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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/05/2023 in all areas

  1. Or he's just serving as a dog sitter. Someone needs to walk that dog or it'll shit and piss in the house
    12 points
  2. Imagine the tour starting in 10 days!!!
    11 points
  3. things got intense
    9 points
  4. WTF is going on (nothing, just drama LOL) This is me after the last 5 pages: Being a Madonna fan is not for the faint-hearted.
    8 points
  5. and if he is back - maybe she's ready for new photoshopped pics :P
    8 points
  6. They don't communicate because they don't know too, when and where. She's still recovering, they are not gonna announce a new date to cancel it soon after. BUT they should definitely say how many shows are surely canceled because people are flying in and have hotels booked.
    7 points
  7. At first glance I read this thread title as Madonna's Bacterial Infection Tour
    6 points
  8. I would like to know what sort of jockstrap he is wearing under there
    6 points
  9. Actually I was mocking at the types like yourself that think too high of themselves and their opinions. I pity you because you have to listen to your internal voice 24/7
    6 points
  10. I’m starting to think Madonna is bouncing back and strongly(which is so like her)? I love that a dancer mistaking said they were back at The Collesium. I love that Madonna was well enough to travel back to The Hamptons to keep recovering. I love that Rocco has been seen and smiling. The fact that Live Nation and Ticketmaster etc are still selling tickets today is a good sign too. Sure …we could still hear something soon on some show cancellations, but for now, I think no news is good news and may be a good sign of how well Madonna is progressing? Think positive and Keep 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 All !!! Go Madonna! You’ve got this and no matter how long it takes! 💃🕺🏼💃🕺🏼💃💃🕺🏼🕺🏼🪩🪩🪩🪩🪩🪩🪩🪩🪩
    5 points
  11. https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/madonna-is-a-work-in-progress-after-icu-stay-for-infection/?fbclid=PAAaYSp34iE4fOyE-d21Cn5QXgeMsJlsqBHezdKs85AtqRhBk9A17ghkLNisM “Although Madonna is looking forward to getting back to work as soon as possible, she’s also taking her recovery seriously and isn’t going to rush anything because she is focused on her health above all else,” a source exclusively tells Us Weekly. “It’s a work in progress but she’s feeling confident and better every day.”
    5 points
  12. Ha ha me 2 ;-) seems like a lot of us are.
    5 points
  13. because he knows YALL ARE CRAZY
    5 points
  14. 04/07 - 41,835,141 (-88,328) WW #61 (-1)
    5 points
  15. https://twitter.com/imperioMadonna_/status/1676643694093500417 hmmmm, so the dancer involved contacted Imperio Madonna and asked them to delete the post as he was wrong to share the photo. Previous tweets indicate he was worried about losing his job. Could rehearsals be starting again? surely asking a fansite to delete a post like that must mean it's true right?
    5 points
  16. I'm not even attending the tour and I'm anxious anyways. I'm an anxious person by myself and the thought of my date being so close and yet no info about a plausible postponement are announced just makes me stressed about a ticket, hotel and trip I've never booked in the first place 😂
    5 points
  17. WTF. Imagine she f****g starts the tour as originally planned. This woman. Let's see.
    5 points
  18. animalinstinct


    UK Mid-Week Wednesday Singles Chart: #12 (+06) #Popular (New Peak)
    5 points
  19. mouse

