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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/13/2021 in Posts

  1. She doesn't need a comeback. She never went away
    6 points
  2. Beat Goes On should have been the second single. Nothing Fails should have been the second single from AL. GGW should have been the first single from MDNA (like it was originally planned). Fucking hate her bad single choices.
    5 points
  3. Ok let’s all take bets on what the first album to be reissued will be! My Guess is: Like A Prayer
    4 points
  4. It's good. It's not THAT good. Commenting on collabs... You have to admit, M doesn't have a great track record with collabs. They're usually not amazing. And the one thing that separates most of these other artists is that they have a "sound" that they usually bring to the collab. Whereas Madonna being the chameleon she's always been... doesn't have that instantly recognizable sound she brings to the table. (What is a Madonna sound?) Her voice changes, her genres change. (Champagne Rose she's a Chinese Robot.) I think she's missing a big opportunity to not make a Ray of Light part 2. NOT EXACTLY THE SAME before everyone attacks the idea. But... go watch the Nothing Really Matters video. The visuals, the elements of the song. It's essentially emotional electro house music with pianos playing psychotic chromatic notes in a breakdown. It didn't sound like anything before, and it still doesn't sound like anything now. The vocal harmonies. The background singers. BRING BACK NIKI AND DONNA. a bridge that doesn't seem tacked on as an after thought/or a chore but actually completes the song. Songs that have a personal meaning for her, but are universally understood. I think Crazy is a "catchy" song, but I feel absolutely NOTHING when I listen to it. I don't feel the pain she's singing about. The metaphors are so random that you almost have to study the lyrics to understand what they're going for. It's so try hard and all I can do is wish I was listening to Crazy by Gnarls Barkley. Ok Im just rambling. She also needs to properly mix her music.
    4 points
  5. The Immaculate Collection has literally re-enter the UK charts more than 10 times this year already i- It even re-entered the Ireland charts for 2-3 weeks
    4 points
  6. I don’t like that song as the follow-up to “4 Minutes”. The instrumental sounds like it came from an early 2000s video game, and is thus too cheap-sounding (not “cheesy” cheap, but cheap cheap) for chart material. I can understand why Madonna never had a major worldwide hit after that, and don’t blame it on her switching labels for MDNA.
    3 points
  7. She talked about it at varius press conferences too at the beginning of 1998 so, it was officilay announced by her.
    3 points
  8. I've attempted to decor my living room in the same way actually, albeit with a much lower budget lol. We have the same taste <3
    3 points
  9. I think Beat Goes On would've been an amazing 2nd single. It was catchy and it featured Kanye
    3 points
  10. Madame X is one of those albums that fans either seem to really like or really hate. Personally, I was getting incredibly tired of the same old dance stuff and was glad that she released something more experimental. Madame X is not a singles album, it is meant to be listened to as a whole, even though Crave is criminally underrated in my opinion.
    3 points
  11. I love Madonna. I'll always love Madonna. She is always gonna be MY pop music goddess. She changed my life. She saved my life. She is one of a kind. I loved her when she was younger, I'll love her as she gets older. There will never be another person like her. Enjoy her. And if your talking about her; discussing her; analyzing her; objectifying her; anticipating her -- as she always said "Bitch your a fan"...and doing it all on a Madonna FAN forum too ? ?
    3 points
  12. I think charts are irrelevant. I think awards shows are irrelevant.
    3 points
  13. If Madonna's team could wise up and start acting like the Prince estate in terms of reissues that would be a literal dream. I literally about had an orgasm when that magnificent box set of 1999 showed up at my door, not getting my hopes up though because this is Madonna we are talking about??
    2 points
  14. Yes that is right. And he has had long periods where he has been washed up and noone has given a flying fuck about him. He is just in a really good place now because he did the movie, a greatest hits tour and some great collabs. Madonna will have her time to be appreciated in the same fashion.
    2 points
  15. Hated it too back then and still dislike the production a lot. Beat Goes On would have been a much better follow up single.
    2 points
  16. I'm still waiting for the pro shot stonewall performance from new years eve a few years ago ?
    2 points
  17. Like A Prayer is a great first choice. It’s a very iconic album in dying need of a proper remaster and boxset release. Also a while back an anniversary release was about to be announced and then it vanished and never happened. Maybe that anniversary issue for everyone excited for this entire project and they pulled it off to plan the whole project.
    2 points
  18. No complaints if its LAP so we can finally get the steve bray/pat leonard demos and some form of official dvd of blond ambition tour(with PCM /lossless audio) i just thought seeing as she has such a vast back catalogue it would have made sense to start it in chronological order but we could still be wrong - the wait is killing me though until we get that first tracklist :)))
    2 points
  19. And what's the random comparison with Elt*n? He collabs with big artists and got his biopic already, ofc the boost is big.
    2 points
  20. Sooooo... I was scrolling through YouTube on my Apple TV and I noticed they've updated their artist pages to look like a music service under albums and single. They even changed the static image while a song plays to appear to include a song progression bar. Curious, I go to look at Madonna's page. It's clear they are in the process of switching everything over to this new look. They've gone backwards from Frozen SICKDICK to Bedtime Stories. Erotica and earlier still look like the old video playlists. But Like a Prayer is nowhere to be found. It's not on the page anywhere. So I've concluded that Like a Prayer will be the first Reissue. Delusional, Speculation, Come togetha...
    2 points
  21. Bermu

    2022: Madonna's Comeback?

