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  1. stefo

    New Album Thread

    Even if imo the original thread was closed for reasonable causes, I would like to sincerely thank @TonyMontanafor having shared his infos with all of us. As I already said multiple times, I always appreciate generosity, so thanx man
    8 points
  2. RebelMe

    New Album Thread

    Note: Please keep this thread healthy. No more unnecessary fights. We all have or had different opinions or points of view, but this is not something to be furious or to attack one another. Can we start 2021 the way it deserve? Be patient, be comprehensible, be kind. Don't be a reason for them closing this thread as well, be the reason to keep it going. Peace and love.
    6 points
  3. This is the entire point though. People are being asked to stay indoors, not mix and make concessions in their everyday life. I haven’t seen anyone but my partner in nearly 12 month. I mean pretty much no one apart from the Amazon delivery driver.... and here she is international Madonna with her banquet table that hosts 40 people. It’s one rule for the rich and one rule for the rest of us. Whether she is doing charitable work or not... a glam team, kitchen birthday parties and outside banquets are NOT within acceptable rules. “We’re all in it together”? Yeah right. Hospital staff are working round the clock to treat the sick and dying. It’s becoming even more apparent... if it wasn’t already... that the rich can do what they want, even when the rest of us are stopped from working, socialising and in some cases even getting educated or seeing those who we love, who may have little time left on earth. People who can’t visit sick relatives or attend funerals. It is not ok. Yet again it strikes the tone deaf white saviour she paints herself as. Defend her all you want. My moral compass is well and truly pointing in the correct direction.
    4 points
  4. bedtimestory

    New Album Thread

    Im counting she returns to the dancefloor with this album.
    4 points
  5. Raio_05

    New Album Thread

    Just give me a pink hair cover and I'm good
    4 points
  6. Brandon Clark

    New Album Thread

    You're not the only one dreaming hon trust me! ALL of this would be AMAZING to me too I totally agree! I can't believe the talk of M working with Leonard again is getting so much shit I mean they are literally CLASSIC together & the sound they would create would undeniably be just what true fans are longing for! That's the thing about Madonna tho & always has been - some people like literally everything she does, some only like 80's M, some only like Erotica SEX M, some only like Hard Candy Madonna, for some COADF was untoppable & some thought Madame X was THE BEST. With so many different eras, styles, reinventions & iconic moments it's rare to find fans who are so open to certain things & that's why M's fan base is so differentiated. But true fans know the magic that has been created in the past between these 2 & therefore anyone who says it's a bad idea or anything aside from a great, interesting rumor/idea is just talking out their ass! I hope M makes a crazy huge comeback like none before & proves everyone wrong about her being over! No one is rooting for her more than me trust! More than anything tho I hope she learns to truly embrace her legacy & realizes the DEMANDS for things from the past/vaults like re-released vinyls, demo albums, photo outtakes, video remasters, AMAZING box sets, tour DVD's & BluRays, greatest hits tours etc....... NOTHING would make fans happier & I think it would totally reignite interest in her from the regular public! I am very hopeful that this biopic wont be a complete disaster & have to keep reminding myself that she is in complete charge of it from casting to writing to directing so I just have to trust that she wont let me down which (aside from the ass implants) she really never has truly disappointed me. As for the new album, I am up for whatever but would love most for a return to what made us all fall in love with her in the first place - an upbeat dance album without a bunch of vocoders & autotune - just her beautiful voice with some killer beats - & of course a ballad or 2 like no one else but her can deliver. Don't worry about features & grillz & experimentation this time around you have already done all of that & have nothing else to prove! Give people what they want for once - simple. And as for tours, I am one of those who could care less whether she dances around or does all these crazy theatrics - I would be completely happy if she sat on a stool or chair the whole damn show & just sang her little heart out! But give us some songs never sung before like This Used To Be My Playground, I'll Remember, Love Profusion, How High..... I could go on & on LOL & don't feel like you have to change them all this time. Do the studio versions. I think whatever she does as far as tour will be great as long as she actually does it. OK enough rambling, I just wanted to throw in my 2 cents. I am BEYOND EXCITED for new music!!! And as long as it's not a bunch of features with Nicki Minaj or anyone else for that matter I am there for it! Bring it on 2021!!!!! I hope the rumors are true!!!
    4 points
  7. Both Malawi and Kenya require you to show a negative Covid test before entering. She would have been tested before entering either of those countries, not just the test shown on her Instagram. Yes, they allow travel but they require a negative Covid test so it’s not as though there are no precautions.
    4 points
  8. I’m just praying that this biopic gets canned ?
    3 points
  9. Rory

    New Album Thread

    I think a new album is the perfect segue way to the biopic. If true, working with Pat Leonard could possibly bridge this perfectly. An autobiographical album and possibly a Like A Prayer act II, could set the stage to officially announce the biopic project, movie soundtrack/hits, possible books, and new recording contract deal, vinyl reissues, unreleased demos, etc etc all starting in February after her family holiday. Maybe a fabulous collab with Sufjan Stevens, Perfume Genius, Pet Shop Boys, Future Islands and/or Orville Peck ... ok to Weeknd too. A comeback reunion with Donna and Nikki on back vocals. A video featuring past dancers from early tours. Let me dream in lockdown peace ...
    3 points
  10. 2 points
  11. If they get funny call them " that fucker" Works for everyone ☺️
    2 points
  12. Ian

    Did Madonna Become Cheesy?