    Bacterial Infection Thread

    this thread is the first thing i watch in the morning when i wake up to see if there is any news. Please don't close it. This is the worst moment of her career. We have to show support and patience
    5 points
  20. scared of what? Didn't you see pictures of the kids coming and going with a smile in their face? Didn't you see both close friends confirming until yesterday that she is doing great and need some rest, that's all. Wasn't she discharged from the emergency unit last week? What do you guys are thinking is happening in that house? They are doing santeria with her embalmed body? She got ill she needs rest, they don't need to say anything to anyone. They don't owe you anything. Ticket Master and Live Nation needs to be sure people who purchased the tickets get refunds or new dates. It's part of the contractual relationship you get when you purchase a ticket. that's all. Nowhere says they need to let you know 15 days before there's a cancellation. Unfortunately this is one of the risk you get when you purchase a ticket to a concert, a show or a plane. Being a fan a means you value this persons work and support them during their career, It doenst make you become Madonna's nephew. She doesn't need to explain anything to you. She is going through something in her life, let her solve it. Let her rest. And @nito84bcnLove has to be unconditional. You can't say you love someone BUT..and demand the way it has to be. You love people for who they are and what they do. I think it was mentioned to you before but feels like you are not happy with this relationship anymore, maybe is time to move on. It's crazy how people make everything else about themselves.
    5 points
  21. Relax homegirl, I think they were just making a little joke to try and lighten the mood because it was getting tense
    5 points
  22. I just got my email from Ticketmaster saying my ticket to Vancouver is now available. WHAT IS GOING ON
    4 points
  23. The Scotiabank Arena website no longer lists the show as postponed. What in the world is going on? I've canceled my lodging and PTO for Vancouver...hope she isn't now going to kick off on the originally planned date.
    4 points
  24. Let´s go the first info we had: they say "a full recover is expected" That´s the main thing for me. She will tour. She just needs time. This is what I think. You will have a great surprise sooner than later. Truly!
    4 points
  25. Guys, please.
    4 points
  26. The way Guy Oseary is probably scrambling to reschedule everything and re-plan the whole year day by day including upcoming releases. He's probably thinking "omg I actually have to do work for a change?"
    4 points
  27. Askeroff


    Popular Billboard Hot 100 #75 (+5) Billboard Global 200: #48 (+14) Spotify charts July 4th: Global #39 (+1) 2,104,279 UK #12 (+2) 187,277 USA #104 (-23) 393,358 and finally 10 ml on radio The Weeknd - Popular (feat. Playboi Carti & Madonna) 10.11 (+0.22) also Popular is #5 on US Top Tracks on tiktok chart and more than 200k videos on platform
    4 points
  28. Madonna to Ricardo: “Are you walking my dog or is the dog walking you?”
    4 points
  29. You seem to be assuming the worst in every way possible. Everything we’ve seen from Pride onward indicates she has been working toward being back in top form. She spent a lot time recovering from injuries and a hip replacement. Despite her injuries there was nothing bad about her performance in the Madame x tour. She was doing handstands. In the case of the Maluma thing she was clearly not ready after her surgeries. Even at Pride she was not as fit as she usually is when she tours. I think things are not as bad you imagine them. She had an infection. She will recover and the tour will come together. That’s what I expect anyway. We’ve seen her rehearsing for months now looking fit and ready.
    4 points
  30. Even the pooch giving us good vibes that things are going well. Nothing more needs to be said.
    4 points
  31. This has already been posted xo it's like stabbing me repeatedly haha
    4 points
  32. Jackie

    Bacterial Infection Thread

    I understand where everyone is coming from and even I would love to know more info. We just need to be patient. I think the biggest issue is, we don't know what kind of infection it was - I am only assuming but being intubated could indicate severe pneumonia (where her lungs are full of fluid - and needed assistance to breath)- which while bad, is better then sepsis. Again, I am only surmising here - but I suspect she got a respiratory virus - continued to push through and it then turned into pneumonia - which, wasn't picked up by her initially (and sometimes you don't know you have it until it get's to a severe point)- continued to push through - and then deteriorated rapidly on that Saturday. She'll be very tired, weak and very depressed because of the delay to her tour - my heart breaks for her. I'm confident she'll pull through both, it's just going to take time. It's going to be as much of an emotional recovery as it is physical for her at this time. We just need to be patient, if I was in NY I'd had dropped flowers off outside her apartment - if anyone is in NY consider a small gesture to show we are all here for her. Love, light and happiness -
    4 points
  33. Gutten

    Bacterial Infection Thread

    The Rogers Arena website has removed Madonna from its upcoming events. You can still buy tickets on TM though.
    3 points
  34. I agree, LN or someone needs to advise - just saw this on Twitter - so Ticketmaster is indicating they've not received anything from LN to postpone/cancel. Obviously it's not happening - but you'd think LN would have notified or done something by now - unless it's all insurance related so can't change the status until the insurance part is resolved.
    3 points
  35. NRMX