    Weird or not, I'm just saying my opinion, as valid as yours. I don't find Madame X era thrilling at all, as a M fan. And I dislike all these random social media photshoped pics at all. I like Madame X album, but I don't love it as I love Rebel Heart, MDNA, Confessions, Ray of Light, Like a Prayer or any other. I can't find Madonna, the diva, on it. And I enjoyed watching Madame X Tour online, but my heart was not beating fastly, I didn't feel in real love as with other tours. My opinion, man. Like it or not. Do you understand? My English is not native, not perfect, but my opinion is not weird. You're sounding weird judging my opinion. And I'm not over her, my God... what a drama!!!
    2 points
  22. Not charting I Don't Search I Find, I Rise, Ghosttown, Living For Love, Medellin, etc. and never chart again >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.... (a universe in between)...>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a christmas duet with Ed Sheeran
    2 points
  23. Beyoncé has just turned 40 this year. Let's talk about her in 2041. I don't know, but no one asks U2, or Elton or Bruce or the Rolling Stones why they still keep doing what they do and that's a fact, not Madonna fans complaining, I think. But maybe I'm wrong.
    2 points
  24. It's AL era that killed her US singles releases. The rest of the world were not bothered by AL and she continued to enjoy single/album success until she left WB.
    2 points
  25. She’s practicing for a television performance of Future Tour Version
    2 points
  26. What really needs to change is that her fans need to step into the present and stop saying "she needs to do this Madge you're above this don't do that" etc because all that catches on and creates a "SEE NOT EVEN HER FANS LIKE HER ANYMORE" environment. It also amuses me how alot crap on the Frozen remix when clearly it was going viral. People complained about insta being too ugly so she finally serves us looks yet people complain there's filters as if shes the first and only person to ever use filters. She really is damned if she does damned if she doesnt. The only difference is that fans try to overcompensate and try to be "anti-stan" and do nothing but bitch.
    2 points
  27. I think that we need to ask ourselves if charts are even important anymore. I would rather Madonna make great music that the fans will enjoy than stoop to Elton John's level of terrible collaborations. It would be nice if Madonna made a comeback in terms of the charts but for me it is not very important. I do think that her being back with Warner is a very good sign though, I was really impressed with their promotion of Madame X Concert Film. Rebel Heart and MDNA were shamefully promoted by Interscope because it was largely a touring contract she signed.
    2 points
  28. And can everyone stop personally attacking people or else I'm gonna go on a warning spree.
    2 points
  29. She doesn’t help herself unfortunately, instagram has taken away the mystery that was Madonna.
    2 points
  30. Why would it destroy future chances? She just needed to release better singles that would resonate with the public. She had shitty singles prior to that one.
    2 points
  31. Madonna has always been sexual. Part of her "mission" to normalise women expressing their sexuality just like men do and reclaiming their bodies as opposed to being objectified by men. It's about empowerment. This is probably her biggest legacy. Madonna doesn't care about her "reputation", because people shaming her for sex is exactly what she wants to fight for. If no one criticised her for it, she would be fighting a pointless fight or preaching to the converted. She WANTS the confrontation. She wants to make people think.
    2 points
  32. This Version was always nice
    1 point
  33. I think it would be wise to let go of any chart dreams for Madonna. Whilst her fight against ageism is noble and right, what 12-30 year old really has any interest in that? When you are in the throws of youth do you really care that a 64 yr old pop star who's had everything has an issue with being overlooked for younger more relevant artists? I'm not saying it's right or wrong I'm just saying that's the way it is. She comes across as either wildly immature on socials or has an axe to grind about something. There's very little in between a lot of the time. Yes there's been some highly edited serves picture wise but aside from being a fascinating insight to the latter days of the worlds biggest star, she's sadly nothing more than a curio for the majority of the record buying / streaming public. They just....don't have an opinion on her cause she really holds no relevance to them. Her last sizeable solo hit in truth was Hung Up when todays 30 year old would have been what? 12/ 13 just as that generation would have been becoming financially valid in terms of music buying / engagement then she's largely faded into the background or seen as the older woman who came for Gaga. As for 30-40 they're in the work years busy living their lives and having kids (outside of the gays)..and when you're grinding hard to make ends meet in some of the toughest economic times in recent history (the last 15 years have been economically disastrous), one of the richest women in the world bemoaning on her socials or flaunting her extreme wealth, doesn't go down too well. 40+ers will generally remember her nostalgically but wonder "what the hell has she done to herself". I can't tell you how many people who I know who have loved her and who are sane reasonable people with a libertarian view, say this. They will want a slice of nostalgia but wouldn't be able to hum a bar of anything past 2005 and will likely only remember the last 15 years of her career for The Brits fall, Eurovision, Her ever morphing body and the Gaga comments. Most 60+ ers will see a peer to whom they can no longer relate. I'm just not sure who Madonna thinks her audience is anymore. There will always be pockets of girls and gays who shout "go on girl" " good for you" "live your best life" "yass queen" and a bunch of people who respect her choices and the voice she has given gay people, the AIDS crisis and female empowerment...but let's be honest. Madonna has started playing to the hardcore fans who buy multiple tickets in the front rows of many of her concerts...and that..isn't the general public. Whilst I have no judgement on that crowd at all..free world, you do you etc...that type of engagement will never transpose in to hitting the wider GP's pockets and hearts. Her socials are nothing short of damaging to her career at this point and while I personally love and adore her and will ALWAYS support and follow her til the end, I am under no illusions. The general view of her is far far far from my own. More often she is simply passed on as uninteresting and "not for me" or "ugh she's at it again" While she is on the right side of history for many many many reasons her commercial viability is......sort of lost in the wilderness a little. Bands like The Bee Gees / ABBA / Queen / Elton / Cher / Fleetwood Mac, some of whom who are still commercially active, have a great like-ability factor and the focus is largely on their past endeavours. I think the biopic really is her last chance to turn a tidal wave of public opinion around and in truth that's the only way to commercial success. Were in an era of like-ability more than ever....and if you don't LIKE or LOVE or FOLLOW someone..you simply don't appear in the world (socials) therefore you don't exist. The world has changed and I think most of the next chapters are just for us until her reappraisal happens and the bowler hat hits the stage floor for the last time.
    1 point
  34. Oh Father Take a Bow (she has already done it that way) I Want You The Power of Good-Bye
    1 point
  35. I Want You The Power of Goodbye Live To Tell
    1 point
  36. Uh BIM actually charted and did better than the other singles off RH lol and that's because BIM was NEVER sent to radio in the US (correct me if im wrong)
    1 point
  37. Many record companies actually pay for play. Cash actually is exchanged for air time. That is one of the reasons that the same cluster of songs is played over and over.
    1 point
  38. lmao not Pharrell (producer of G2M) use almost the identical sound 5 years later and got a monster WW smash successful singles of 50+ age artist ? the most oldest female artist that tops US POP Airplay (SINCE 1992) was Sia 40 yo and M Brooks with "BItch" 39 yo 3rd place belongs to M "Take A Bow" 36 yo
    1 point
  39. Exactly! Actually it's one of her biggest hit here in Italy, it still gets played A LOT still today, after 13 years!
    1 point
  40. Give it 2 me was played A LOT in Italy. You couldn't go 10 minutes without hearing on the radio or seeing it on MTV. You didn't hear later singles on the radio because they stopped playing anything she did after she turned 50.
    1 point
  41. Because you don't like something does not mean it's bad and the reason why following releases did not perform well (though GMAYL did). GI2M is a great track and that synth line is pure pop nostalgia. Sorry you don't like it but don't rewrite history based on your impression.
    1 point
  42. No. I don't buy that one song alone can 'destroy' any future potential success. That's more so a reflection of certain fans' own biases at play regarding their own feelings about the work in question. At the time, it was most likely her situation with Warner, amongst several other things (in and out of her control). GI2M is a fantastic song, and I find it quintessentially Madonna. It deserved a better video and promotion, certainly. If Blurred Lines, which basically rips on the same sample, by the same producer, can be such a massive hit, I don't see why GI2M couldn't have had some of the same if given the proper chance.
    1 point
  43. Frozen Promise to try Crazy for you
    1 point
  44. The worst decision: Guy Oseary as her manager Also: Left Warner Instagram mess bad movie choices killing her actress status: Shanghai Surprise, WTG, Body of Evidence, The Next Best Thing and her last breath as an actress, Swept Away Not release Into the Groove, Beautiful Stranger and American Pie in the USA
    1 point
  45. Mp1992