    Madonna is never overpriced, she's freaking MADONNA
    2 points
  13. we posted at the same time ?
    2 points
  14. You hit the nail right on the head. She refuses to acknowledge it, yet all her her people seem to know it. It shows whenever she is going on tour and we get those TV commercials that contain clips of all of her 80's and 90's hits. Then you go to the tour and while the setlist looks great on paper - once she starts singing some of those songs you feel like your being punked.
    2 points
  15. We all need to chill here and hope that Madonna and her team are sticking to the current rules in place for traveling. Suddenly we’ve become enraged online trolls trying to hold celebrities (including M) accountable for things most of us have no idea about. It’s easy to hate on the rich but, let’s ask ourselves, what do we get from doing that? Absolutely nothing. A moment of self-gratification, perhaps, nothing more. Believe me, NO ONE involved - nor Madonna, nor the respective migration authorities in Malawi or Kenya are reading your comments. She even met the President of Malawi ffs! If you’re so concerned about people not following the rules, please make sure you do that yourself first and foremost. If Madonna has indeed broken any rules, believe me, we’ll hear about it. For now, don’t perpetuate the gossip and BS tabloids and Madonna haters on Twitter relish in. Stop thinking social media is everything, and maybe give her (super uber rich entitled Madonna) the benefit of the doubt. She’s doing plenty of good in Africa, I don’t believe she’s gone there to spread covid to vulnerable people. It’s so easy to be so judgmental behind the screen... I can’t speak for any of you but I’d rather put my energy (frustration, anger!) into something more productive than calling Madonna out on a Madonna FAN forum, or Twitter. Isn’t that one of Madonna’s main lessons for us to begin with? “Do something meaningful with your own life first, that’s how you can pay tribute to me”? (I recall she said something like that to an audience back in 2003 when promoting American Life in London, maybe it was at the HMV store mini concert she gave — correct me if I’m wrong?) Anyway, hope everyone is good and safe. End of rant LOL
    2 points
  16. Andymad

    New Album Thread

    I keep thinking about that. And how much it would mean to them and their fans. The three of them together were magic. But if I’m being honest, I don’t think it would work with the Madonna today. I don’t think they’d get along. I feel like Nikki and Donna really stayed true to themselves over the years. And M being the ultimate chameleon is definitely not the same person she was in 2001, or even in ‘06 her last time with Donna. Can you imagine Nikki putting up with her lateness on a tour? LOL heads would roll, bitch.
    2 points
  17. He did 26 shows in Australia and grossed around $40 million Madonna did a mere 6 shows in Australia with her Rebel Heart Tour and grossed $14 million Hardly, 20 times more successful and Madonna's per concert grosses were much higher in Australia than Elton's
    2 points
  18. It's the same source that revealed that Madonna was working with Mirwais back in 2018
    2 points
  19. Someone said that "Get Together" did "damage" Ummm, what the fuck? LMAO bro... how can you even lol. The Hard Candy era hair, yes. But "Get Together?" Papi let it be known, and perhaps this is a chance for you to rediscover or re-eavaluate things, that "Get Together" has become and is one of Madonna's GREATEST SONGS. Ever. Perhaps one of the greatest dance pop songs ever created. One would be a total fool to disagree. Mmmmbye!
    2 points
  20. Scottyx

    New Album Thread

    I don't think any album is coming any time soon. Most I hear about are talks about the biopic
    2 points
  21. yall for gods sake calm downnnn rht took forever to be released, madame x was being edited and why would she spend money on editing and shooting it for nothing? re-invention is another case, it happened almost 12 years ago, so much has changed since then.... lets just wait a little bit more, im sure shes planing to do something with it
    2 points
  22. Yes... which is quite unfortunate, because I’ve seen indie pop stars hopping from tiny label to label making short films for their albums and outstanding and very artistic cover artworks, music videos and merchandise, yet somehow the billionaire Madonna has single artworks with photoshop skills or a 6 year old on MS Paint ?
    2 points
  23. Andymad

