
    2 points
  43. Ok, here's my "review" of the tape: 1. Erotica - this is the final, polished version of the demo we know from the LOC tapes. 2. Waiting - sounds very much like the album version but with many changes. more samples of "Waiting... For You" throughout, Completely unique vocal ab libs towards the end. This also fades out (if memory serves the final has a piano ending) 3. Rain - Very close to the final album version except this has the double verse at the end "stand out on the mountain top..." there is also no rain effects the end 4. Deeper And Deeper - very similar to the LOC tape. No backing vocals and possibly a different vocal take. I'd need to do some comparing 5. Thief Of Hearts - similar to one of the final LOC demos, includes some unique backing vocals/harmonies, also has the "thief.. thief... thief of hearts" section at the end. Ends like the album version but much more reverb on the spoken vocals. 6. Bad Girl - similar to the LOC tape, demo vocal, repeated first verse in place of the second verse. this has backing vocals/harmonies. 7. Why's It So Hard - completely different and unique! The music is much more reggae inspired and "raw." Somewhat different structure in terms of the vocal placement. Includes the male vocals with some extra spoken bits not used in the final mix. Demo vocal from M and cold ending with male vocals 8. Where Life Begins - much clearer vocals and more basic music. The saxophone is quite prominent and loud! Vocals are an alternate take with unheard adlibs. 9. In This Life - interesting bass line, this seems like an early version of the final mix. more evolved than the LOC version, but not quite there yet. Demo vocal. spoken vocals seem to have the same "phone" effect as Bye Bye Baby vocals. 10. Words - such a fun mix! this has the final version production with many changes: completely unheard, unique intro, no spoken parts or typing effects. 11. Bye Bye Baby - similar to the final version. different instrumentation throughout. interesting, different samples in the spoken end part - feels more "hip hop" than the final mix. Same ending without the "you fucked it up" 12. Secret Garden - this sounds like the demo we have, that leaked with Dear Father 13. Goodbye To Innocence - this is a version of the LOC mix, but completely different and unique. New vocal take and it includes the final vocals "say goodbye..." lots of new harmonies throughout. pretty different to the LOC version and no where near the demo that sounds closer to Fever. 14. Shame - unique mix to the LOC tape. music is way more evolved and has a funkier beat added to the music we are familiar with. Sounds like a new lead vocal. and there you have it!
    2 points
  44. The only back that up I’m doing this weekend - is backing up onto a 🍆.
    1 point
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