    Madonna vs Rihanna

    Again the point that I made that you're refuting is that NO ONE will touch Madonna 's actual ALBUM sales record of over 200 million sold. DIGITAL 99 cent single sales are NOT THE SAME as selling albums for $15-$20 the world over. Rihanna's ALBUM sales have always been bad especially when you consider how "big" she supposedly is Yes Rihanna may topple Madonna when it comes to total units sold (digital SINGLES 90% of her total sales) but no one especially Rihanna who hasn't even sold 50 million albums since her debut in 2015 will come for Madonna 's total worldwide ALBUM sales.
    1 point
  46. Mp1992

    Madonna vs Rihanna

    Are you serious? I'm talking about ALBUM sales, Rihanna hasn't even sold 50 million in ALBUM sales. Almost all her sales are DIGITAL SINGLES. Madonna has over 200 million PURE albums sales worldwide followed by Celine and Mariah
    1 point
  47. baymad4her

    Madonna vs Rihanna

    Rihanna can't seem to have a hit single on her own anymore, she's always doing collaborations now, I can't remember the last time she had a hit on her own, Madonna ain't had a hit single in the UK since 2009 with Celebration single that reached number 3
    1 point
  48. Maddyone

    Madonna vs Rihanna

    Her best album was Loud and since everything is nothing but singles sales...She more known for getting her beat up by Chris Brown then anything...
    1 point
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