    Bacterial Infection Thread

    From drownedMadonna.com Please keep in mind that the opening night on July 15 will NOT take place. Despite any rumors or misinformation you may have heard or what you like to believe, as well as an automated email that TicketMaster is set to send 10 days prior to the scheduled date, it is abundantly clear that the July 15th concert will NOT take place. We don't know how else to make it clear, especially since Guy Oseary has been very clear himself. There is no room for misinterpretation of his words: "A new tour start date will be communicated as soon as possible." We are aware that some fans are spreading false information that suggests the equipment and dancers have already arrived in Vancouver. This information is entirely untrue. Stop believing everything you hear and don't read the tabloids. We advise you to disregard unfounded reports and to rely solely on official communications and information as they become available. Patience is essential during this fluid situation. #madonna #celebrationtour
    3 points
  36. I want also the list of meds taken by some of her fans to live in denial!
    3 points
  37. screaming https://twitter.com/Milkdonna/status/1676688789505208320
    3 points
  38. Well, everyone seems to be a medical expert when it's convenient, aren't they? HA! Whatever the case, she's home and recovering. There is no doubt what's been reported in the media has been highly embellished. My belief sticks with what her manager, Guy posted which he stated, she had a serious infection, was in the ICU and expected to recover. Everything else is just hearsay.
    3 points
  39. Had to remove the Twitter Widget as Elon Musk is incompetent and is blocking Tweets from showing anywhere other than Twitter.
    3 points
  40. I don't want to get my hopes up, the dancer thing could be a misunderdstanding and the tickets notice could be an automatic system trigger because the show is 10 days away and they have no news. We should stay calm in case we get disappointed.
    3 points
  41. My bet at the moment: She starts in Detroit, August 5. Full circle and full drama: she comes back from the dead where she was born. First two weeks postponed.
    3 points
  42. Imagine if she doesn't show up again until the opening night on stage 💀
    3 points
  43. Spotify streams are cool and all, but there's so much negativity on twitter, which is a dumpster fire on any given day. If anyone has a twitter account, log into your account and post Madonna videos. Show her some love, maybe it'll throw off twitter's algorithm. If you were excited about the tour, stay excited. I think we would all feel better about the situation in retrospect. Of course we are all concerned about her health, we love her. Hold on to the fact that Guy stated "A full recovery is expected." There are likely a ton of legal nuances, insurance clauses, business, business, business stuff....given all of the performance agreements in place for her tour. We don't know what her doctor's orders are for "full recovery," nor is it our right to know. Thank God she is feeling better and she is expected to fully recover. Debi and Rosie shared a little bit more, thankfully, and we know how close they both are to Madonna personally. That's what we do know. Many smart and fully competent people are employed by Madonna, Guy included. For the record, I am not. However, I have to hope that he is doing what's best for her personally and professionally, and as always, she is the one in command of everything. He may be responsible for things but ultimately she is accountable. Do you honestly think she's maintaining radio silence to be cruel? I don't. This is crisis management, and I gather this is the roll-out of their plan to ensure the best outcome. Last night was tough, my mind started to go into the darker places about all of this. But she has shown us time and time again that she is a fighter. I'd like to think that she wants to proceed ASAP but is having it out with her management, etc. and really can't post anything until she is 100% certain of what's expected for her recovery and performance dates, or won't come back to bite her in the a** later, but again...we just don't know. Holding tight, J
    3 points
  44. Enrico

    Bacterial Infection Thread

    Believe me, I thought about it many times! So many wrong posts or messages that can easily be misunderstood. I too sometimes refrain from writing, I keep@RUADJAI "think twice" advice in mind. I still believe we need a place where to express our feeling in such a difficult moment.
    3 points
  45. Enough with the belittling of other people's feelings. People have a right to feel worried about her health given that we still have no idea what's going on and what state she's in, and at the same time have the right to feel upset they might lose a lot of money.
    3 points
  46. Have a respect for fans that are starting to have anxiety.
    3 points
  47. Actually i've seen several pics of him looking happy and smilling from this week. Just a couple examples (on the left one he was coming back from the gym and going back to M's appartment)
    3 points
  48. Yes! I’ve very crítical of M’s work of lately, but now its time to be there supporting, waiting a bit and Being positive: everything Will be amazingly well. You Will have your concerts at some point and she will be shining as always!😉
    3 points
  49. 3 points
  50. Some of you are really fuckin exhausting to be around.
    3 points
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