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  1. From m_scrapbook on Twitter:
    8 points
  2. People should be mindful that it can have bad mental health effects though, that's something no one ever says.
    8 points
  3. I’m pretty sure at 63 she’s making her own decisions lol
    6 points
  4. Marilyn at 36 - Madonna at 63
    5 points
  5. It's actually a literal recreation of Bert Stern's "The Last Sitting" with Marilyn. Her Last Photo shoot before death.
    5 points
  6. We’re talking about pot here not hard drugs. Also pot is medicinal and is being used for a lot of afflictions. And she recently had a serious injury. Also everyone’s body reacts differently. And for many people smoking pot is helpful. Personally I don’t like it. But if she does and it makes her happy I think it’s all that matters.
    5 points
  7. She’s giving me the vibes of “bitch no actress is playing me for my biopic I’ll do it all myself”
    5 points

    Madame X Tour DVD

    Welcome to Page 250 of the Madame X Tour DVD Thread!! And they said we wouldn't last...
    5 points
  9. Had a wedding in Traverse City this past weekend and made sure to make the visit...it was a beautiful place! Wine was pretty good. Saw multiple siblings of Madonna's setting up for a wedding, as well as her father who asked the tasting room woman if he could go ahead and pour himself a glass of chardonnay LOL. Got myself two souvenir glasses. Was a pretty cool experience. Wondering if anyone else here has had the opportunity to visit yet...if not, it's a must see if you end up in Northern Michigan.
    4 points
    4 points
  11. the best thing about it is that we already know when it's coming
    4 points
  12. Maybe it's just a coincidence.. but some pics that she posted on IG looks like the bedroom where Marilyn was found dead.. It's quite disturbing actually.. ?
    4 points
  13. Honestly I can't think of anything I'd either expect or want from her to do! Now that she seems to be back at exploring new sounds and felling truly inspired and feeling her new record like she was for MX, I'll take anything! Surprise me bitch!
    4 points
  14. deathproof

    Madame X Tour DVD

    Who cares what we call it. We all know what this thread is for at the end of the day
    4 points
  15. V Magazine 2021 November Photoshoot
    3 points
    3 points
  17. The bad girl single cover was a shot from the 1991 Truth Or Dare photo sessions by Steven Meisel. So is the famous bejeweled body stocking shots to promote used for Erotica WAY after the shoots for the Sex book that were actually used in the Erotica cover art. since this is being shot by Steven Klein, which was already done by him for the Iconic intro for RHT, using the same Bob Mackie dress from that ‘91 VF cover and Academy Awards performance, it definitely looks referential, but knowing SK’s insistence on including violent and deconstructed imagery, it could be an interesting photo story, disturbing or not. once the MXT is released on paramount+/MTV, she could be promoting the biopic and WMG deal to generate interest in the reissues and discuss the movie release. it would be way more interesting if she was shot again by Steven Meisel. But that’s just my opinion.
    3 points
  18. V Magazine for November edition
    3 points
  19. I think a hybrid of Mongolian throat singing, death metal, and swing/lounge music would be a nice change of pace.
    3 points
  20. How dare you call the new MDNA Beauty Roller nothing? ?
    3 points
  21. And so can most things she’s done in her career. Including being famous for 40 years. Honestly I’m feeling more comfortable with her smoking pot than abusing pain medication for her injury or Xanax for anxiety or sleeping pills for her known insomnia disorder. Up till now she obviously made the right decisions for her mental and physical health so maybe we should give her some credit and benefit of the doubt.
    3 points
  22. Thank you for not glamourizing & sugar coating pot use.
    3 points
  23. WEED IS SO COMMON and almost unofficially officially legal here in the United States, especially here in California and a lot of liberal states! Just less than a decade ago, it was unimaginable for marijuana to be this accepted! Weed is a part of the daily life of us Americans now and I support it for its many therapeutic benefits though I don't know how to roll a blunt nor even inhale it lmao. I only get high when people around me are smoking lmao
    3 points
  24. Yeah but repeating the lyrics a few times the night before wouldn't hurt her big fat ass lolololol If I could study more chapters before exams at the very last minute, bitch can surely repeat the chorus of one of her 12 USA #1 hits
    3 points
  25. My problem is I don't have the stamina to take drugs. I feel terrible afterwards. I'm destroyed for days and days. I can't do anything and I don't want that inconvenience in my life. So I don't feel it's worth the price you have to pay. That's me. "Even when I was younger and in my 20s, trying this and that ... I mean, I never really did that many drugs. I'm too big of a p***y. Also, I'm a dancer and I don't want to destroy my body. I want to feel physically good. She then added: "I mean, I tried everything once, but as soon as I was high, I spent my time drinking tons of water to get it out of my system. As soon as I was high, I was obsessed with flushing it out of me. I was like, Okay, I’m done now." Extract from a 2015 interview, hence why I’m saying it is his influence
    3 points
  26. Imagine if we don't get news about these projects for months and all of sudden M15 drops and all those visuals end up being album cover + offical photoshoot and music videos! A gay can dream
    3 points
  27. This is very intriguing! Especially all the hand written cues ‘kiss me’ ‘bite pearls’ ‘both arms up & sing’. She’s definitely up to something! She looks great. It’s giving me a mixture of Oscars, Justify My Love, Truth or Dare vibes. Also what are those she’s smoking all the time now? Pretty much every new photo we get now she’s smoking the same thing…
    3 points
    3 points
  29. Ziploc