    Madame X Tour DVD

    You’re just realizing this now?
    2 points
  24. Roland Barthes

    Madonna: Rare

    https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ8gn9Ag1s1/ Madonna shot by Kenji Wakasugi 23rd January 1985, Tokyo. In the studio there was one flash unit, one pink sofa, nothing else. Kenji had 45 minutes with Madonna. Published for the first time ‘Adore’ features 318 previously unseen frames, 200 pages. Launching soon at NJG ❤️❤️
    2 points
  25. Just one page on this thread Was all it took to seal the future I can't believe I stayed away for a few hours and this happened! Sorry Fighter for not helping. Guys please when someone says something wrong (which means on a personal level, not a different opinion about M), report and absolutely DON'T REACT!! It makes things worse. Great, as this thread is closed now we can go back to the MXT dvd thread for another 6 months
    2 points
  26. Guys no comments about mothers and no threats about beating ppl up please we're grown ppl talking about pop music chill out... i wish ppl respected madonna a bit more but the least we can do is be patient with each other before getting into fights i cant use my computer right now so please do me a favor and ignore each other love and patience in 2021.. ??
    2 points
  27. If she had become cheesy she would be very popular. Look at elton John and cher and even gaga, that's what they do basically. The problem with Madonna is that she never does what people expect of her, it does not mean that what she does is good, it's just that she does not behave the way social media imposes to people how to behave. She triggers uneasiness in people. That's the contrary of cheesy.
    2 points
  28. Markdonna

    Madame X Tour DVD

    There is a very solid chance. Drowned World. Confessions. Sticky N Sweet MDNA Rebel Heart They all saw such releases. (The latter for even came with LIVE albums). So yes... I very much suspect Madame X will be offered up that way as well. Sadly, people today have little or no patience. Oh, and they ALL love to bitch.
    1 point
  29. steady75

    New Album Thread

    Donna Delory seems to be rereleasing Just A Dream. I follow her on Instagram. With the Angels With Dirty Faces demo being shared and Pats instrumental Madonna reworks project seemingly taken from public domain, I can still see a Like A Prayer special edition in the works.
    1 point
  30. Express Yourself Like a Virgin or Cherish?
    1 point
  31. Exactly. And I don’t get the relevance of the movie ending with I’m Still Standing? He had many hits after that song, that was just where the movie ended. Elton has a huge back catalogue of hits spanning 30 plus years very similar to Madonna. I think though the main point here is that regardless of how she compares to anyone else she could and should be a lot more popular and appreciated than she currently is. She is a legacy act too but she hasn’t embraced it properly which has been a hinderance to her status.
    1 point
  32. Masterpiece Runaway Lover or Body Shop?
    1 point
  33. Did you attend his concert? I did. It wasn’t old farts. I’m also 2 months shy of being 31. You’d be surprised how many people in their 20’s and 30’s listen to the likes of Elton, Queen, and Fleetwood Mac. Good music is timeless and isn’t associated to certain generations...
    1 point
  34. Lol. I think you are a minority here.
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. Humanfly

    Madame X Tour DVD

    We know they edited it because they watched it out in the backyard Halloween party . I’m sure it will be released. My assumption is they will release it on a pay per view online one time thing . Omg or what if it is a surprise compilation (remember the aldo Diaz pre thanksgiving art) so disc one is the compilation with the new Weeknd song and then disc 2 is the madame x concert film? Haha.
    1 point
  37. Oh Father Think of Me or Pretender?
    1 point
  38. EY! Oh Father or Dear Father?
    1 point
  39. Spotlight Gambler or Dress You Up?
    1 point
  40. Ray of Light Till Death Do Us Part or Spotlight?
    1 point
  41. Masterpiece Open Your Heart or Fever?
    1 point
  42. Crazy For You Masterpiece or Miles Away?
    1 point
  43. Who's That Girl I'll Remember or The Look of Love?
    1 point
  44. Honestly when I heard that dance demo of Rebel Heart it just gave me life. I thought "omgawd she's back this is going to be amazing". I don't think I've listened to the album version since release. I understand we weren't supposed to hear that version but my god... it's pure Madonna. I want her to revisit that dance version because it's so great!
    1 point
  45. Why do we assume she requires advisors? I don’t suppose anyone wasted their time wondering who was advising David Bowie or Prince.
    1 point
  46. She didn't become anything in particular. It seems you just stopped liking her - or liking her as much as you did before. And that's OK, we all change. I agree with you though there was a shift in 2013-2014 when she started looking at her past and referencing herself for the first time. The Super Bowl "happy faces", while she was playing safe, no doubt, have always been there since "Holiday"! Part of her "making people happy" performance face: Super Bowl was a huge celebration so she was playing that game.
    1 point
  47. Best Friend Let It Will Be or Like It or Not?
    1 point
  48. Causing a Commotion Dark Ballet or Act of Contricion?
    1 point
  49. Sky Fits Heaven Dark Ballet or Future?
    1 point
  50. This basic song should be removed for good from any future setlist. She needs to start paying attention to what her fan base actually likes. She has to give her other gems a chance at being performed live. Songs like NRM, bad girl etc
    1 point
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