    Madame X Tour DVD

    I would actually love a Madame X version of this ❤️
    3 points
  30. Madonna hasn't done anything I've enjoyed in years tbh. If I hadn't been a fan when I was younger I wouldn't care on any level now. She just reminds me of Baby Jane now.
    3 points
  31. As we are nearing the end of the Madame X era with the upcoming release of the Madame X tour next month. What do you want to see from M on the her 15th studio album? Let’s make this a fun topic and look forward to a new era #Soon
    2 points
  32. I think the whole point is to have you put it as your profile pic so it becomes free advertising for her.
    2 points
  33. The Bad Girl Single cover (nude in bed) and the jewel body suit that was used for SEX promo was actually shot in November 1990 in Paris by Meisel and featured in Vogue Italia February 1991.
    2 points
  34. proxy

    Madonna for V Magazine 11.1.2021

    Madonna for V Magazine 11.1.2021
    2 points
  35. Why would you think that? She teased the 2014 l'uomo vogue shoot on Instagram, the 2015 cosmopolitan shoot, 2019 UK Vogue, NYT cover shoot, she always does it
    2 points
  36. Imagine if it's MDNA Skin revamped I like the last shoots but I'd rather see her in a recording studio.
    2 points
  37. These photos made me feel so uncorfortable because basically she recreated the last photoshoots Marilyn did between 1961-1962, before her death. There are referencies to The Last Sitting, by Bert Stern, shot 6 weeks before Marilyn died (the notes she posted and the glitter on her body suggest it) and other ones to The Misfits, the last completed movie for Marilyn, shot in 1961: in particular she recreated a nude studio photo where Marilyn turns her back to the camera, taken by Eve Arnold. Then, as someone posted before, the set is sinisterly similar to the room where ms Monroe was found dead. Dulcis in fundo, she brought Louise Oriole back to life: I don't know if it's merely a coincidence. Seeing these photos, I can't help thinking of an article published by Vanity Fair in 1991, where Madonna was compared to Marilyn, with a majestic photoshoot by Steven Meisel. The title was...The Misfit: https://archive.vanityfair.com/article/share/bd86a835-b84c-47a7-bbec-60b9af6ea282.
    2 points
  38. Am I the only one who finds this photoshoot (or whatever) a little bit disturbing??? What is the meaning behind?? Recreating Monroe last moments?? ?
    2 points
  39. Perfect, now I'm hyped for an album that might not even exist yet Seriously tho, whatever these are M15 related or not, I feel like 2022 has a new album in store for us already... I just feel like it might be coming soon without us expecting anything at all ??
    2 points
  40. I know why she won’t perform it. She could barely remember the words to Material Girl on the RIT . TUTBMP is a thousand minutes long she wouldn’t remember the 6th verse bahahaha. But I love it so
    2 points
  41. I don't know what the hell is she doing but she looks amazing af and I hope this time we'll get something exciting, not like when she teased that amazing look and shoot with Klein and it all ended up being a MDNA Skin commercial
    2 points
  42. loooks very very blond ambition
    2 points
  43. OH honey the filters would be going into overdrive to make 1990 Madonna look the same as 2021 Madonna.
    2 points
  44. o_g_c_x

    Madame X Tour DVD

    Madame X the CD-ROM
    2 points
  45. ... please please please rename this ridiculous topic ... "DVD" ... it's 2021 dudes ... nobody buys DVD anymore ... people are asking for 4K ... ;-) Madame X Tour Documentary sounds more contemporary. Embrace the futur. Not everyone is coming to the future Not everyone is learning from the past Not everyone can come into the future
    2 points
  46. I went out with my friend to a club (straight club lol) and they played MUSIC!! I was lit af
    2 points
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